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Created August 31, 2016 20:46
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Getting InvokeMethodOnNull when the object exists
$texPasswordFile = "C:\users\$env:username\website.txt"
$tsPasswordFile = "C:\users\$env:username\website2.txt"
$texLoginFields = @("txtUser", "txtPassword", "Login", "username")
$tsLoginFields = @("test", "test")
$telestaff = ""
$texcom = ""
# Function to return a password from an encrypted file, or store it if file not found
Function get-password($credentialsfile)
#Check to see if the file exists
if (-not (Test-Path $credentialsfile))
#If not, then prompt user for the credential
$creds = Get-Credential
#Get the password part
$encpassword = $creds.password
# Convert it from secure string and save it to the specified file
$encpassword |ConvertFrom-SecureString |Set-Content $credentialsfile
Remove-Item $creds
#If the file exists, get the content and convert it back to secure string
$encpassword = get-content $credentialsfile | convertto-securestring
# Use the Marshal classes to create a pointer to the secure string in memory
$ptr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode($encpassword)
# Change the value at the pointer back to unicode (i.e. plaintext)
$pass = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($ptr)
# Clear the pointer and the secure string
remove-variable encpassword,ptr
# Return the decrypted password
return $pass
#Function to launch IE and login to a site: returns the IE object so it can be interacted with later
Function Start-IE($startSite)
$ie = New-Object -com InternetExplorer.Application
$ie.Visible = $true
#wait for page to load
while ($ie.Busy)
start-sleep -s 1
login-website $startSite $ie
Return $ie
#Function to log in to site (use "show source" to locate element IDs and customize for each site)
#If additional sites are desired will likely need to add separate cases for each site
#credit to
Function login-website($loginSite, $ieobj)
switch ($loginSite)
$user = $ieobj.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementByID($texLoginFields[0])
$user.value = $texLoginFields[3]
$pwd = $ieobj.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementByID($texLoginFields[1])
$pwd.value = (get-password $texPasswordFile)
$login = $ieobj.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementByID($texLoginFields[2])
$fields = $ieobj.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName("INPUT")
$fields[2].value = $tsLoginFields[0]
$fields[3].value = (get-password $tsPasswordFile)
$fields[4].value = $tsLoginFields[1]
#write-host $fields
Write-Debug("no supported website submitted to function")
#Function to test for login page and redo login if necessary
#note: if not on login page, the active page will be reloaded to hopefully maintain session activity
function test-logonPage($ieObjToTest)
switch ($ieObjToTest.LocationURL)
login-website $texcom, $ieObjToTest
login-website $telestaff, $ieObjToTest
#Launch websites
$ieTex = Start-IE $texcom
$ieTS = Start-IE $telestaff
#reload page after 1 minute
Start-Sleep -s 60
test-logonPage $ieTex
test-logonPage $ieTS
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