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Created November 9, 2011 14:11
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# npm install mongoose
# npm install zip
Http = require('http')
Zip = require("zip")
Mongoose = require("mongoose")
Location = Mongoose.model('Location',
new Mongoose.Schema
zip: String
address: String
point: { type: [Number], index: '2d'}
fetch_csv = (callback) ->
Http.get {host: "", port: 80, path: "/zipcode/dl/roman/"}, (response) ->
buf = ''
response.on "data", (chunk) ->
buf += chunk
response.on "end", ->
reader = new Zip.Reader(new Buffer(buf, "binary"))
reader.forEach (entry) ->
fetch_csv (csv) ->
lines = csv.split(/\n/)
max_length = lines.length - 1
lines.forEach (line, index, collection) ->
if line.length < 1
max_length -= 1
[jiscode, zip, street, city, pref] = line.split(/\"?,\"?/)[0..4]
location = new Location(zip: zip, address: [street, city, pref].join(' ')) (error)->
location = null
process.exit() if index >= max_length
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