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Стих на английском 1 класс

Стих на английском 1 класс

Стих на английском 1 класс

Стишки на английском языке для детей с переводом и произношением
Стихи на английском 1 класс
Стихи по английскому языку для 1 класса

Good morning to you, Good morning to you, Good morning, dear teacher, Good morning to you. Good night mother, Good night father, Kiss your little son. Good night sister, Good night brother, Good night everyone. Good - bye, Good - bye, Good - bye My doll. Good - bye, Good - bye, Good - bye You all. A B CDE This is my family. G HIJ I love them every day. K L MNO Mother, father, baby, oh P Q RST Brother, sister, you can see U V W X Y Z All the people in my family. Pick up, put down, stand up, turn round Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down. Look left, look right, look up, look down. Point to your teacher, point to the door, Look at the window, look at the floor, Stand on your left leg, stand on your right. Put your hands and touch your toes. Cross your fingers, hold your nose. Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes, knees and toes; Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Eyes, ears, mouth and nose. I like comics, I like hats. I like biscuits, trees and cats. I like to skip, I like to jump, I like to run about, I like to play, I like to sing, I like to laugh and shout. Here is the kitchen Where Mother cooks for me. Here is the living room Where I watch TV. Here is the dining room. We eat here every day. And this room is my room Where I sleep and play. I can see balls and bats and cars. I can see boats and planes. I can see carts, skipping ropes, dolls. I can see ships and trains. I can see games and tops and lorries. I can see bear and bikes. I can see swings and slides and skates. I can see drums and kites. What are little boys made of? What are little girls made of? Can you tell me, Can you tell me, What little boys do? They run and jump. They run and jump, So I will jump too. Can you tell me, Can you tell me, What little girls do? They dance and skip, They dance and skip, So I will skip too. Can you tell me, Can you tell me, What little soldiers do? They fight and march, They fight and march, So I will march too. Can you tell me, Can you tell me, What little people do? They play and work, They play and work, So I will work too. Can you tell me, Can you tell me, What little babies do? They eat and sleep, They eat and sleep, So I will sleep too. Everything to both of us is so new. May the road rise up to meet you; May the wind be always at your back; May the rains fall soft upon your fields; And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand. Good night Good night mother, Good night father, Kiss your little son. Good - bye Good - bye, Good - bye, Good - bye My doll. My Class 1, 2, 3. I like school and school likes me! My face Eyes and ears. Colours Red, yellow, pink and white. My family A B CDE This is my family. Do it Pick up, put down, stand up, turn round Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down. I like I like comics, I like hats. I like To Skip I like to skip, I like to jump, I like to run about, I like to play, I like to sing, I like to laugh and shout. The Toy Shop I can see balls and bats and cars. Of all the toys I can see, I want one for me! What Are Little Boys Made of? What Are Little Girls Made of? Can You Tell Me Can you tell me, Can you tell me, What little boys do? Daddy will be here Everything to both of us is so new. An Irish Blessing May the road rise up to meet you; May the wind be always at your back; May the rains fall soft upon your fields; And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand. Rain, rain go away Rain, rain go away, Come again another day.

Стихи для детей на английском

Стихи взяты из разных учебных пособий по английскому языку. Полный текст материала Стихи на английском для начальной школы смотрите в скачиваемом файле. На странице приведен фрагмент. Молодостью этот возраст уже не назовешь, но это… неужели старость? Думать об этом невыносимо. Компания iSpring выпустила обновление собственной библиотеки контента. Разработчик добавил новые тематические локации и персонажи, которые помогут моделировать еще больше учебных ситуаций в курсах и диалоговых тренажерах. Сегодня модно быть внешне успешными людьми. Поясню, что я понимаю под внешним успехом. Существуют внешние критерии оценки жизни людей, за которые принято либо хвалить, либо принято ругать. Подписываясь на рассылку, Пользователь выражает Согласие на обработку персональных данных и с Политикой конфиденциальности. Как отличить визуалов и как с ними работать? Войти через uID Старая форма входа. Все статьи Мероприятия Конкурсы Шаблоны презентаций Вебинары Классруку Организация труда Оборудование Интервью Кейсы Рассылка. Смотрите другие материалы в разделе: Бесплатные свидетельства о публикации. Библиотекарю Биология Видеоуроки География Завучу Дополнительное образование Дошкольное образование ЕГЭ Иностранные языки Информатика Искусство: ИЗО, МХК, музыка История Классному руководителю Коррекционные классы и школы Математика Начальные классы ОБЖ ОРК Презентации Программы Софт Психологу Родной язык Руководителю ШМО Русский язык и литература Технология Физика Физическая культура Химия Экономика Разное. That is your mother I agree she is fine You love your mother And I love mine. Help your mother set the table With a knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother set the table Every afternoon. Help your mother clean the table, Take the knife and fork and spoon; Help your mother clean the table Morning,night and noon. I love my dear mummy I love her very much. And do you love your mummy? My dear ,dear mummy! I love you very much. I want you to be happy On the 8th of March. I like the way you look, I like the way you cook, Now what I really want to say Is: Who loves mummy best? I love the sun. Two, two, two, I love my mummy too. Four, four,four, I love her more and more. I count from one, I love the sun. I count to four, I love my mummy more! The trees of the forest, The flowers on the lea, The birds on the branches The fish of the sea. The rocks and the mountains, The rivers that flow, The rain and the sunshine, The ice and the snow, The corn —fields all yellow, The sky of deep blue: The sweetness and beauty Of life are for you. Make a basket For yor mother, And fill it with flowers gay, Then put a card Just to say: And in the middle There is a white dove. I know a face, a lovely face As full of beauty as of grace, A face of pleasure and a smile, In darkness it gives light. I have a father, I have a mother, I have a sister, I have a brother. Father, mother, sister,brother - Hand in hand with one another. I have a horse, I have a fox, I have a brown cow. I have a hen,I have a chick And I am playing now. Sam has a black hat. He has a black hat in his hand. I see a window And a door. I see the ceiling And the floor. What could he see? And all he could see Was see, see, see. I can write and she can read I can skate and he can ski. Can you jump like a frog? Can you walk like a duck? Can you run like a dog? Can you fly like a bird? Can you swim like a fish? And be still like a good child, As still as you wish? You can take a flower. We can take a bus- It is waiting for us. Yes,I can think of six thin things And of thick things too. Tables have legs- But can not walk. Needles have eyes- But can not see. Chairs have arms- But can not catch me. Then the day is over And we go to bed. Together, together We work and play. One, two, three - I like cats And cats like me. One, two, three Now I see - I like coffee And she likes tea. I like Pussy, And she likes Bat. I like this dog, Mike likes that. I like Spot, He likes Fat. What you have to do, do quick. Up in the air Close your eyes - And you are there. Clean the table, Clean the floor. Five, six-pick up sticks. Seven, eight-close the gate. Five thousand millions live on Earth, Why not? But we are all for honest work, We love the same blue sky In London, Moscow and New-York - So keep our friendship high. New year day will soon be here, And I can hardly wait. New year day will soon be here And I can hardly wait. Santa will be coming, Soon he will be coming. Boys and girls so gay Skate and ski together On a winter day. Скачать материал с Pedsovet. Семь вещей, который должен делать учитель за сорок. В редакторе iSpring Suite 8. Теперь использовать контент значительно проще. По умолчанию Сначала новые Сначала старые. Можно их использовать и для речевой разминки и некоторые выбрать для физминутки!!! Может быть, есть аудио этих стихов? Если есть, вышлите, please, на майл. Энглена Александровна, спасибо за ресурс. Работа действительно конкурсная, очень Очень хочется чтобы похвала послужила стимулом к дальнейшей учёбе, а не к лени у Ru - вопросы и ответы Хотите получать информацию о наиболее интересных материалах нашего сайта? Подпишитесь на рассылку E-mail Установите приложение на Android Установите виджеты Яндекса: Выдано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций. 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