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g0v所有專案,包含仿造demo網頁 (需要jQuery請自行至官網下載) ,以及json資料檔案
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{"type": "HTMLBeta" , "link": "http://community.g0v.tw/" , "name": "新g0v後勤中心"} | |
{"type": "HTMLBeta" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/conference-map-main/" , "name": "我的活動地圖 - 零時廣場"} | |
{"type": "HTMLBeta" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/don-press/public/" , "name": "全民記者會"} | |
{"type": "HTMLBeta" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/don-republic/public/" , "name": "動民主2.0"} | |
{"type": "HTMLBeta" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/farmers/public/" , "name": "小農故事"} | |
{"type": "HTMLBeta" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/g0v-tour-guide/public/hack.html" , "name": "g0v導覽小精靈"} | |
{"type": "HTMLBeta" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/sunflower/" , "name": "太陽花學運記錄 by g0v"} | |
{"type": "HTMLBeta" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/twgeojson/interpolation.html" , "name": "雨量圖形化2"} | |
{"type": "HTMLBeta" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/twgeojson/rain.html" , "name": "雨量圖形化1"} | |
{"type": "HTMLBeta" , "link": "http://lqfb-test.g0v.tw/pf/" , "name": "動民主1.0"} | |
{"type": "HTMLBeta" , "link": "http://moedict.tw/dodo" , "name": "萌典啄木鳥計畫"} | |
{"type": "HTMLBeta" , "link": "http://wethepeople.tw" , "name": "市長,給問嗎?"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://axe.g0v.tw/" , "name": "斧頭幫大挑戰"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://baddriver.mobileweb.com.tw/" , "name": "Bad Driver"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://billy3321.github.io/lytel/" , "name": "立委聯絡資訊"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://budget.g0v.tw/" , "name": "中央政府總預算"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://campaign-finance.g0v.ctiml.tw/" , "name": "政治獻金數位化"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://company-graph.g0v.ronny.tw/" , "name": "台灣公司關係圖"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://congress-vote-analytics.herokuapp.com/" , "name": "選票成分分析系統"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://data.g0v.ronny.tw/" , "name": "政府開放資料平臺"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://data.g0v.tw/" , "name": "g0v零時資料中心"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://direct.moedict.tw/lab/moe/hub.html" , "name": "萌典字關係查詢"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://env.g0v.tw/air/" , "name": "空氣品質圖形版"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://fact.g0v.tw/" , "name": "政誌"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://fuyei.github.io/cf-viz/viz.htm" , "name": "政治獻金視覺化"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://g0v.asia/" , "name": "g0v.asia"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/agriculture/" , "name": "植物疫情與藥劑查詢系統"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/farmer/" , "name": "農業學地圖"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/g0village-8bit/" , "name": "g0v新手村 8bit"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/moc-license-center/index.html" , "name": "g0v授權中心"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://g0v.github.io/summit.g0v.tw/" , "name": "g0v summit 2014"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://gcis.nat.g0v.tw/" , "name": "台灣公司資料"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://inlivetw.github.io/chrome" , "name": "inLive 直播與活動"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://ivod.ly.g0v.tw/" , "name": "立院影城"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://jobhelper.g0v.ronny.tw/" , "name": "求職小幫手"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://kiang.github.io/salary/" , "name": "勞工薪資預算程式"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://laweasyread.herokuapp.com/" , "name": "法規易讀器"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://listening.g0v.tw/" , "name": "福利請聽"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://ly.g0v.tw" , "name": "國會大代誌"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://movement.ee.ncku.edu.tw/" , "name": "社會資訊運動平台"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://newsdiff.g0v.ronny.tw/" , "name": "NewsDiff官方新聞稿異動情況站"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://newshelper.g0v.tw/" , "name": "新聞小幫手"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://oldpaper.g0v.ronny.tw/" , "name": "台灣歷史四大報(含今日)"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://petneed.me/" , "name": "Pet Need Me"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://report.nat.g0v.tw/" , "name": "公務人員出國考察網"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://request.data.g0v.tw/" , "name": "台灣未開放資料"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://tisa.g0v.tw/" , "name": "你被服貿了嗎?"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://tpebuilding.g0v.ronny.tw/" , "name": "台北市建照記錄"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://vote.ly.g0v.tw/" , "name": "立委投票指南"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://zbryikt.github.io/visualize/highway/" , "name": "國道一號電子收費價錢試算"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://zbryikt.github.io/visualize/mrt/" , "name": "台北捷運各站出站人數變化圖"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "http://zhusee2.github.io/boycott-helper/" , "name": "網站抵制小幫手"} | |
{"type": "HTMLDemo" , "link": "https://www.moedict.tw/" , "name": "萌典"} | |
{"type": "hackfoldr" , "link": "http://g0v.today" , "name": "g0v.today 反黑箱服貿"} | |
{"type": "hackfoldr" , "link": "http://hack.g0v.tw" , "name": "hack.g0v 黑客松專區"} | |
{"type": "hackfoldr" , "link": "http://hack.g0v.tw/g0v-cy/" , "name": "開放政治獻金"} | |
{"type": "hackfoldr" , "link": "http://hackfoldr.org/DonDonFlower/" , "name": "遍地開腸花"} | |
{"type": "hackfoldr" , "link": "http://nonuke.today" , "name": "nonuke.today 反核四"} |
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★g0v專案:網頁呈現★ | |
</div> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://inlivetw.github.io/chrome" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
inLive 直播與活動 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://oldpaper.g0v.ronny.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
台灣歷史四大報(含今日) | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://newsdiff.g0v.ronny.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
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NewsDiff官方新聞稿異動情況站 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://ly.g0v.tw" target="hackframe"> | |
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國會大代誌 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://tisa.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
你被服貿了嗎? | |
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<a id="selectA" href="https://www.moedict.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
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萌典 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://direct.moedict.tw/lab/moe/hub.html" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
萌典字關係查詢 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://fact.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
政誌 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://g0v.github.io/summit.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
g0v summit 2014 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://env.g0v.tw/air/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
空氣品質圖形版 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://jobhelper.g0v.ronny.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
求職小幫手 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://newshelper.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
新聞小幫手 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://zbryikt.github.io/visualize/mrt/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
台北捷運各站出站人數變化圖 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://data.g0v.ronny.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
政府開放資料平臺 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://request.data.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
台灣未開放資料 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://data.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
g0v零時資料中心 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://kiang.github.io/salary/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
勞工薪資預算程式 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://tpebuilding.g0v.ronny.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
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台北市建照記錄 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://gcis.nat.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
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台灣公司資料 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://company-graph.g0v.ronny.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
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台灣公司關係圖 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://g0v.github.io/farmer/" target="hackframe"> | |
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農業學地圖 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://g0v.github.io/agriculture/" target="hackframe"> | |
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植物疫情與藥劑查詢系統 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://congress-vote-analytics.herokuapp.com/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
選票成分分析系統 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://ivod.ly.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
立院影城 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://vote.ly.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
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立委投票指南 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://report.nat.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
公務人員出國考察網 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://laweasyread.herokuapp.com/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
法規易讀器 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://movement.ee.ncku.edu.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
社會資訊運動平台 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://campaign-finance.g0v.ctiml.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
政治獻金數位化 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://axe.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
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斧頭幫大挑戰 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://g0v.github.io/moc-license-center/index.html" target="hackframe"> | |
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g0v授權中心 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://zhusee2.github.io/boycott-helper/" target="hackframe"> | |
<div id="select1"> | |
網站抵制小幫手 | |
</div></a> | |
<a id="selectA" href="http://listening.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
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福利請聽 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://petneed.me/" target="hackframe"> | |
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Pet Need Me | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://baddriver.mobileweb.com.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
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Bad Driver | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://budget.g0v.tw/" target="hackframe"> | |
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中央政府總預算 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://fuyei.github.io/cf-viz/viz.htm" target="hackframe"> | |
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政治獻金視覺化 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://billy3321.github.io/lytel/" target="hackframe"> | |
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立委聯絡資訊 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://zbryikt.github.io/visualize/highway/" target="hackframe"> | |
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國道一號電子收費價錢試算 | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://g0v.github.io/g0village-8bit/" target="hackframe"> | |
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g0v新手村 8bit | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://g0v.asia/" target="hackframe"> | |
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g0v.asia | |
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★ Hackfoldr專區 ★ | |
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<a id="selectA" href="http://g0v.today" target="hackframe"> | |
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g0v.today 反黑箱服貿 | |
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nonuke.today 反核四 | |
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hack.g0v 黑客松專區 | |
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遍地開腸花 | |
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開放政治獻金 | |
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★開發中 時效性專案★ | |
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雨量圖形化1 | |
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雨量圖形化2 | |
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g0v導覽小精靈 | |
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市長,給問嗎? | |
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小農故事 | |
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萌典啄木鳥計畫 | |
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動民主1.0 | |
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我的活動地圖 - 零時廣場 | |
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太陽花學運記錄 by g0v | |
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