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Created February 19, 2012 18:35
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;; ummels's solution to Squares Squared
(fn [start end]
[(squares [start end]
(take-while #(<= % end) (iterate #(* % %) start)))
(arrange [x]
(let [n (count x)
dim (int (Math/ceil (Math/sqrt n)))
y (concat x (repeat (- (* dim dim) n) \*))
rot (fn [[i j]]
(cond (= j 0) [j i]
(= i 0) [(* j -1) i]))
legal? (fn [[i j]] (and (>= i 0) (>= j 0) (< i dim) (< j dim)))]
(loop [p (if (odd? dim) [0 (dec dim)] [(dec dim) 0])
d (if (odd? dim) [0 -1] [0 1])
in (reverse y)
res (vec (repeat dim (vec (repeat dim nil))))]
(empty? in) res
(and (legal? (map + p d)) (nil? (get-in res (map + p d))))
(recur (map + p d) d (rest in) (assoc-in res p (first in)))
(recur (map + p (rot d)) (rot d) (rest in) (assoc-in res p (first in)))))))
(rotate [x]
(let [n (count x)
m (- (* 2 n) 1)]
(loop [i 0
j 0
res (vec (repeat m (vec (repeat n nil))))]
(and (< i n) (< j n))
(recur i (inc j) (assoc-in res [(+ i j) j] (get-in x [i j])))
(< i n) (recur (inc i) 0 res)
:else res))))
(pretty [x]
(let [n (count (first x))]
(for [r x]
(let [s (take-while (complement nil?) (drop-while nil? r))
m (- n (count s))]
(apply str
(concat (repeat m \space)
(rest (interleave (repeat \space) s))
(repeat m \space)))))))]
(pretty (rotate (arrange (mapcat str (squares start end)))))))
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