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Created February 25, 2012 14:17
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// FormHandler class which checks user input and does some preformatting. It is called by the DataHandler class.
class FormHandler {
// Function to performat and check user inputs
public function preProcessor($stringField, $stringValue, $trim, $stripTags, $removeAllWhitespaces, $required, $email, $minLength, $maxLength, $minValue, $maxValue, $alphaOnly, $numericOnly, $alphaAndNumericOnly) {
// *** FORMATTING *** //
// Remove whitespaces from the beginning and the end
if($trim == 1) { $stringValue = trim($stringValue); }
// Strip HTML Tags
if($stripTags == 1) { $stringValue = strip_tags($stringValue); }
// Remove all whitespaces
if($removeAllWhitespaces == 1) { $stringValue = str_replace(" ", "", $stringValue); }
// *** INPUT CHECKS *** //
$error = false;
// Input is required
if($required == 1) { if(empty($stringValue)) { $error = true; $message = $this->getLangHandler()->translate("Eingabe erforderlich:")." ".$stringField; }}
if ($email == 1) { if(preg_match("/^([.0-9a-z_-]+)@(([0-9a-z-]+\.)+[0-9a-z]{2,4})+$/i", $stringValue)) { $error = true; $message = translate("Falsches Format:")." ".$stringField; }}
// email, alpha, nummeric, both -> dann mit if, else if, else if oder ähnlich, damit sich das nicht in die quere kommt
// *** DATABASE CHECKS *** //
// unique : ggf. direkt im datahandler.php einbauen
// If an error occured, we send back an error message instead of the user input. the db array is check against any "Error:" in a loop in the DataHandler.php
if ($error == true) { $stringValue = "ErrorTag001: ".$message; }
return $stringValue;
// Function to create a new object of the LanguageHandler class.
private function getLangHandler() {
return new LangHandler();
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