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Created March 1, 2012 14:27
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// this script checks if there arent too many magazines or respawns according to available slots
_count = count (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");
_prefix = "t1o_";
_vehicleName = "";
_singleError = false;
// Remove this
_msg = format["_count: %1", _count];
diag_log [diag_frameNo, diag_tickTime, time, _msg];
_selectedClasses = [];
for [{_i=0},{_i < _count},{_i=_i+1}] do
_vehicleName = configName ((ConfigFile >> "CfgVehicles") select _i);
_prefixIndex = [_vehicleName, _prefix] call CBA_fnc_find;
_isMan = _vehicleName isKindOf "Man";
_scope = getNumber (ConfigFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicleName >> "scope");
// Remove this
_msg = format["_vehicleName: %1, _prefixIndex: %2, _isMan: %3, _scope: %4, _i: %5", _vehicleName,_prefixIndex,_isMan,_scope,_i];
diag_log [diag_frameNo, diag_tickTime, time, _msg];
if ( (_prefixIndex != -1) && _isMan && (_scope == 2)) then
_selectedClasses = _selectedClasses + [_vehicleName];
_vehicleName = _x;
_magazineSlotsFromConfig = [_vehicleName] call t1o_getWeaponSlotsFromConfig;
_magazineSlotsTypeArray = _magazineSlotsFromConfig select 0;
_magazineSlotsCountArray = _magazineSlotsFromConfig select 1;
_magazineCountFromConfig = [_vehicleName] call t1o_getMagazineCountsFromConfig;
_magazinesTypeArray = _magazineCountFromConfig select 0;
_magazinesCountArray = _magazineCountFromConfig select 1;
_respawnMagazinesTypeArray = _magazineCountFromConfig select 2;
_respawnMagazinesCountArray = _magazineCountFromConfig select 3;
_magazineType = _x;
_magazineCount = _magazinesCountArray select _forEachIndex;
_slotCountIndex = [_magazineSlotsTypeArray, _magazineType] call t1o_findInArray;
if (_slotCountIndex == -1) then
_readableWeaponType = [_magazineType] call t1o_readableWeaponType;
_msg = format["Class %1 has magazine of type %2, for which he has no slot", _vehicleName, _readableWeaponType];
diag_log [diag_frameNo, diag_tickTime, time, _msg];
_singleError = true;
_slotCount = _magazineSlotsCountArray select _slotCountIndex;
if (_magazineCount > _slotCount) then
_overflowSize = _magazineCount - _slotCount;
_readableWeaponType = [_magazineType] call t1o_readableWeaponType;
_msg = format["Class %1 has %2 more magazines of type %3 than there are slots", _vehicleName, _overflowSize, _readableWeaponType];
diag_log [diag_frameNo, diag_tickTime, time, _msg];
_singleError = true;
}forEach _magazinesTypeArray;
_magazineType = _x;
_magazineCount = _respawnMagazinesCountArray select _forEachIndex;
_slotCountIndex = [_magazineSlotsTypeArray, _magazineType] call t1o_findInArray;
if (_slotCountIndex == -1) then
_readableWeaponType = [_magazineType] call t1o_readableWeaponType;
_msg = format["Class %1 has respawnmagazine of type %2, for which he has no slot", _vehicleName, _readableWeaponType];
diag_log [diag_frameNo, diag_tickTime, time, _msg];
_singleError = true;
_slotCount = _magazineSlotsCountArray select _slotCountIndex;
if (_magazineCount > _slotCount) then
_overflowSize = _magazineCount - _slotCount;
_readableWeaponType = [_magazineType] call t1o_readableWeaponType;
_msg = format["Class %1 has %2 more respawnmagazines of type %3 than there are slots", _vehicleName, _overflowSize, _readableWeaponType];
diag_log [diag_frameNo, diag_tickTime, time, _msg];
_singleError = true;
}forEach _respawnMagazinesTypeArray;
}forEach _selectedClasses;
if (_singleError) then
error = true;
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