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Created May 4, 2016 05:41
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Go ahead and use this for whatever you want. Credit would be nice, but I can't stop you and if this helps you in any way, I'm cool with it. Besides, I didn't even write a few chunks of this.
Author: Zweiter
Version: 1.1
//Declaring Variables
#include <Wire.h>
#define CTRL_REG1 0x20
#define CTRL_REG2 0x21
#define CTRL_REG3 0x22
#define CTRL_REG4 0x23
int Addr = 105; // I2C address of L3G4200D gyro
int x, y, z;
int millislast = 0;
int avg = 0;
int count = 2000;
double pitchOffset, rollOffset, yawOffset; //y = pitch, x = roll, z = yaw
double gyro_pitch, gyro_roll, gyro_yaw, gyro_pitch_est, gyro_roll_est, gyro_yaw_est;
int cal;
byte highByte, lowByte;
byte last_channel_1, last_channel_2, last_channel_3, last_channel_4;
int receiver_input_channel_1, receiver_input_channel_2, receiver_input_channel_3, receiver_input_channel_4;
int counter_channel_1, counter_channel_2, counter_channel_3, counter_channel_4, start;
unsigned long timer_channel_1, timer_channel_2, timer_channel_3, timer_channel_4, esc_timer, esc_loop_timer;
unsigned long zero_timer, timer_1, timer_2, timer_3, timer_4, current_time;
int esc1, esc2, esc3, esc4;
float KPp, KIp, KDp, KPr, KIr, KDr, KPy, KIy;
float errorTemp, prevErrorP, prevErrorR, prevErrorY, integralP, integralR, integralY, derivativeP, derivativeR, derivativeY;
float setPointP, setPointR, setPointY, throttle;
float outputPitch, outputRoll, outputYaw;
void setup(){
DDRD |= B11110000; //Set ports 4, 5, 6 and 7 to output
DDRB |= B00010000; //Set port 12 to output
PCICR |= (1 << PCIE0); // set PCIE0 to enable PCMSK0 scan
PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT0); // set PCINT0 (digital input 8) to trigger an interrupt on state change
PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT1); // set PCINT1 (digital input 9) to trigger an interrupt on state change
PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT2); // set PCINT2 (digital input 10) to trigger an interrupt on state change
PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT3); // set PCINT3 (digital input 11) to trigger an interrupt on state change
KPp = .18; //previously used: .23
KIp = .0000;
KDp = 5.6;//previously used: 4.5
KPr = .18;
KIr = .0000;
KDr = 5.6;
KPy = .4;
KIy = .0002;
///Wait until connection with controller is established and the throttle is set to zero.
while(receiver_input_channel_3 < 990 || receiver_input_channel_3 > 1020 || receiver_input_channel_4 < 1400){
start ++;
PORTD |= B11110000; //Set ports 4, 5, 6 and 7 to HIGH.
delayMicroseconds(1000); //Wait 1000us. (sends a PWM pulse of 1000)
PORTD &= B00001111; //Set ports 4, 5, 6 and 7 low.
if(start == 125){ //Basically, all this part does is flash the LED every so often.
digitalWrite(12, !digitalRead(12));
start = 0;
start = 0;
digitalWrite(12, HIGH); //Turn on the led.
zero_timer = micros(); //Set the zero_timer for the first loop.
void loop(){ //Main loop
if(receiver_input_channel_1 > 1508)setPointR = (receiver_input_channel_1 - 1508)/-2.0;
else if(receiver_input_channel_1 < 1492)setPointR = (receiver_input_channel_1 - 1492)/-2.0;
if(receiver_input_channel_2 > 1508)setPointP = (receiver_input_channel_2 - 1508)/2.0;
else if(receiver_input_channel_2 < 1492)setPointP = (receiver_input_channel_2 - 1492)/2.0;
throttle = (receiver_input_channel_3);
if(receiver_input_channel_4 > 1508)setPointY = (receiver_input_channel_4 - 1508)/2.0;
else if(receiver_input_channel_4 < 1492)setPointY = (receiver_input_channel_4 - 1492)/2.0;
esc1 = throttle - outputPitch + outputRoll - outputYaw;
esc2 = throttle + outputPitch - outputRoll - outputYaw;
esc3 = throttle + outputPitch + outputRoll + outputYaw;
esc4 = throttle - outputPitch - outputRoll + outputYaw;
if(receiver_input_channel_4 < 1040 && receiver_input_channel_3 < 1040){ //If throttle is pushed to lower left corner, reset orientation, recalibrate gyro, and reset integral value in PID controller.
gyro_pitch_est = 0;
gyro_roll_est = 0;
gyro_yaw_est = 0;
outputYaw = 0;
outputPitch = 0;
outputRoll = 0;
integralP = 0;
integralR = 0;
integralY = 0;
prevErrorP = 0;
prevErrorY = 0;
prevErrorR = 0;
while(zero_timer + 4000 > micros()); //Make sure each loop() is at least 4ms long.
zero_timer = micros(); //Reset zero timer.
PORTD |= B11110000;
timer_channel_1 = esc1 + zero_timer; //Determine how long each port should be set to HIGH for. (Add the correction (in units of PWM) to the zero timer)
timer_channel_2 = esc2 + zero_timer;
timer_channel_3 = esc3 + zero_timer;
timer_channel_4 = esc4 + zero_timer;
while(PORTD >= 16){ //Execute the loop until digital port 4 til 7 is low.
esc_loop_timer = micros(); //Check the current time.
if(timer_channel_1 <= esc_loop_timer)PORTD &= B11101111; //digital port 4 is set low.
if(timer_channel_2 <= esc_loop_timer)PORTD &= B11011111; //digital port 5 is set low.
if(timer_channel_3 <= esc_loop_timer)PORTD &= B10111111; //digital port 6 is set low.
if(timer_channel_4 <= esc_loop_timer)PORTD &= B01111111; //digital port 7 is set low.
//interrupt routine
current_time = micros();
//Channel 1=========================================
if(PINB & B00000001){ //Is input 8 high?
if(last_channel_1 == 0){ //Input 8 changed from 0 to 1
last_channel_1 = 1; //Remember current input state
timer_1 = current_time; //Set timer_1 to current_time
else if(last_channel_1 == 1){ //Input 8 is not high and changed from 1 to 0
last_channel_1 = 0; //Remember current input state
receiver_input_channel_1 = current_time - timer_1; //Channel 1 is current_time - timer_1
//Channel 2=========================================
if(PINB & B00000010 ){ //Is input 9 high?
if(last_channel_2 == 0){ //Input 9 changed from 0 to 1
last_channel_2 = 1; //Remember current input state
timer_2 = current_time; //Set timer_2 to current_time
else if(last_channel_2 == 1){ //Input 9 is not high and changed from 1 to 0
last_channel_2 = 0; //Remember current input state
receiver_input_channel_2 = current_time - timer_2; //Channel 2 is current_time - timer_2
//Channel 3=========================================
if(PINB & B00000100 ){ //Is input 10 high?
if(last_channel_3 == 0){ //Input 10 changed from 0 to 1
last_channel_3 = 1; //Remember current input state
timer_3 = current_time; //Set timer_3 to current_time
else if(last_channel_3 == 1){ //Input 10 is not high and changed from 1 to 0
last_channel_3 = 0; //Remember current input state
receiver_input_channel_3 = current_time - timer_3; //Channel 3 is current_time - timer_3
//Channel 4=========================================
if(PINB & B00001000 ){ //Is input 11 high?
if(last_channel_4 == 0){ //Input 11 changed from 0 to 1
last_channel_4 = 1; //Remember current input state
timer_4 = current_time; //Set timer_4 to current_time
else if(last_channel_4 == 1){ //Input 11 is not high and changed from 1 to 0
last_channel_4 = 0; //Remember current input state
receiver_input_channel_4 = current_time - timer_4; //Channel 4 is current_time - timer_4
void setupGyro(){
writeI2C(CTRL_REG1, 0x1F); // Turn on all axes, disable power down
writeI2C(CTRL_REG3, 0x08); // Enable ready signal
writeI2C(CTRL_REG4, 0x80); // Set scale (500 deg/sec)
rollOffset = 0;
pitchOffset = 0;
yawOffset = 0;
//Loop to take gyro readings and divide to find the average drift
for(int cal = 0; cal <= 1500; cal++){
//add up the gyro drift to be divided at end of loop
rollOffset += gyro_roll;
pitchOffset += gyro_pitch;
yawOffset += gyro_yaw;
if(cal%200 == 0){
digitalWrite(12, !digitalRead(12));
Serial.println(" Result: ");
Serial.print("pitchOffset = "); pitchOffset /= 1500; Serial.println(pitchOffset);
Serial.print("rollOffset = "); rollOffset /= 1500; Serial.println(rollOffset);
Serial.print("yawOffset = "); yawOffset /= 1500; Serial.println(yawOffset);
gyro_pitch_est = 0;
gyro_roll_est = 0;
gyro_yaw_est = 0;
zero_timer = micros();
void calibrateGyro(){
delay(150); // Wait to synchronize
rollOffset = 0;
pitchOffset = 0;
yawOffset = 0;
// For loop to take gyro readings and divide to find the average drift
for(int cal = 0; cal <= 500; cal++){
//add up the gyro drift to be divided at end of loop
rollOffset += gyro_roll;
pitchOffset += gyro_pitch;
yawOffset += gyro_yaw;
if(cal%200 == 0){
digitalWrite(12, !digitalRead(12));
Serial.println(" Result: ");
Serial.print("pitchOffset = "); pitchOffset /= 500; Serial.println(pitchOffset);
Serial.print("rollOffset = "); rollOffset /= 500; Serial.println(rollOffset);
Serial.print("yawOffset = "); yawOffset /= 500; Serial.println(yawOffset);
gyro_pitch_est = 0;
gyro_roll_est = 0;
gyro_yaw_est = 0;
zero_timer = micros();
void gyro_read(){ //Approximately .97 milliseconds (970 microseconds)
//This stuff is lifted pretty much straight from a tutorial on YouTube, I'm pretty bad at I2C stuff.
Wire.beginTransmission(105); //Start communication with the gyro (adress 105)
Wire.write(168); //Start reading @ register 28h and auto increment with every read
Wire.endTransmission(); //End the transmission
Wire.requestFrom(105, 6); //Request 6 bytes from the gyro
while(Wire.available() < 6); //Wait until the 6 bytes are received
lowByte =; //First received byte is the low part of the angular data
highByte =; //Second received byte is the high part of the angular data
gyro_roll = ((highByte<<8)|lowByte); //Multiply highByte by 256 and add lowByte
//if(cal == 3000) //Only compensate after the calibration
lowByte =; //First received byte is the low part of the angular data
highByte =; //Second received byte is the high part of the angular data
gyro_pitch = ((highByte<<8)|lowByte); //Multiply highByte by 256 and ad lowByte
gyro_pitch *= -1; //Invert axis
//if(cal == 3000); //Only compensate after the calibration
lowByte =; //First received byte is the low part of the angular data
highByte =; //Second received byte is the high part of the angular data
gyro_yaw = ((highByte<<8)|lowByte); //Multiply highByte by 256 and ad lowByte
gyro_yaw *= -1; //Invert axis
//if(cal == 3000) gyro_yaw_est += (gyro_yaw - yawOffset)/900; //Only compensate after the calibration
//This function calculates the PID values. Right now, only the PD values are used, so the integral is fairly useless until I decide to implement it.
void calculate_pid(){
gyro_pitch_est += (gyro_pitch - pitchOffset)/900; //This is where the quad estimates its orientation.
errorTemp = gyro_pitch_est - setPointP; //This is the proprtional term, which is fairly basic.
integralP += errorTemp; //The integral is just the area under the curve, so all we have to do is keep adding the errors together.
derivativeP = (errorTemp - prevErrorP); //calculate the rate of change based on this loop's error and last loop's error.
prevErrorP = errorTemp;
outputPitch = KPp*errorTemp + KIp*integralP + KDp*derivativeP;
if(outputPitch > 400) outputPitch = 400; //make sure the output stays within a certain range.
if(outputPitch < -400) outputPitch = -400;
gyro_roll_est += (gyro_roll - rollOffset)/900;
errorTemp = gyro_roll_est-setPointR;
integralR += errorTemp;
derivativeR = (errorTemp - prevErrorR);
prevErrorR = errorTemp;
outputRoll = KPr*errorTemp + KIr*integralR + KDr*derivativeR;
if(outputRoll > 400) outputRoll = 400;
if(outputRoll < -400) outputRoll = -400;
gyro_yaw_est += (gyro_yaw - yawOffset)/900;
if(throttle > 1030){
errorTemp = gyro_yaw_est - setPointY;
errorTemp = 0;
prevErrorY = 0;
outputYaw = 0;
outputPitch = 0;
outputRoll = 0;
integralP = 0;
integralR = 0;
integralY = 0;
prevErrorP = 0;
prevErrorY = 0;
prevErrorR = 0;
integralY += errorTemp;
prevErrorY = errorTemp;
outputYaw = KPy*errorTemp + KIy*integralY;
if(outputYaw > 400) outputYaw = 400;
if(outputYaw < -400) outputYaw = -400;
//Serial.print(outputPitch); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(outputRoll); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(outputYaw);
void writeI2C (byte regAddr, byte val) {
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