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Created October 9, 2016 23:01
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* Header:
* Deque
* Summary:
* This class contains the notion of a deque: a bucket to hold
* data for the user. This is just a starting-point for more advanced
* constainers such as the vector, set, stack, queue, deque, and map
* which we will build later this semester.
* This will contain the class definition of:
* Deque : A class that holds stuff
* Author
* Br. Helfrich
#ifndef DEQUE_H
#define DEQUE_H
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
* Double-ended queue
template <class T>
class Deque
// default constructor : empty and kinda useless
Deque() : numItems(0), myCapacity(0), data(NULL),
myFront(0), myBack(0) {}
// copy constructor : copy it
Deque(const Deque & rhs) throw (const char *);
// non-default constructor : pre-allocate
Deque(int capacity) throw (const char *);
// destructor : free everything
~Deque() { if (myCapacity) delete [] data; }
// is the deque currently empty
bool empty() const { return numItems == 0; }
// how many items are currently in the deque?
int size() const { return numItems; }
// To allocate more space in deque
void resize();
// how many items can the deque currently hold?
int capacity() { return myCapacity; }
// remove all the items from the deque
void clear() { numItems = 0; }
// add an item to the back of the deque
void push_back(const T & t) throw (const char *);
// add an item the front of the queue
void push_front(const T & t) throw (const char *);
// take an item off the back of the deque
void pop_back() throw (const char *);
// take an item off of the front of the deque
void pop_front() throw (const char *);
// getting the items from the front and the back
T & front() throw (const char *)
if (numItems == 0)
throw "ERROR: attempting to access an item in an empty deque";
return data[myFront];
T & back() throw (const char *)
if (numItems == 0)
throw "ERROR: attempting to access an item in an empty deque";
return data[myBack];
Deque <T> & operator = (const Deque <T> & rhs) throw (const char *)
assert(rhs.myCapacity >= 0);
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
if (rhs.myCapacity == 0)
myFront = 0;
myBack = 0;
myCapacity = 0;
numItems = 0;
data = NULL;
return *this;
// attempt to allocate
data = new T[rhs.myCapacity];
catch (std::bad_alloc)
throw "ERROR: Unable to allocate a new buffer for deque";
// copy over the storage and size
assert(rhs.numItems >= 0 && rhs.numItems <= rhs.myCapacity);
numItems = rhs.numItems;
myCapacity = rhs.myCapacity;
// copy the items over one at a time using the assignment operator
for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
data[i] =[i];
// the rest needs to be filled with the default value for T
//for (int i = numItems; i < myCapacity; i++)
// data[i] = T();
return *this;
T * data; // dynamically allocated array of T
int numItems; // how many items are currently in the deque?
int myCapacity; // how many items can I put on the deque before full?
int myFront;
int myBack;
* Resize function to allocate more space
template <class T>
void Deque<T> :: resize()
// creates a bigger array and deletes the old one
T * newData = new T[myCapacity *= 2];
//for (int i = myFront; i == myBack; i = (i + 1) % myCapacity)
for(int i = 0; i<numItems; i++)
newData[i] = data[i];
delete [] data;
data = newData;
template <class T>
Deque <T> :: Deque(const Deque <T> & rhs) throw (const char *)
assert(rhs.myCapacity >= 0);
// do nothing if there is nothing to do
if (rhs.myCapacity == 0)
myFront = 0;
myBack = 0;
myCapacity = 0;
numItems = 0;
data = 0x00000000;
// attempt to allocate
data = new T[rhs.myCapacity];
catch (std::bad_alloc)
throw "ERROR: Unable to allocate a new buffer for deque";
// copy over the capacity and size
assert(rhs.numItems >= 0 && rhs.numItems <= rhs.myCapacity);
myCapacity = rhs.myCapacity;
numItems = rhs.numItems;
// copy the items over one at a time using the assignment operator
for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
data[i] =[i];
//the rest needs to be filled with the default value for T
for (int i = numItems; i < myCapacity; i++)
data[i] = T();
* Preallocate the deque to "capacity"
template <class T>
Deque <T> :: Deque(int capacity) throw (const char *)
assert(capacity >= 0);
// do nothing if there is nothing to do
if (capacity == 0)
myFront = 0;
myBack = 0;
myCapacity = numItems = 0;
data = 0x00000000;
// attempt to allocate
data = new T[capacity];
catch (std::bad_alloc)
throw "ERROR: Unable to allocate a new buffer for deque";
// copy over the stuff
myCapacity = capacity;
numItems = 0;
// initialize the deque by calling the default constructor
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
data[i] = T();
* push an item on the end of the deque
template <class T>
void Deque <T> :: push_back(const T & t) throw(const char *)
if (myCapacity < 1)
//better allocate some memory if we don't have any
myCapacity = 1;
// if (!data)
data = new T[myCapacity];
throw "Unable to allocate a new buffer for Stack";
// if full create a bigger array
if (numItems == myCapacity)
// = (myBack + 1) % myCapacity;
data[myBack] = t;
* push an item on the front of the deque
template <class T>
void Deque <T> :: push_front(const T & t) throw(const char *)
if (myCapacity < 1)
//better allocate some memory if we don't have any
myCapacity = 1;
// if (!data)
//data = new T[capacity];
data = new T[myCapacity];
throw "Unable to allocate a new buffer for Stack";
// if full create a bigger array
if (numItems == myCapacity)
myFront = (myFront - 1) % myCapacity;
data[myFront] = t;
* Deque::pop_front(): Take an item off the front of the deque
template <class T>
void Deque<T> :: pop_front() throw (const char *)
// Check to see if we can abrogate the front of the deque
myFront = (myFront + 1) % myCapacity;
//cout << data[myFront];
//cout << myFront;
* Deque::pop_back(): Take an item off the back of the deque
template <class T>
void Deque<T> :: pop_back() throw (const char *)
// Check to see if we can abrogate the front of the deque
myBack = (myBack - 1) % myCapacity;
#endif // DEQUE_H
# Program:
# Week 04, DEQUE
# Brother JonesL, CS235
# Author:
# Levi Stum, Kim Dean, Ted McDaniel,
# Summary:
# <put a description here>
# Time:
# <how long did it take to complete this program>?
# The main rule
a.out: deque.h week04.o nowServing.o
g++ -o a.out week04.o nowServing.o
tar -cf week04.tar *.h *.cpp makefile
# The individual components
# week04.o : the driver program
# nowServing.o : the logic for the now serving program
week04.o: deque.h week04.cpp
g++ -c week04.cpp
nowServing.o: nowServing.h nowServing.cpp deque.h
g++ -c nowServing.cpp
#include "nowServing.h"
* Please Ignore,
* This is a placeholder so makefile will work
#include <iostream>
* Please Ignore,
* This is a placeholder so makefile will work
* Program:
* Week 04, DEQUE
* Brother Helfrich, CS 235
* Author:
* Br. Helfrich
* Summary:
* This is a driver program to exercise the Deque class. When you
* submit your program, this should not be changed in any way. That being
* said, you may need to modify this once or twice to get it to work.
#include <iostream> // for CIN and COUT
#include <string> // for the String class
#include <cassert> // for ASSERT
#include "deque.h" // your Deque class should be in deque.h
//#include "nowServing.h" // your nowServing() function
using namespace std;
// prototypes for our four test functions
void testSimple();
void testPushPopFront();
void testWrapping();
void testErrors();
//void nowServing();
// To get your program to compile, you might need to comment out a few
// of these. The idea is to help you avoid too many compile errors at once.
// I suggest first commenting out all of these tests, then try to use only
// TEST1. Then, when TEST1 works, try TEST2 and so on.
#define TEST1 // for testSimple()
#define TEST2 // for testPushPopFront()
//#define TEST3 // for testWrapping()
//#define TEST4 // for testErrors()
* This is just a simple menu to launch a collection of tests
int main()
// menu
cout << "Select the test you want to run:\n";
cout << "\t1. Just create and destroy a Deque\n";
cout << "\t2. The above plus push, pop, top\n";
cout << "\t3. The above plus test implementation of wrapping\n";
cout << "\t4. The above plus exercise the error Deque\n";
cout << "\ta. Now Serving\n";
// select
char choice;
cout << "> ";
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 'a':
// nowServing();
case '1':
cout << "Test 1 complete\n";
case '2':
cout << "Test 2 complete\n";
case '3':
cout << "Test 3 complete\n";
case '4':
cout << "Test 4 complete\n";
cout << "Unrecognized command, exiting...\n";
return 0;
* Very simple test for a Deque: create and destroy
void testSimple()
#ifdef TEST1
// Test 1.a: bool Deque with default constructor
cout << "Create a bool Deque using default constructor\n";
Deque <bool> d1;
cout << "\tSize: " << d1.size() << endl;
cout << "\tCapacity: " << d1.capacity() << endl;
cout << "\tEmpty? " << (d1.empty() ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
// Test 1.b: double Deque with non-default constructor
cout << "Create a double Deque using the non-default constructor\n";
Deque <double> d2(10 /*capacity*/);
cout << "\tSize: " << d2.size() << endl;
cout << "\tCapacity: " << d2.capacity() << endl;
cout << "\tEmpty? " << (d2.empty() ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
// Test 1.c: copy the Deque using the copy constructor
cout << "Create a double Deque using the copy constructor\n";
Deque <double> d3(d2);
cout << "\tSize: " << d3.size() << endl;
cout << "\tCapacity: " << d3.capacity() << endl;
cout << "\tEmpty? " << (d3.empty() ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
// Test 1.d: copy the Deque using the assignment operator
cout << "Copy a double Deque using the assignment operator\n";
Deque <double> d4(2);
d4 = d2;
cout << "\tSize: " << d4.size() << endl;
cout << "\tCapacity: " << d4.capacity() << endl;
cout << "\tEmpty? " << (d4.empty() ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
catch (const char * error)
cout << error << endl;
#endif //TEST1
#ifdef TEST2
* Display the contents of the deque
template <class T>
ostream & operator << (ostream & out, Deque <T> d)
out << "{ ";
while (!d.empty())
out << d.front() << ' ';
out << '}';
return out;
#endif // TEST2
* Add a whole bunch of items to the Deque. This will
* test the Deque growing algorithm
void testPushPopFront()
#ifdef TEST2
// create
Deque <int> d1;
// fill
cout << "Enter integer values, type 0 when done\n";
int value;
cout << "\t" << d1 << " > ";
cin >> value;
if (value)
while (value);
// display how big it is
cout << "\tSize: " << d1.size() << endl;
cout << "\tEmpty? " << (d1.empty() ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
cout << "\tCapacity: " << d1.capacity() << endl;
// make a copy of it using the assignment operator and copy constructor
Deque <int> d2(2);
d2 = d1;
Deque <int> d3(d1);
// destroy the old copy
// display the two copies
cout << "\td1 = " << d1 << endl;
cout << "\td2 = " << d2 << endl;
cout << "\td3 = " << d3 << endl;
catch (const char * error)
cout << error << endl;
#endif // TEST2
* We will test pop_front(), pop_back(),
* push_front(), and push_back() to make
* sure the Deque looks the way we expect
* it to look.
void testWrapping()
#ifdef TEST3
// create
Deque <string> d(4);
// instructions
cout << "instructions:\n"
<< "\t+f dog pushes dog onto the front\n"
<< "\t+b cat pushes cat onto the back\n"
<< "\t-f pops off the front\n"
<< "\t-b pops off the back\n"
<< "\t* clear the deque\n"
<< "\t? shows the statistics of the deque\n"
<< "\t! quit\n";
string command;
string text;
cout << d << " > ";
cin >> command;
if (command == "+f")
cin >> text;
else if (command == "+b")
cin >> text;
else if (command == "-f")
cout << "\tpop: " << d.front() << endl;
else if (command == "-b")
cout << "\tpop: " << d.back() << endl;
else if (command == "?")
cout << "\tSize: " << d.size() << endl;
cout << "\tCapacity: " << d.capacity() << endl;
else if (command == "*")
else if (command != "!")
cout << "Unknown command\n";
cin.ignore(256, '\n');
catch (const char * e)
cout << '\t' << e << endl;
while (command != "!");
#endif // TEST3
* Numerous error conditions will be tested
* here, including bogus popping and the such
void testErrors()
#ifdef TEST4
// create
Deque <char> d;
// test using front() with an empty deque
cout << "BUG! We should not be able to front() with an empty deque!\n";
catch (const char * error)
cout << "\tDeque::front() error message correctly caught.\n"
<< "\t\"" << error << "\"\n";
// test using back() with an empty deque
cout << "BUG! We should not be able to back() with an empty deque!\n";
catch (const char * error)
cout << "\tDeque::back() error message correctly caught.\n"
<< "\t\"" << error << "\"\n";
// test using pop_front() with an empty deque
cout << "BUG! We should not be able to pop_front() "
<< "with an empty deque!\n";
catch (const char * error)
cout << "\tDeque::pop_front() error message correctly caught.\n"
<< "\t\"" << error << "\"\n";
// test using pop_back() with an empty deque
cout << "BUG! We should not be able to pop_back() "
<< "with an empty deque!\n";
catch (const char * error)
cout << "\tDeque::pop_back() error message correctly caught.\n"
<< "\t\"" << error << "\"\n";
#endif // TEST4
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