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Created April 10, 2016 03:56
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  • Save anonymous/1d8251bf8f58ef7321f5172643e75075 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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jump to v2ex last reply
// ==UserScript==
// @name v2ex last reply
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description jump to last reply, no scroll anymore!
// @author xiandao7997
// @match http*://*
// @require
// @grant GM_getValue
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint -W097 */
$(function() {
var URL = window.location.href;
var REPLY_TOTAL_PREFIX = 'V2EX_totalcount_';
var LAST_REPLY_ID = 'V2EX_lastreplyid_';
function getPostId() {
var flag = '/t/';
var startIndex = URL.indexOf(flag) + flag.length;
var endIndex = URL.indexOf('#') >= 0 ? URL.indexOf('#') : URL.length;
var postId = URL.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
return postId;
function getReplyTotalFromLS(postId) {
return localStorage[REPLY_TOTAL_PREFIX + postId];
function setReplyTotalToLS(postId, count) {
localStorage.setItem(REPLY_TOTAL_PREFIX + postId, count);
function setLastReplyIdToLS(postId, value) {
localStorage.setItem(LAST_REPLY_ID + postId, value);
function getLastReplyIdFromLS(postId) {
return localStorage[LAST_REPLY_ID + postId];
function jumpToNextPage(iLastTimeTotal, currentReplyCount, pureUrl) {
if (iLastTimeTotal === currentReplyCount) {
// no new reply added
} else {
var newPageNo = iLastTimeTotal/100 + 1;
var newUrl = pureUrl + '?p=' + newPageNo;
window.location.href = newUrl;
var postId = getPostId();
var lastTimeTotalCount = getReplyTotalFromLS(postId);
var strCurrentReplyCount = $('div.cell > span.gray').html();
var currentReplyCount = 0;
if (strCurrentReplyCount !== undefined) {
currentReplyCount = parseInt(strCurrentReplyCount.substring(0, strCurrentReplyCount.indexOf(' ')), 10);
var iLastTimeTotal = parseInt(lastTimeTotalCount, 10);
if (iLastTimeTotal === undefined || iLastTimeTotal === null || isNaN(iLastTimeTotal)) {
} else {
var pureUrl = URL;
var anchorIndex = URL.indexOf('#');
if (anchorIndex !== -1 ) {
pureUrl = URL.substring(0, anchorIndex);
if (iLastTimeTotal === 0) {
} else if (iLastTimeTotal % 100 === 0) {
jumpToNextPage(iLastTimeTotal, currentReplyCount, pureUrl);
} else {
window.location.href = pureUrl + '#' + getLastReplyIdFromLS(postId);
setReplyTotalToLS(postId, currentReplyCount);
var lastestReplyId = $('div#Main > > div[id]:last').attr('id');
setLastReplyIdToLS(postId, lastestReplyId);
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