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/settings.proto Secret

Created July 14, 2016 20:32
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syntax = "proto3";
package Holoholo.Rpc;
message Final {
DownloadSettingsResponseProto Settings = 100;
message DownloadSettingsResponseProto {
string Error = 1;
string Sha1 = 2;
GlobalSettingsProto Values = 3;
message GlobalSettingsProto {
Holoholo.Rpc.FortSettingsProto FortSettings = 2;
Holoholo.Rpc.MapSettingsProto MapSettings = 3;
Holoholo.Rpc.LevelSettingsProto LevelSettings = 4;
Holoholo.Rpc.InventorySettingsProto InventorySettings = 5;
string MinimumClientVersion = 6;
message FortSettingsProto {
double InteractionRangeMeters = 1;
int32 MaxTotalDeployedPokemon = 2;
int32 MaxPlayerDeployedPokemon = 3;
double DeployStaminaMultiplier = 4;
double DeployAttackMultiplier = 5;
double FarInteractionRangeMeters = 6;
message MapSettingsProto {
double PokemonVisibleRange = 1;
double PokeNavRangeMeters = 2;
double EncounterRangeMeters = 3;
float GetMapObjectsMinRefreshSeconds = 4;
float GetMapObjectsMaxRefreshSeconds = 5;
float GetMapObjectsMinDistanceMeters = 6;
string GoogleMapsApiKey = 7;
message LevelSettingsProto {
double TrainerCpModifier = 2;
double TrainerDifficultyModifier = 3;
message InventorySettingsProto {
int32 MaxPokemon = 1;
int32 MaxBagItems = 2;
int32 BasePokemon = 3;
int32 BaseBagItems = 4;
int32 BaseEggs = 5;
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