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Created October 6, 2009 19:01
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(ns alandipert.qbert
(:use [ :only (reader writer read-lines spit)]
[clojure.contrib.str-utils :only (re-split str-join)])
(:import ( ServerSocket Socket InetAddress URLDecoder)
( File)))
(def status {200 "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" 404 "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found" })
(def content {"css" "Content-type: text/css" "jpg" "Content-type: image/jpeg" "html" "Content-type: text/html" "txt" "Content-type: text/plain" })
(def error {404 "The file was not found."})
(def doc-root "/Users/alan/Sites")
(defn build-headers [& headers]
"Build a header string and end it with two spaces"
(str (str-join "\r\n" headers) "\r\n\r\n"))
(defn get-ext [abspath]
(last (re-split #"\." abspath)))
(defn deliver-resource [sock uri]
"Figure out if the resource exists, and send it back"
(let [os (.. sock getOutputStream)
file (File. (str doc-root (URLDecoder/decode uri)))
path (.. file getAbsolutePath)
ext (get-ext path)]
(with-open [wrt (writer os)]
(if (.. file exists)
(spit wrt (str (build-headers (status 200) (content ext "txt"))))
(.. os write (to-byte-array file) 0 (.. file length)))
(spit wrt (str (build-headers (status 404) (content "txt")) "File not found."))))
(.. sock close)))
(defn handle-request [sock]
"Parse out the URI from the request pass it on"
(let [is (.. sock getInputStream)]
(with-open [rdr (reader is)]
(deliver-resource sock (second (re-split #"\s+" (first (line-seq rdr))))))))
(defmulti http-listen class)
(defmethod http-listen ServerSocket [socket]
"Bind to a socket and keep listening"
(let [client-socket (.. socket accept)]
(handle-request client-socket))
(recur socket))
(defmethod http-listen Integer [port]
"Takes a port number to listen on"
(http-listen (ServerSocket. port)))
(http-listen 8081)
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