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Created March 19, 2012 17:19
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A Haskell API wrapping libhdfs
module System.Hdfs where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Int
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr
type Size = Int32
type Time = () -- TODO
-- TODO: tOffset is sometimes used a size/length. Do we want a
-- separate type alias for that?
type Offset = Int64
type Port = Word16
data ObjectKind = File | Directory
-- Type aliases not present in C header file.
type Host = ByteString
type Path = ByteString
data FS -- To prevent mixup of pointer in the implementation
newtype FileSystem = FileSystem (Ptr FS)
data HdfsFile -- To prevent mixup of pointer in the implementation
newtype File = F (Ptr HdfsFile)
connectAsUser :: Maybe Host -> Port -> Maybe ByteString -> IO FileSystem
connectAsUser = undefined
connect :: Maybe Host -> Port -> IO FileSystem
connect = undefined
disconnect :: FileSystem -> IO ()
disconnect = undefined
-- TODO: What to do with short?
type Flags = () -- TODO
openFile :: FileSystem -> Path -> Flags -> Int -> Int -> Size -> IO File
openFile = undefined
closeFile :: FileSystem -> File -> IO ()
closeFile = undefined
exists :: FileSystem -> Path -> IO Bool
exists = undefined
seek :: FileSystem -> File -> Offset -> IO ()
seek = undefined
tell :: FileSystem -> File -> IO Offset
tell = undefined
read :: FileSystem -> File -> Size -> IO ByteString
read = undefined
-- Uses user supplied buffer.
readInto :: FileSystem -> File -> Ptr Word8 -> Size -> IO Size
readInto = undefined
pread :: FileSystem -> File -> Offset -> Size -> IO ByteString
pread = undefined
preadInto :: FileSystem -> File -> Offset -> Ptr Word8 -> Size -> IO Size
preadInto = undefined
write :: FileSystem -> File -> ByteString -> IO Size
write = undefined
flush :: FileSystem -> File -> IO ()
flush = undefined
hflush :: FileSystem -> File -> IO ()
hflush = undefined
available :: FileSystem -> File -> IO Int
available = undefined
copy :: FileSystem -> Path -> FileSystem -> Path -> IO ()
copy = undefined
move :: FileSystem -> Path -> FileSystem -> Path -> IO ()
move = undefined
delete :: FileSystem -> Path -> Bool -> IO ()
delete = undefined
rename :: FileSystem -> Path -> Path -> IO ()
rename = undefined
getWorkingDirectory :: FileSystem -> IO Path
getWorkingDirectory = undefined
setWorkingDirectory :: FileSystem -> Path -> IO ()
setWorkingDirectory = undefined
createDirectory :: FileSystem -> Path -> IO ()
createDirectory = undefined
setReplication :: FileSystem -> Path -> Int16 -> IO ()
setReplication = undefined
data FileInfo = FileInfo
{ kind :: ObjectKind
, name :: Path
, lastMod :: Time
, size :: Offset
, replication :: Int -- TODO: What to do with short?
, blockSize :: Offset
, owner :: ByteString
, group :: ByteString
, permissions :: Int -- TODO: What to do with short?
, lastAccess :: Time
listDirectory :: FileSystem -> Path -> IO (Vector FileInfo)
listDirectory = undefined
getPathInfo :: FileSystem -> Path -> IO FileInfo
getPathInfo = undefined
-- TODO: What's the correct return type here?
getHosts :: FileSystem -> Path -> Offset -> Offset -> IO (Vector ByteString)
getHosts = undefined
getDefaultBlockSize :: FileSystem -> IO Offset
getDefaultBlockSize = undefined
getCapacity :: FileSystem -> IO Offset
getCapacity = undefined
getUsed :: FileSystem -> IO Offset
getUsed = undefined
chown :: FileSystem -> Path -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
chown = undefined
type Mode = () -- TODO
chmod :: FileSystem -> Path -> Mode -> IO ()
chmod = undefined
utime :: FileSystem -> Path -> Time -> Time -> IO ()
utime = undefined
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