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Created October 14, 2015 01:47
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Shared via Rust Playground
// This program demonstrates sound unchecked indexing
// by having slices generate valid indices, and "signing"
// them with an invariant lifetime. These indices cannot be used on another
// slice, nor can they be stored until the array is no longer valid
// (consider adapting this to Vec, and then trying to use indices after a push).
// This represents a design "one step removed" from iterators, providing greater
// control to the consumer of the API. Instead of getting references to elements
// we get indices, from which we can get references or hypothetically perform
// any other "index-related" operation (slicing?). Normally, these operations
// would need to be checked at runtime to avoid indexing out of bounds, but
// because the array knows it personally minted the indices, it can trust them.
// This hypothetically enables greater composition. Using this technique
// one could also do "only once" checked indexing (let idx = arr.validate(idx)).
// The major drawback of this design is that it requires a closure to
// create an environment that the signatures are bound to, complicating
// any logic that flows between the two (e.g. moving values in/out and try!).
// In principle, the compiler could be "taught" this trick to eliminate the
// need for the closure, as far as I know. Although how one would communicate
// that they're trying to do this to the compiler is another question.
// It also relies on wrapping the structure of interest to provide a constrained
// API (again, consider applying this to Vec -- need to prevent `push` and `pop`
// being called). This is the same principle behind Entry and Iterator.
// It also produces terrible compile errors (random lifetime failures),
// because we're hacking novel semantics on top of the borrowchecker which
// it doesn't understand.
// This technique was first pioneered by gereeter to enable safely constructing
// search paths in BTreeMap. See Haskell's ST Monad for a related design.
// The example isn't maximally generic or fleshed out because I got bored trying
// to express the bounds necessary to handle &[T] and &mut [T] appropriately.
fn main() {
use indexing::indices;
let arr1: &[u32] = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let arr2: &[u32] = &[10, 20, 30];
// concurrent iteration (hardest thing to do with iterators)
indices(arr1, |arr1, it1| {
indices(arr2, move |arr2, it2| {
for (i, j) in {
println!("{} {}", arr1.get(i), arr2.get(j));
// println!("{} ", arr2.get(i)); // should be invalid to idx wrong source
// println!("{} ", arr1.get(j)); // should be invalid to idx wrong source
// can hold onto the indices for later, as long they stay in the closure
let _a = indices(arr1, |arr, mut it| {
let a =;
let b = it.next_back().unwrap();
println!("{} {}", arr.get(a), arr.get(b));
// a // should be invalid to return an index
// can get references out, just not indices
let (x, y) = indices(arr1, |arr, mut it| {
let a =;
let b = it.next_back().unwrap();
(arr.get(a), arr.get(b))
println!("{} {}", x, y);
// Excercise to the reader: sound multi-index mutable indexing!?
// (hint: it would be unsound with the current design)
mod indexing {
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::iter::DoubleEndedIterator;
// Cell<T> is invariant in T; so Cell<&'id _> makes `id` invariant.
// This means that the inference engine is not allowed to shrink or
// grow 'id to solve the borrow system.
type Id<'id> = PhantomData<::std::cell::Cell<&'id mut ()>>;
pub struct Indexer<'id, Array> {
_id: Id<'id>,
arr: Array,
pub struct Indices<'id> {
_id: Id<'id>,
min: usize,
max: usize,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Index<'id> {
_id: Id<'id>,
idx: usize,
impl<'id, 'a> Indexer<'id, &'a [u32]> {
pub fn get(&self, idx: Index<'id>) -> &'a u32 {
unsafe {
impl<'id> Iterator for Indices<'id> {
type Item = Index<'id>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.min != self.max {
self.min += 1;
Some(Index { _id: PhantomData, idx: self.min - 1 })
} else {
impl<'id> DoubleEndedIterator for Indices<'id> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.min != self.max {
self.max -= 1;
Some(Index { _id: PhantomData, idx: self.max })
} else {
pub fn indices<Array, F, Out>(arr: Array, f: F) -> Out
where F: for<'id> FnOnce(Indexer<'id, Array>, Indices<'id>) -> Out,
Array: Deref<Target = [u32]>,
// This is where the magic happens. We bind the indexer and indices
// to the same invariant lifetime (a constraint established by F's
// definition). As such, each call to `indices` produces a unique
// signature that only these two values can share.
// Within this function, the borrow solver can choose literally any lifetime,
// including `'static`, but we don't care what the borrow solver does in
// *this* function. We only need to trick the solver in the caller's
// scope. Since borrowck doesn't do interprocedural analysis, it
// sees every call to this function produces values with some opaque
// fresh lifetime and can't unify any of them.
// In principle a "super borrowchecker" that does interprocedural
// analysis would break this design, but we could go out of our way
// to somehow bind the lifetime to the inside of this function, making
// it sound again. Borrowck will never do such analysis, so we don't
// care.
let len = arr.len();
let indexer = Indexer { _id: PhantomData, arr: arr };
let indices = Indices { _id: PhantomData, min: 0, max: len };
f(indexer, indices)
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