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Created February 21, 2016 18:08
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Voxel Octree with ray casting
extern crate nalgebra;
//use nalgebra::Vec3;
use nalgebra::*;
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut, Not};
type BlockType = i32;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
// Each SVO assumes that it's the cube between (0,0,0) and (1,1,1)
enum SVO {
Voxel (BlockType),
Octants ([Box<SVO>; 8]) // Each octant is addressed by the bit vector [z, y, x]
// where the variables are booleans for if the octant is ABOVE the given axis.
// For example, the octant at index 6 (b110) is the cube with 0 <= x < 0.5,
// 0.5 <= y < 1, and 0.5 <= z < 1.
// i.e. ((x >= 0.5) << 0) | ((y >= 0.5) << 1) | ((z <= 0.5) << 2)
impl SVO {
pub fn new_voxel(block_type: BlockType) -> SVO {
pub fn new_octants(octant_types: [BlockType; 8]) -> SVO {
let new_boxed_voxel = |ix| Box::new(SVO::new_voxel(octant_types[ix]));
SVO::Octants([new_boxed_voxel(0), new_boxed_voxel(1), new_boxed_voxel(2), new_boxed_voxel(3),
new_boxed_voxel(4), new_boxed_voxel(5), new_boxed_voxel(6), new_boxed_voxel(7)])
// A SVO where the lower blocks (i.e. where y < 0.5) are filled.
pub fn floor() -> SVO {
SVO::new_octants([1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0])
// If the SVO is a Voxel, split it into octants. If it's already octants, panic.
fn subdivide_voxel(&mut self) {
match self as &SVO {
&SVO::Voxel(block_type) =>
*self = SVO::new_octants([block_type, block_type, block_type, block_type,
block_type, block_type, block_type, block_type]),
_ => panic!("subdivide_voxel called on a non-voxel!")
// Follow an index, splitting voxels as necessary. The set the block at the target to `Voxel(new_block_type)`.
// Then go back up the tree, recombining if we've transformed all the octants in a node to the same voxel.
pub fn set_block_and_recombine(&mut self, index: &[u8], new_block_type: BlockType) {
if let &SVO::Voxel(block_type) = self as &SVO { // If we're trying to insert the block_type that's already there
if block_type == new_block_type {return;} // then there's nothing to do.
match index.split_first() {
None => *self = SVO::Voxel(new_block_type), // Overwrite whatever's here with a new voxel.
Some((ix, rest)) => {
match self {
&mut ref mut new_self @ SVO::Voxel(_) => { // If we find a voxel but need to go deeper then split it.
new_self.set_block_and_recombine(index, new_block_type);
&mut SVO::Octants(ref mut octants) => { // Insert into the sub_octant
octants[*ix as usize].set_block_and_recombine(rest, new_block_type);
// If we have 8 voxels of the same type, combine them.
if let Some(combined_block_type) = self.get_octants().and_then(SVO::combine_voxels) {
*self = SVO::Voxel(combined_block_type);
// If the SVO is a Voxel, return its contents.
fn get_voxel_type(&self) -> Option<BlockType> {
match self {
&SVO::Voxel(voxel_type) => Some(voxel_type),
_ => None
// If the SVO is Octants, return its contents.
fn get_octants(&self) -> Option<&[Box<SVO>; 8]> {
match self {
&SVO::Octants(ref octants) => Some(octants),
_ => None
// Cast a ray into the octree and return the position of collision with a non-type-zero voxel (if any).
// x = t*d + o where t = length of ray.
// t = (x-o)/d
// BUT we know that the hit will have be on the boundary on the cube.
// So for each axis independantly, work out the length to hit 0. and 1.
pub fn cast_ray(&self, ray_origin: Vec3<f32>, ray_dir: Vec3<f32>) -> Option<Vec3<f32>> {
let eps = 0.001;
let sanitise = |f: f32| if f.abs() < eps {eps * f.signum()} else {f};
let sanitised_dir = ray_dir.normalize().iter().map(|f| sanitise(*f)).collect();
let inv_dir = Vec3::new(1., 1., 1.)/sanitised_dir;
self.cast_ray_sanitised(ray_origin, sanitised_dir, inv_dir)
pub fn cast_ray_sanitised(&self, ray_origin: Vec3<f32>, ray_dir: Vec3<f32>, inv_ray_dir: Vec3<f32>) -> Option<Vec3<f32>> {
let min_dist = 0.;
let max_dist = 100000.;
// TODO: can simplify this by mirroring the ray direction so they all point the same way
let (t_min_x, t_max_x) = SVO::sort_ts(ray_origin.x, inv_ray_dir.x);
let (t_min_y, t_max_y) = SVO::sort_ts(ray_origin.y, inv_ray_dir.y);
let (t_min_z, t_max_z) = SVO::sort_ts(ray_origin.z, inv_ray_dir.z);
let t_min = [t_min_x, t_min_y, t_min_z].iter().cloned().fold(min_dist, f32::max);
let t_max = [t_max_x, t_max_y, t_max_z].iter().cloned().fold(max_dist, f32::min);
if t_min > t_max {return None};
let hit_position = ray_dir * t_min + ray_origin;
match self {
&SVO::Voxel(0) => None,
&SVO::Voxel(_) => Some(hit_position),
&SVO::Octants(ref octants) => {
// work out which voxels are hit in turn, and if they're solid or not
let children : [(bool, bool, bool); 8] = {
let x = hit_position.x > 0.5;
let y = hit_position.y > 0.5;
let z = hit_position.z > 0.5;
[ (x, y, z),
(x.not(), y, z), (x, y.not(), z), (x, y, z.not()),
(x, y.not(), z.not()), (x.not(), y, z.not()), (x.not(), y.not(), z),
(x.not(), y.not(), z.not())]
let test_child = |above_x : bool, above_y : bool, above_z : bool| -> Option<Vec3<f32>> {
let (above_x, above_y, above_z) = (above_x as usize, above_y as usize, above_z as usize);
let child_ix = above_x | (above_y<<1) | (above_z<<2);
let above_center = Vec3::new(above_x as f32, above_y as f32, above_z as f32);
let new_origin = SVO::to_child_space(ray_origin, above_center);
octants[child_ix].cast_ray_sanitised(new_origin, ray_dir, inv_ray_dir).map (|child_hit: Vec3<f32>| {
SVO::from_child_space(child_hit, above_center)
.map(|&(x, y, z)| test_child(x, y, z))
.find(|x| x.is_some()) // Surely there's a better way to get the first Some in a list??
.and_then(|x| x)
fn combine_voxels(octants: &[Box<SVO>; 8]) -> Option<BlockType> {
octants[0].get_voxel_type().and_then( |voxel_type| {
let mut tail = octants.iter().skip(1);
if tail.all(|octant| octant.get_voxel_type() == Some(voxel_type)) {
} else {
fn sort_ts(o: f32, inv_d: f32) -> (f32, f32) {
let min_extent = 0.;
let max_extent = 1.;
let t1 = (min_extent-o) * inv_d;
let t2 = (max_extent-o) * inv_d;
if t1 < t2 {(t1, t2)} else {(t2, t1)}
fn to_child_space(vec: Vec3<f32>, offsets: Vec3<f32>) -> Vec3<f32> {
(vec - offsets*0.5)*2.
fn from_child_space(vec: Vec3<f32>, offsets: Vec3<f32>) -> Vec3<f32> {
vec/2. + offsets*0.5
// TODO: some way of drawing the current octree i.e. putting verts etc into opengl
// TODO: write tests!
impl<'a> Index<&'a [u8]> for SVO {
type Output = SVO;
fn index(&self, index: &[u8]) -> &SVO {
match index.split_first() {
None => self,
Some((ix, rest)) => match self {
&SVO::Voxel(_) => panic!("Index {:?} is too long!", index),
&SVO::Octants(ref octants) => octants[*ix as usize].index(rest)
impl<'a> IndexMut<&'a [u8]> for SVO {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: &[u8]) -> &mut SVO {
match index.split_first() {
None => self,
Some((ix, rest)) => match self {
&mut SVO::Voxel(_) => panic!("Index {:?} is too long!", index),
&mut SVO::Octants(ref mut octants) => octants[*ix as usize].index_mut(rest)
fn main() {
let mut svo = SVO::floor();
println!("{:?}", &svo); // Octants([Voxel(1), Voxel(1), Voxel(0), Voxel(0), Voxel(1), Voxel(1), Voxel(0), Voxel(0)])
svo.set_block_and_recombine(&[1, 3], 2);
println!("{:?}", &svo); // Octants([Voxel(1), Octants([Voxel(1), Voxel(1), Voxel(1), Voxel(2), Voxel(1), Voxel(1), Voxel(1), Voxel(1)]), Voxel(0), Voxel(0), Voxel(1), Voxel(1), Voxel(0), Voxel(0)])
svo.set_block_and_recombine(&[1, 3], 1);
println!("{:?}", &svo); // Octants([Voxel(1), Voxel(1), Voxel(0), Voxel(0), Voxel(1), Voxel(1), Voxel(0), Voxel(0)])
let hit1 = svo.cast_ray(Vec3::new(0.5, 2., 0.5), Vec3::new(0., -1., 0.));
let hit2 = svo.cast_ray(Vec3::new(-3., 0.25, 0.5), Vec3::new(1., 0., 0.));
println!("{:?}", hit1); // Some(Vec3 { x: 0.5015, y: 0.5, z: 0.5015 })
println!("{:?}", hit2); // Some(Vec3 { x: 0, y: 0.253, z: 0.503 })
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