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Created November 17, 2009 00:29
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{-# UndecidableInstances FlexibleInstances #-}
module Merging where
import IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Ord
class JoinLattice a where
join :: a -> a -> a
-- may want compare; a lattice is a poset
-- with comparison defined by idempotency of join
data Improving a = Imp [a]
unImp :: Improving a -> [a]
unImp (Imp x) = x
joinify :: JoinLattice a => Improving a -> Improving a
joinify = Imp . scanl1 join . unImp
joinify2 :: JoinLattice a => Improving a -> a
joinify2 = foldr1 join . unImp
-- dropSubsumed :: JoinLattice a => Improving a -> Improving a
-- The choice of which list to take the head of is made as soon as it
-- is known which list *has* a head (not necessarily what it is).
-- Therefore, for this to work, the input lists need to always be in a
-- state of possible termination (as produced by, e.g., filter).
-- This can be changed by writing (cons $! x mumble)
merge :: Improving a -> Improving a -> Improving a
merge (Imp xlst) (Imp ylst) =
Imp (
(case xlst of
[] -> ylst
x:xs -> x:unImp(Imp xs `merge` Imp ylst))
(case ylst of
[] -> xlst
y:ys -> y:unImp(Imp xlst `merge` Imp ys)))
unamb :: a -> a -> a
a `unamb` b = unsafePerformIO (a `amb` b)
a `amb` b = evaluate a `race` evaluate b
a `race` b =
do v <- newEmptyMVar
ta <- forkIO (a >>= putMVar v)
tb <- forkIO (b >>= putMVar v)
x <- takeMVar v
return x
instance Functor Improving where
-- fmap :: (JoinLattice a, JoinLattice b) => (a -> b) -> Improving a -> Improving b
fmap f (Imp a) = Imp (map f a)
instance Monad Improving where
x >>= f = -- joinify2 (fmap f x)
flatten (fmap f x)
-- flatten :: JoinLattice a => Improving (Improving a) -> Improving a
flatten (Imp iia) =
case iia of
[] -> Imp []
ia:ias -> ia `merge` (flatten (Imp ias))
return x = Imp [x]
instance JoinLattice (Improving a) where
join = merge
-- Yes, this really does require -XUndecidableInstances -XFlexibleInstances
-- apparently because I could cause a type inference loop by
-- defining several such typeclass interpretations.
instance (Real a) => JoinLattice a where
join = max
fibonacci 0 = 1
fibonacci 1 = 1
fibonacci n = fibonacci (n-1) + fibonacci (n-2)
-- take 100 (unImp (merge (Imp (filter (> 100000) $ map fibonacci [1..])) (Imp [1000..])))
mumble = do x <- Imp (filter (< 10) $ map fibonacci [1..])
y <- Imp [1, x, x+1]
return y
zumble = do x <- Imp [1, 100]
y <- Imp (filter (< 1000) $ map fibonacci [x..])
return y
grumble = do x <- [3,4,5]
y <- [x, 2*x]
return y
frotz = do x <- Imp [3..300]
y <- Imp [x, 2*x]
return y
main = do putStrLn "Hello world"
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