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Created April 15, 2012 07:38
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function Example() {
var player
var blocks
var fps
var viewport
var tile_map
var feet_rect // used to check whether grounded, for checking whether the character can jump.
/* Called once when a game state is activated. Use it for one-time setup code. */
this.setup = function() {
live_info = document.getElementById("live_info")
blocks = new jaws.SpriteList()
var world = new jaws.Rect(0,0,320*10,320*2)
/* We create some 32x32 blocks and save them in array blocks */
for(var y = 0; y < world.height; y += 32 ) {
blocks.push( new Sprite({image: "block.bmp", x: 0, y: y}) )
blocks.push( new Sprite({image: "block.bmp", x: world.width-32, y: y}) )
for(var x = 0; x < world.width; x += 32 ) {
blocks.push( new Sprite({image: "block.bmp", x: x, y: world.height-32}) )
for(var x = 320; x < world.width; x += 32 ) {
blocks.push( new Sprite({image: "block.bmp", x: x, y: world.height-64}) )
for(var i=0; i < 50; i++) {
blocks.push( new Sprite({image: "block.bmp", x: parseInt(Math.random()*100)*32, y: world.height - parseInt(Math.random()*10)*32}) )
// A tile map, each cell is 32x32 pixels. There's 100 such cells across and 100 downwards.
// Fit all items in array blocks into correct cells in the tilemap
// Later on we can look them up really fast (see player.move)
tile_map = new jaws.TileMap({size: [100,100], cell_size: [32,32]})
viewport = new jaws.Viewport({max_x: world.width, max_y: world.height})
player = new jaws.Sprite({x:110, y:320, scale: 2, anchor: "center_bottom"})
//feet_rect = new jaws.Rect(player.x - 16, player.y, 32, 32)
feet_rect = new jaws.Rect(player.x - 11, player.y, 22, 3)
player.move = function() {
this.collided = false
// move x
this.x += this.vx
feet_rect.x += this.vx
// x collision
if(tile_map.atRect(player.rect()).length > 0) {
this.x -= this.vx
feet_rect.x -= this.vx
this.collided = true
this.vx = 0
// move y
this.y += this.vy
feet_rect.y += this.vy
var collided_block = tile_map.atRect(player.rect())[0]
var collisionblocks = tile_map.atRect(feet_rect);
//jaws.log("feet_rect collisions: " + collisionblocks.length +
//"\nplayer collisions: " + collided_block);
// vertical collisions have to be handled differently depending on
// whether they collided on top or on the bottom.
if(collided_block) {
// Heading downwards
if(this.vy > 0) {
this.can_jump = true
this.y = collided_block.rect().y - 1
//feet_rect.y = collided_block.rect().y - 1 - feet_rect.height;
feet_rect.y = collided_block.rect().y - 1;
// Heading upwards (jumping)
else if(this.vy < 0) {
this.y = collided_block.rect().bottom + this.height
//feet_rect.y = collided_block.rect().bottom + this.height - feet_rect.height;
feet_rect.y = collided_block.rect().bottom + this.height;
this.vy = 0
this.collided = true
player.canJump = function() {
var collided_block = tile_map.atRect(feet_rect)[0];
if (collided_block) {
return true;
var anim = new jaws.Animation({sprite_sheet: "droid_11x15.png", frame_size: [11,15], frame_duration: 100})
player.anim_default = anim.slice(0,5)
player.anim_up = anim.slice(6,8)
player.anim_down = anim.slice(8,10)
player.anim_left = anim.slice(10,12)
player.anim_right = anim.slice(12,14)
player.vx = player.vy = 0
player.can_jump = true
player.setImage( )
jaws.context.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; // non-blurry, blocky retro scaling
jaws.preventDefaultKeys(["up", "down", "left", "right", "space"])
} // end setup
/* update() will get called each game tick with your specified FPS. Put game logic here. */
this.update = function() {
player.setImage( )
player.vx = 0
if(jaws.pressed("left")) { player.vx = -2; player.setImage( }
if(jaws.pressed("right")) { player.vx = 2; player.setImage( }
//if(jaws.pressed("up")) { if(player.can_jump) { player.vy = -10; player.can_jump = false } }
if(jaws.pressed("up")) {
if(player.canJump()) {
player.vy = -10;
// some gravity
player.vy += 0.4
// apply vx / vy (x velocity / y velocity), check for collision detection in the process.
// this should fix right/bottom not updating
feet_rect.moveTo(feet_rect.x, feet_rect.y)
// Tries to center viewport around player.x / player.y.
// It won't go outside of 0 or outside of our previously specified max_x, max_y values.
live_info.innerHTML = jaws.game_loop.fps + " fps. Player x, y, right, bottom: " + parseInt(player.x) + ", " + parseInt(player.y) + ", " +
parseInt(player.rect().right) + ", " + parseInt(player.rect().bottom) +
"<br/>feet_rect x, y, right, bottom: " + parseInt(feet_rect.x) + ", " + parseInt(feet_rect.y) + ", " +
parseInt(feet_rect.right) + ", " + parseInt(feet_rect.bottom) +
"<br/>Viewport: " + parseInt(viewport.x) + "/" + parseInt(viewport.y) + "." +
"<br/>tile_map.atRect(feet_rect).length: " + tile_map.atRect(feet_rect).length +
"<br/>tile_map.atRect(player.rect()).length: " + tile_map.atRect(player.rect()).length;
//live_info.innerHTML += "<br/>feet_rect right, bottom: " + parseInt(feet_rect.right) + ", " + parseInt(feet_rect.bottom)
//live_info.innerHTML += "<br/>Viewport: " + parseInt(viewport.x) + "/" + parseInt(viewport.y) + "."
//live_info.innerHTML += "<br/>feet_rect: " + parseInt(feet_rect.x) + "/" + parseInt(feet_rect.y)
//live_info.innerHTML += "<br/>tile_map.atRect(feet_rect).length: " + tile_map.atRect(feet_rect).length
//live_info.innerHTML += "<br/>tile_map.atRect(player.rect()).length: " + tile_map.atRect(player.rect()).length
//live_info.innerHTML += "\nplayer_wrapper_rect collisions: " + collisionblocks.length +
//"\nplayer collisions: " + collided_block
/* Directly after each update draw() will be called. Put all your on-screen operations here. */
this.draw = function() {
// the viewport magic. wrap all draw()-calls inside viewport.apply and it will draw those relative to the viewport.
viewport.apply( function() {
//player.collided ? player.rect().draw() : {} ;
// if (player.cached_rect) player.cached_rect.draw();
// else player.rect().draw()
// sprite.collision ? sprite.rect().draw() : sprite.draw()
jaws.onload = function() {
jaws.start(Example) // Our convenience function jaws.start() will load assets, call setup and loop update/draw in 60 FPS
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