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Created May 13, 2012 14:14
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Computes the probability distribution of states created by
the shuffle2 algorithm. This should return results similar to
A state is a 2-tuple: (swapped, deck)
The probability of transitioning from one state to another can be represented by
a Markov matrix M.
The probability distribution of states after N iterations of the shuffle2 algorithm
is given by M**N.
import numpy as np
import itertools
def test_uniform(M, start, maxiter = 20):
"""Compute the probability distribution of states
as the inital state `start` transitions through `maxiter` applications of
the Markov matrix M.
Raise AssertionError if the distribution is provably nonuniform.
final_states = set([i for i, (swapped, deck) in enumerate(states) if all(swapped)])
# final_states = [42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]
uniform = 1./len(final_states)
distribution =, start)
missing, lo, hi = 1.0, 1.0, 0.0
for iteration in range(1, maxiter+1):
distribution =, distribution)
assert np.allclose(sum(distribution), 1.0)
missing = sum([distribution[i] for i in set(range(len(states)))-final_states])
lo = min([distribution[i] for i in final_states])
hi = max([distribution[i] for i in final_states])
ml = missing + lo
results = dict([(deck_state(states[i]), distribution[i]) for i in final_states])
assert hi <= uniform, too_hi.format(**locals())
assert missing+lo >= uniform, too_lo.format(**locals())
return distribution
def deck_state(state):
swapped, deck = state
return deck
def initial_state():
"""Return the initial probability distribution corresponding to state[0], i.e.
state[0] = swapped, deck = (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 2)
x = np.zeros(len(states))
x[0] = 1.0
return x
def test():
distribution = start[:]
for i in range(10):
distribution =, distribution)
assert np.allclose(sum(distribution), 1.0)
print('passed: {i}'.format(**locals()))
return 'tests passed!'
def makeM():
Return the Markov transition matrix, M, where
M[row, col] is the probability of moving from states[col] to states[row]
L = len(states)
M = np.zeros((L, L))
for col, state in enumerate(states):
swapped, deck = state
N = len(deck)
if not all(swapped):
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
newdeck, newswapped = list(deck), list(swapped)
newswapped[i] = True
newdeck[i], newdeck[j] = deck[j], deck[i]
newswapped = tuple(newswapped)
newdeck = tuple(newdeck)
row = states.index((newswapped, newdeck))
M[row, col] += 1./(N**2)
row = states.index((swapped, deck))
M[row, col] = 1.0
return M
# states enumerates all possible (swapped, deck) pairs
states = list(itertools.product(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat = 3),
itertools.permutations([0, 1, 2])))
M = makeM()
start = initial_state()
report = '''\
iteration: {iteration}
missing: {missing}
lo = {lo}
hi = {hi}
results = {results}
too_lo = 'distribution is not uniform since missing+lo = {ml} < {uniform}'
too_hi = 'distribution is not uniform since hi = {hi} > {uniform}'
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_uniform(M , start)
iteration: 15
missing: 0.00456724682932
lo = 0.16092710389
hi = 0.16691555987
results = {(2, 1, 0): 0.1669155598702729, (0, 1, 2): 0.16092710389008436, (1, 0, 2): 0.1669155598702729, (2, 0, 1): 0.16687948483488679, (0, 2, 1): 0.1669155598702729, (1, 2, 0): 0.16687948483488679}
AssertionError: distribution is not uniform since hi = 0.16691555987 > 0.166666666667
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