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Created June 22, 2015 14:49
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Economics Example Snippet
def economics_example():
This method creates a set of regression analyses based on economics GDP's of the BRICS nations,
# b: blue, g: green, r: red, c: cyan, m: magenta, y: yellow, k: black, w: white
statsmodels_args = StatsModelsSettings(1, False)
quandl_args_prices = QuandlSettings(15, 1, "yearly")
# South Africa, China, Brazil, India, Russia
regressions = [RegressionAnalysis("WORLDBANK/ZAF_NY_GDP_MKTP_KN", quandl_args_prices, statsmodels_args, 'b'),
RegressionAnalysis("WORLDBANK/CHN_NY_GDP_MKTP_KN", quandl_args_prices, statsmodels_args, 'g'),
RegressionAnalysis("WORLDBANK/BRA_NY_GDP_MKTP_KN", quandl_args_prices, statsmodels_args, 'k'),
RegressionAnalysis("WORLDBANK/IND_NY_GDP_MKTP_KN", quandl_args_prices, statsmodels_args, 'm'),
RegressionAnalysis("WORLDBANK/RUS_NY_GDP_MKTP_KN", quandl_args_prices, statsmodels_args, 'c')]
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