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Created May 27, 2012 14:12
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// v1.0.13
// 参考Bronie FPeD
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
var currURL = location.href;
var rank = {
Recruit: 1,
Private: 2,
'Private *': 3,
'Private **': 4,
'Private ***': 5,
Corporal: 6,
'Corporal *': 7,
'Corporal **': 8,
'Corporal ***': 9,
Sergeant: 10,
'Sergeant *': 11,
'Sergeant **': 12,
'Sergeant ***': 13,
Lieutenant: 14,
'Lieutenant *': 15,
'Lieutenant **': 16,
'Lieutenant ***': 17,
Captain: 18,
'Captain *': 19,
'Captain **': 20,
'Captain ***': 21,
Major: 22,
'Major *': 23,
'Major **': 24,
'Major ***': 25,
Commander: 26,
'Commander *': 27,
'Commander **': 28,
'Commander ***': 29,
'Lt Colonel': 30,
'Lt Colonel *': 31,
'Lt Colonel **': 32,
'Lt Colonel ***': 33,
Colonel: 34,
'Colonel *': 35,
'Colonel **': 36,
'Colonel ***': 37,
General: 38,
'General *': 39,
'General **': 40,
'General ***': 41,
'Field Marshal': 42,
'Field Marshal *': 43,
'Field Marshal **': 44,
'Field Marshal ***': 45,
'Supreme Marshal': 46,
'Supreme Marshal *': 47,
'Supreme Marshal **': 48,
'Supreme Marshal ***': 49,
'National Force': 50,
'National Force *': 51,
'National Force **': 52,
'National Force ***': 53,
'World Class Force': 54,
'World Class Force *': 55,
'World Class Force **': 56,
'World Class Force ***': 57,
'Legendary Force': 58,
'Legendary Force *': 59,
'Legendary Force **': 60,
'Legendary Force ***': 61,
'God of War': 62,
'God of War *': 63,
'God of War **': 64,
'God of War ***': 65
var ccode = {
Argentina: 'ARG',
Venezuela: 'VEN',
'United Kingdom': 'UK',
Switzerland: 'CH',
Netherlands: 'NL',
'Czech Republic': 'Czech',
'South Korea': 'SK',
Indonesia: 'IND',
Australia: 'AUS',
'South Africa': 'ZA',
'Republic of Moldova': 'Moldova',
Philippines: 'PH',
Singapore: 'SGP',
'Bosnia and Herzegovina': 'BIH',
Lithuania: 'LT',
'North Korea': 'NK',
'Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)': 'MKD',
Montenegro: 'MNE',
'Republic of China (Taiwan)': 'ROC',
'New Zealand': 'NZ',
'Saudi Arabia': 'SA',
'United Arab Emirates': 'UAE'
function dmgCalc(militaryRank, strength, weaponPower, fights, bonus) {
var damage = Math.floor((militaryRank + 5) * (strength + 400) * 0.005 * (1 + weaponPower * 0.01));
return Math.floor(damage * bonus) * fights;
function str_replace(haystack, needle, replacement) {
var temp = haystack.split(needle);
return temp.join(replacement);
function add_inf() {
var content = $j('#content'),
mRank = content.find('div.citizen_military:eq(1)').find('a').text().trim();
str = content.find('div.citizen_military:eq(0)').find('h4').text().trim();
str = parseFloat(str_replace(str, ',', ''));
content.find('div.citizen_military:last').after('<h3>Influence</h3><table border="0" width="100%" class="details"><thead><tr><th>Weapons</th><th>None</th><th>Q1</th><th>Q2</th><th>Q3</th><th>Q4</th><th>Q5</th><th>Q6</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr class="current"><td class="skill"><span class="skiller">Influence</span></td><td class="stat">' +
dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, 0, 1, 1) + '</td><td class="stat">' +
dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, 20, 1, 1) + '</td><td class="stat">' +
dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, 40, 1, 1) + '</td><td class="stat">' +
dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, 60, 1, 1) + '</td><td class="stat">' +
dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, 80, 1, 1) + '</td><td class="stat">' +
dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, 100, 1, 1) + '</td><td class="stat">' +
dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, 120, 1, 1) + '</td></tr></tbody></table><div class="clear"></div><h3>Influence Calculator<span style="float:right">Weapons: <select id="dmgWeapon" size="1"><option value="0">None</option><option value="20">Q1</option><option value="40">Q2</option><option value="60">Q3</option><option value="80">Q4</option><option value="100">Q5</option><option value="120" selected="selected">Q6</option></select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Fights: <input id="dmgFights" name="dmgFights" value="65" size="4" maxlength="4" /></span></h3><div class="citizen_military" style="margin-bottom:2px"><div id="dmgResults"><strong>Total influence: </strong><h4 style="margin-left:10px">' +
dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, 120, 65, 1) + '</h4><div class="stat"><small>With NE bonus: <strong><span style="font-size:12px">' +
dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, 120, 65, 1.1) + '</span></strong></small></div></div></div>'
$j('#dmgFights').keyup(function () {
var fights = $j('#dmgFights').val(),
weaponPower = $j('#dmgWeapon').val();
$j('#dmgResults').html('<strong>Total influence: </strong><h4 style="margin-left:10px">' +
dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, weaponPower, fights, 1) + '</h4><div class="stat"><small>With NE bonus: <strong><span style="font-size:12px">' +
dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, weaponPower, fights, 1.1) + '</span></strong></small></div>'
$j('#dmgWeapon').change(function () {
function add_news() {
$j('#articles').find('a:first').before('<a href="/en/news/latest/all/China/1" class="mbutton"><img src="" alt="" /><span>Latest news of eChina</span></a>' +
'<a href="/en/newspaper/ministry-of-sinodefence-196717/1" class="mbutton"><img src="" alt="" /><span>Daily Order of SinoDefence</span></a>'
function dmgMilitary(bonus) {
var str,
mRank = $j('#rank_icon').attr('title');
str = $j('#fighter_skill').text().trim();
str = parseFloat(str_replace(str, ',', ''));
if (typeof mRank == 'undefined' || mRank.length == 0) {
mRank = $j('#rank_icon').attr('original-title').substr(15).trim();
} else {
mRank = mRank.substr(15).trim();
return dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, 120, 1, bonus);
function sortStats(a, b) {
var ta = a.split('_'),
tb = b.split('_');
if (parseInt(ta[1], 10) == parseInt(tb[1], 10)) {
return parseInt(ta[2], 10) - parseInt(tb[2], 10);
} else {
return parseInt(ta[1], 10) - parseInt(tb[1], 10);
function getKey() {
var i, len, tmp,
key = [];
for (i = 0, len = localStorage.length; i < len; i++) {
tmp = localStorage.key(i);
if (tmp.charAt(0) != '@') {
return key;
function showStats() {
var tmp, value, i, len,
stats = [],
stats_table = $j('#stats_table'),
tstats = '',
cmcInf = 0,
cmcFight = 0,
eliteInf = 0,
eliteFight = 0,
key = getKey();
for (i = 0, len = key.length; i < len; i++) {
value = localStorage.getItem(key[i]).split('_');
tmp = key[i].split('_');
if (tmp[0].length == 1) {
cmcFight += parseInt(value[0], 10);
cmcInf += parseInt(value[1], 10);
stats.push('<tr><td>' + tmp[1] + '_' + tmp[2] + '_' + value[0] + '</td><td>' + value[1] + '</td><td><a href="javascript:;" class="delete_stat" id="' + key[i] + '">X</a></td></tr>');
} else {
eliteFight += parseInt(value[0], 10);
eliteInf += parseInt(value[1], 10);
stats.push('<tr style="background-color:LightGreen;"><td>' + tmp[1] + '_' + tmp[2] + '_' + value[0] + '</td><td>' + value[1] + '</td><td><a href="javascript:;" class="delete_stat" id="' + key[i] + '">X</a></td></tr>');
if (stats.length == 1) {
stats = '';
} else {
stats = stats.join('');
stats_table.find('th').css({'border': '1px solid gray', 'padding': '2px'});
stats_table.find('td').css({'border': '1px solid gray', 'padding': '1px'});
if (cmcInf > 0) {
tstats += '<tr><td>ROCAS 總影響力</td><td>' + cmcInf + '</td></tr><tr><td>ROCAS Q6攻擊次數</td><td>' + cmcFight + '</td></tr>';
if (eliteInf > 0) {
tstats += '<tr><td>Elite 總影響力</td><td>' + eliteInf + '</td></tr><tr><td>Elite Q6攻擊次數</td><td>' + eliteFight + '</td></tr>';
if (cmcInf == 0 && eliteInf == 0) {
tstats = '<tr><td style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;"><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS 申報插件 v1.0.13</a></td></tr>';
stats_table.find('tr:gt(0)').click(function () {
var key = $j(this).find('a.delete_stat').attr('id'),
value = localStorage.getItem(key),
tmp = key.split('_');
if (tmp[0].length == 1) {
localStorage.setItem('@' + key, value);
} else {
key = key.substr(1);
localStorage.setItem(key, value);
$j('#clear_btn').css('display', 'none');
$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'none');
stats_table.find('a.delete_stat').click(function () {
$j('#clear_btn').css('display', 'none');
$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'none');
function add_fight() {
var battleId = currURL.substr(49),
leftCrowns = $j('#popup_left_crowns').attr('crowns'),
rightCrowns = $j('#popup_right_crowns').attr('crowns'),
zoneId = parseInt(leftCrowns, 10) + parseInt(rightCrowns, 10) + 1,
leftSide = $j('#pvp_header').find('h3:first').html(),
totalDmg = parseInt($j('#total_damage').find('strong').text().replace(/\s/g, ''), 10),
dmg = dmgMilitary(1),
neDmg = dmgMilitary(1.1),
scriptNode = document.createElement('script'),
text = [];
if (leftSide.indexOf('Resistance') != -1) {
leftSide = leftSide.substr(20);
if (leftSide.length > 8) {
leftSide = ccode[leftSide];
if (localStorage.getItem('ne') != null && localStorage.getItem('ne') == battleId) {
initFight = Math.round(totalDmg / neDmg);
} else if (totalDmg % dmg != 0 && totalDmg % neDmg == 0) {
initFight = Math.round(totalDmg / neDmg);
} else {
initFight = Math.round(totalDmg / dmg);
'<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><div id="total_f" style="width:auto;height:25px;display:block;cursor:default;"><small style="font-size:11px;color:#fff;float:left;text-shadow:#333 0px 1px 1px;display:block;height:25px;opacity:0.7;-moz-opacity:0.7;-ms-fiter:' + "'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=70)'" + ';filter:alpha(opacity=70);line-height:25px;font-weight:bold;padding:0 5px;background-image:url(' + "'/images/modules/pvp/influence_left.png?1321873582'" + ');background-position:left;">' + battleId + '_' + zoneId + '_' + leftSide + '</small><strong style="color:#fff;text-shadow:#014471 0px 1px 0px;float:left;display:block;height:25px;font-size:12px;line-height:25px;padding:0 5px;background-image:url(' + "'/images/modules/pvp/influence_right.png?1321873582'" + ');background-position:right;">' + initFight + '</strong></div></td>'
function localMain() {
//remove ScrollToFixed
$j(document).ready(function () {
$j(window).load(function () {
var tmp = $j('#large_sidebar').next();
if (typeof tmp.attr('id') == 'undefined' || !tmp.attr('id').length) {
$j('#large_sidebar').css({'width' : '', 'position' : '', 'left' : '', 'top' : ''});
//update totalDmg
$j('#total_f').ajaxSuccess(function (e, xhr, settings) {
if (settings.url.indexOf('fight') == -1) {
var fight = parseInt($j(this).find('strong').html(), 10),
response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText),
user = response.user;
if (response.error) {
if (response.message === 'ENEMY_KILLED') {
totalDmg += user.givenDamage;
if (response.oldEnemy.isNatural === true) {
localStorage.setItem('ne', location.href.substr(49));
totalDmg += Math.floor(user.givenDamage * 0.1);
fight = Math.round(totalDmg / dmgMilitary(1.1));
} else {
fight = Math.round(totalDmg / dmgMilitary(1));
key = $j(this).find('small').text().trim().split('_', 2);
key = '@_' + key[0] + '_' + key[1];
if (localStorage.getItem(key) == null) {
key = '@' + key;
if (localStorage.getItem(key) == null) {
localStorage.setItem(key, fight + '_' + totalDmg);
text.push('(function () {');
text.push("var rank = {Recruit: 1, Private: 2, 'Private *': 3, 'Private **': 4, 'Private ***': 5, Corporal: 6, 'Corporal *': 7, 'Corporal **': 8, 'Corporal ***': 9, Sergeant: 10, 'Sergeant *': 11, 'Sergeant **': 12, 'Sergeant ***': 13, Lieutenant: 14, 'Lieutenant *': 15, 'Lieutenant **': 16, 'Lieutenant ***': 17, Captain: 18, 'Captain *': 19, 'Captain **': 20, 'Captain ***': 21, Major: 22, 'Major *': 23, 'Major **': 24, 'Major ***': 25, Commander: 26, 'Commander *': 27, 'Commander **': 28, 'Commander ***': 29, 'Lt Colonel': 30, 'Lt Colonel *': 31, 'Lt Colonel **': 32, 'Lt Colonel ***': 33, Colonel: 34, 'Colonel *': 35, 'Colonel **': 36, 'Colonel ***': 37, General: 38, 'General *': 39, 'General **': 40, 'General ***': 41, 'Field Marshal': 42, 'Field Marshal *': 43, 'Field Marshal **': 44, 'Field Marshal ***': 45, 'Supreme Marshal': 46, 'Supreme Marshal *': 47, 'Supreme Marshal **': 48, 'Supreme Marshal ***': 49, 'National Force': 50, 'National Force *': 51, 'National Force **': 52, 'National Force ***': 53, 'World Class Force': 54, 'World Class Force *': 55, 'World Class Force **': 56, 'World Class Force ***': 57, 'Legendary Force': 58, 'Legendary Force *': 59, 'Legendary Force **': 60, 'Legendary Force ***': 61, 'God of War': 62, 'God of War *': 63, 'God of War **': 64, 'God of War ***': 65};");
text.push('var totalDmg = ' + totalDmg + ';');
scriptNode.textContent = text.join('\n');
function addBtnHandler() {
$j('#stats_btn').click(function () {
$j('#clear_btn').css('display', 'none');
$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'none');
$j('#addstats_btn').click(function () {
var myInf = $j('#total_damage').find('strong').text().replace(/\s/g, ''),
fight = $j('#total_f').find('strong').text().trim(),
key = $j('#total_f').find('small').text().trim().split('_', 2);
key = '@_' + key[0] + '_' + key[1];
if (localStorage.getItem(key) != null) {
localStorage.setItem(key, fight + '_' + myInf);
if (localStorage.getItem('@' + key) != null) {
localStorage.setItem('@' + key, fight + '_' + myInf);
} else { //add @_battleId_zondId
localStorage.setItem(key, fight + '_' + myInf);
$j('#gen_btn').click(function () {
if ($j('#stats_report').html() != '') {
$j('#clear_btn').css('display', 'none');
$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'none').val('');
var tmp, value, i, len, stats,
cmcs = [],
elites = [],
key = getKey();
for (i = 0, len = key.length; i < len; i++) {
value = localStorage.getItem(key[i]).split('_');
tmp = key[i].split('_');
if (tmp[0].length == 1) {
cmcs.push(tmp[1] + '_' + tmp[2] + '_' + value[0]);
} else {
elites.push(tmp[1] + '_' + tmp[2] + '_' + value[0]);
if (cmcs.length == 0 && elites.length == 0) {
$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'none');
stats = '';
if (cmcs.length > 0) {
stats += 'ROCAS: [' + cmcs.join('] [') + ']<br/>';
if (elites.length > 0) {
stats += 'ELITE: [' + elites.join('] [') + ']';
$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'block');
$j('#clear_btn').click(function () {
var r, key, i, len;
r = confirm('確定要清除插件上的資料嘛?');
if (r == true) {
key = getKey();
for (i = 0, len = key.length; i < len; i++) {
$j('#clear_btn').css('display', 'none');
$j('#submit_btn').click(function () {
var r, cmcs, elites, cmcInf, cmcFight, eliteInf, tmp, value, key, i, len, comment, cmsg, emsg, citizenId, others;
r = confirm('已自行確認數據資料正確,發送給ROCAS嗎?');
if (r == true) {
cmcs = [];
elites = [];
cmcInf = 0;
cmcFight = 0;
eliteInf = 0;
key = getKey();
for (i = 0, len = key.length; i < len; i++) {
value = localStorage.getItem(key[i]).split('_');
tmp = key[i].split('_');
if (tmp[0].length == 1) {
cmcFight += parseInt(value[0], 10);
cmcInf += parseInt(value[1], 10);
cmcs.push(tmp[1] + '_' + tmp[2] + '_' + value[0]);
} else {
eliteInf += parseInt(value[1], 10);
elites.push(tmp[1] + '_' + tmp[2] + '_' + value[0]);
if (cmcs.length == 0 && elites.length == 0) {
$j('#clear_btn').css('display', 'none');
$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'none');
$j('#stats_report').html('30% - Wait a mo...');
citizenId = $j('#financier').attr('href').substr(20);
others = '';
if ($j('#gen_txt').val() != '') {
others = ' ' + $j('#gen_txt').val();
$j('#clear_btn').css('display', 'block');
$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'none');
if (cmcs.length > 0 && elites.length > 0) {
comment = 'ROCAS: [' + cmcs.join('] [') + ']' + others;
cmsg = 'battleid=9999&uid=' + citizenId + '&fight=' + cmcFight + '&damage=' + cmcInf + '&others=' + comment;
comment = 'ELITE: [' + elites.join('] [') + ']' + others;
emsg = 'battleid=9999&elite=1&uid=' + citizenId + '&fight=' + dmgMilitary(1) + '&damage=' + eliteInf + '&others=' + comment;
$'', cmsg, function (data) {
if (data.message == 'success') {
$j('#stats_report').html('70% - Wait a mo...');
$'', emsg, function (data) {
if (data.message == 'success') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:green;">Submitted. <br/>Check: </span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS list</a>');
} else if (data.message == 'error') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:red;">' + data.errmsg + ' Try to submit again or access: <br/></span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS formElite</a>');
}, 'json');
} else if (data.message == 'error') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:red;">' + data.errmsg + ' Try to submit again or access: <br/></span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS form</a>');
}, 'json');
if (cmcs.length > 0) {
comment = 'ROCAS: [' + cmcs.join('] [') + ']' + others;
cmsg = 'battleid=9999&uid=' + citizenId + '&fight=' + cmcFight + '&damage=' + cmcInf + '&others=' + comment;
$'', cmsg, function (data) {
if (data.message == 'success') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:green;">上傳成功. <br/>網頁確認: </span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS list</a>');
} else if (data.message == 'error') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:red;">' + data.errmsg + ' Try to submit again or access: <br/></span><a href="" target="_blank">RCOAS form</a>');
}, 'json');
if (elites.length > 0) {
comment = 'ELITE: [' + elites.join('] [') + ']' + others;
emsg = 'battleid=9999&elite=1&uid=' + citizenId + '&fight=' + dmgMilitary(1) + '&damage=' + eliteInf + '&others=' + comment;
$'', emsg, function (data) {
if (data.message == 'success') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:green;">上傳成功. <br/>網頁確認: </span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS list</a>');
} else if (data.message == 'error') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:red;">' + data.errmsg + ' Try to submit again or access: <br/></span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS formElite</a>');
}, 'json');
function add_stats() {
'<div style="float:left;width:153px;margin-bottom:7px;"><a href="javascript:;" id="stats_btn" style="margin-top:10px;float:left;"><strong>隱藏/顯示</strong></a><a href="javascript:;" id="addstats_btn" style="margin-top:10px;float:right;"><strong>加入</strong></a><a href="" target="_blank" id="help_btn" style="margin-top:10px;float:right;display:none;"><strong>Help</strong></a><br/><div id="my_stats"><table id="stats_table" style="width:100%;"></table><hr/><table id="tstats_table" style="width:100%;"></table><hr/><a href="javascript:;" id="submit_btn" style="float:left;"><strong>送出</strong></a><a href="javascript:;" id="gen_btn" style="float:right;"><strong>備註</strong></a><br/><div id="stats_report" style="width:100%;"></div><textarea id="gen_txt" style="width:100%;display:none;"></textarea><a href="javascript:;" id="clear_btn" style="float:left;display:none;"><strong>清除資料</strong></a></div></div>'
var key, myInf, fight;
key = $j('#total_f').find('small').text().trim().split('_', 2);
key = '@_' + key[0] + '_' + key[1];
if (localStorage.getItem(key) != null) {
myInf = $j('#total_damage').find('strong').text().replace(/\s/g, '');
fight = $j('#total_f').find('strong').text().trim();
localStorage.setItem(key, fight + '_' + myInf);
key = '@' + key;
if (localStorage.getItem(key) != null) {
myInf = $j('#total_damage').find('strong').text().replace(/\s/g, '');
fight = $j('#total_f').find('strong').text().trim();
localStorage.setItem(key, fight + '_' + myInf);
$j(document).ready(function () {
function add_region() {
var rh = $j('#pvp_header').find('h2'),
region = rh.text(),
if (region == 'Federation of BiH') {
regionurl = 'Federation+of+BiH';
} else if (region == 'Lika and Gorski Kotar') {
regionurl = 'Lika-Gorski-Kotar';
} else if (region == 'Istria and Kvarner') {
regionurl = 'Istria-Kvarner';
} else if (region == 'Styria and Carinthia') {
regionurl = 'Styria-Carinthia';
} else if (region == 'Jammu and Kashmir') {
regionurl = 'Jammu-Kashmir';
} else if (region == 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen') {
regionurl = 'Svalbard-Jan-Mayen';
} else if (region == 'North-West Frontier Province') {
regionurl = 'North-West-Frontier';
} else if (region == 'Sistan and Baluchistan') {
regionurl = 'Sistan-Baluchistan';
} else if (region == 'Norrland and Sameland') {
regionurl = 'Norrland-Sameland';
} else if (region == 'Yorkshire & Humberside') {
regionurl = 'Yorkshire-Humberside';
} else if (region == 'Lika and Gorski Kotar') {
regionurl = 'Lika-Gorski-Kotar';
} else if (region == 'Castilla y Leon') {
regionurl = 'Castilla-Leon';
} else if (region == 'Newfoundland and Labrador') {
regionurl = 'Newfoundland';
} else if (region == 'Chungcheongnam-do') {
regionurl = 'Chungcheongnam';
} else if (region == 'Gyeongsangbuk-do') {
regionurl = 'Gyeongsangbuk';
} else if (region == 'Gyeongsangnam-do') {
regionurl = 'Gyeongsangnam';
} else if (region == 'Gyeonggi-do') {
regionurl = 'Gyeonggi';
} else if (region == 'Gangwon-do') {
regionurl = 'Gangwon';
} else if (region == 'Chungcheongbuk-do') {
regionurl = 'Chungcheongbuk';
} else if (region == 'Jeollabuk-do') {
regionurl = 'Jeollabuk';
} else if (region == 'Jeollanam-do') {
regionurl = 'Jeollanam';
} else if (region == 'Ha\'il') {
regionurl = 'Ha-il';
} else {
regionurl = region.replace(/ /g, '-');
rh.html('<a target="_blank" href="' + regionurl + '">' + region + '</a>');
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$j(this).text('[' + data[countryId][$j(this).val()].distance + '] ' + $j(this).text());
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$j('#region_list').one('click', function () {
$j(this).find('option:gt(0)').each(function () {
var ta, tb, dx, dy, move,
dest = region[$j(this).val()],
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ta = srcy < desty ? srcy : desty;
tb = srcy > desty ? srcy : desty;
dy = tb - ta < ta + 5 - tb ? tb - ta : ta + 5 - tb;
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// ==UserScript==
// @name eRepublik ROCAS battle pupil
// @version v1.0.13
// @description ROCAS的申報插件
// @author SDF_R98,modify by pat
// @namespace pat
// @include*/military/battlefield/*
// ==/UserScript==
// reference
var rank = {
Recruit: 1,
Private: 2,
'Private *': 3,
'Private **': 4,
'Private ***': 5,
Corporal: 6,
'Corporal *': 7,
'Corporal **': 8,
'Corporal ***': 9,
Sergeant: 10,
'Sergeant *': 11,
'Sergeant **': 12,
'Sergeant ***': 13,
Lieutenant: 14,
'Lieutenant *': 15,
'Lieutenant **': 16,
'Lieutenant ***': 17,
Captain: 18,
'Captain *': 19,
'Captain **': 20,
'Captain ***': 21,
Major: 22,
'Major *': 23,
'Major **': 24,
'Major ***': 25,
Commander: 26,
'Commander *': 27,
'Commander **': 28,
'Commander ***': 29,
'Lt Colonel': 30,
'Lt Colonel *': 31,
'Lt Colonel **': 32,
'Lt Colonel ***': 33,
Colonel: 34,
'Colonel *': 35,
'Colonel **': 36,
'Colonel ***': 37,
General: 38,
'General *': 39,
'General **': 40,
'General ***': 41,
'Field Marshal': 42,
'Field Marshal *': 43,
'Field Marshal **': 44,
'Field Marshal ***': 45,
'Supreme Marshal': 46,
'Supreme Marshal *': 47,
'Supreme Marshal **': 48,
'Supreme Marshal ***': 49,
'National Force': 50,
'National Force *': 51,
'National Force **': 52,
'National Force ***': 53,
'World Class Force': 54,
'World Class Force *': 55,
'World Class Force **': 56,
'World Class Force ***': 57,
'Legendary Force': 58,
'Legendary Force *': 59,
'Legendary Force **': 60,
'Legendary Force ***': 61,
'God of War': 62,
'God of War *': 63,
'God of War **': 64,
'God of War ***': 65
var ccode = {
Argentina: 'ARG',
Venezuela: 'VEN',
'United Kingdom': 'UK',
Switzerland: 'CH',
Netherlands: 'NL',
'Czech Republic': 'Czech',
'South Korea': 'SK',
Indonesia: 'IND',
Australia: 'AUS',
'South Africa': 'ZA',
'Republic of Moldova': 'Moldova',
Philippines: 'PH',
Singapore: 'SGP',
'Bosnia and Herzegovina': 'BIH',
Lithuania: 'LT',
'North Korea': 'NK',
'Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)': 'MKD',
Montenegro: 'MNE',
'Republic of China (Taiwan)': 'ROC',
'New Zealand': 'NZ',
'Saudi Arabia': 'SA',
'United Arab Emirates': 'UAE'
function dmgCalc(militaryRank, strength, weaponPower, fights, bonus) {
var damage = Math.floor((militaryRank + 5) * (strength + 400) * 0.005 * (1 + weaponPower * 0.01));
return Math.floor(damage * bonus) * fights;
function str_replace(haystack, needle, replacement) {
var temp = haystack.split(needle);
return temp.join(replacement);
function dmgMilitary(bonus) {
var str,
mRank = $j('#rank_icon').attr('title');
str = $j('#fighter_skill').text().trim();
str = parseFloat(str_replace(str, ',', ''));
if (typeof mRank == 'undefined' || mRank.length == 0) {
mRank = $j('#rank_icon').attr('original-title').substr(15).trim();
} else {
mRank = mRank.substr(15).trim();
return dmgCalc(rank[mRank], str, 120, 1, bonus);
function sortStats(a, b) {
var ta = a.split('_'),
tb = b.split('_');
if (parseInt(ta[1], 10) == parseInt(tb[1], 10)) {
return parseInt(ta[2], 10) - parseInt(tb[2], 10);
} else {
return parseInt(ta[1], 10) - parseInt(tb[1], 10);
function getKey() {
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key = [];
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return key;
function showStats() {
var tmp, value, i, len,
stats = [],
stats_table = $j('#stats_table'),
tstats = '',
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cmcFight = 0,
eliteInf = 0,
eliteFight = 0,
key = getKey();
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value = localStorage.getItem(key[i]).split('_');
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cmcInf += parseInt(value[1], 10);
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} else {
eliteFight += parseInt(value[0], 10);
eliteInf += parseInt(value[1], 10);
stats.push('<tr style="background-color:LightGreen;"><td>' + tmp[1] + '_' + tmp[2] + '_' + value[0] + '</td><td>' + value[1] + '</td><td><a href="javascript:;" class="delete_stat" id="' + key[i] + '">X</a></td></tr>');
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tstats += '<tr><td>ROCAS 總影響力</td><td>' + cmcInf + '</td></tr><tr><td>ROCAS Q6攻擊次數</td><td>' + cmcFight + '</td></tr>';
if (eliteInf > 0) {
tstats += '<tr><td>Elite 總影響力</td><td>' + eliteInf + '</td></tr><tr><td>Elite Q6攻擊次數</td><td>' + eliteFight + '</td></tr>';
if (cmcInf == 0 && eliteInf == 0) {
tstats = '<tr><td style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;"><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS 申報插件 v1.0.13</a></td></tr>';
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localStorage.setItem('@' + key, value);
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function add_fight() {
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rightCrowns = $j('#popup_right_crowns').attr('crowns'),
zoneId = parseInt(leftCrowns, 10) + parseInt(rightCrowns, 10) + 1,
leftSide = $j('#pvp_header').find('h3:first').html(),
totalDmg = parseInt($j('#total_damage').find('strong').text().replace(/\s/g, ''), 10),
dmg = dmgMilitary(1),
neDmg = dmgMilitary(1.1),
scriptNode = document.createElement('script'),
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if (leftSide.length > 8) {
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initFight = Math.round(totalDmg / neDmg);
} else if (totalDmg % dmg != 0 && totalDmg % neDmg == 0) {
initFight = Math.round(totalDmg / neDmg);
} else {
initFight = Math.round(totalDmg / dmg);
'<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><div id="total_f" style="width:auto;height:25px;display:block;cursor:default;"><small style="font-size:11px;color:#fff;float:left;text-shadow:#333 0px 1px 1px;display:block;height:25px;opacity:0.7;-moz-opacity:0.7;-ms-fiter:' + "'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=70)'" + ';filter:alpha(opacity=70);line-height:25px;font-weight:bold;padding:0 5px;background-image:url(' + "'/images/modules/pvp/influence_left.png?1321873582'" + ');background-position:left;">' + battleId + '_' + zoneId + '_' + leftSide + '</small><strong style="color:#fff;text-shadow:#014471 0px 1px 0px;float:left;display:block;height:25px;font-size:12px;line-height:25px;padding:0 5px;background-image:url(' + "'/images/modules/pvp/influence_right.png?1321873582'" + ');background-position:right;">' + initFight + '</strong></div></td>'
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//update totalDmg
$j('#total_f').ajaxSuccess(function (e, xhr, settings) {
if (settings.url.indexOf('fight') == -1) {
var fight = parseInt($j(this).find('strong').html(), 10),
response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText),
user = response.user;
if (response.error) {
if (response.message === 'ENEMY_KILLED') {
totalDmg += user.givenDamage;
if (response.oldEnemy.isNatural === true) {
localStorage.setItem('ne', location.href.substr(49));
totalDmg += Math.floor(user.givenDamage * 0.1);
fight = Math.round(totalDmg / dmgMilitary(1.1));
} else {
fight = Math.round(totalDmg / dmgMilitary(1));
key = $j(this).find('small').text().trim().split('_', 2);
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key = '@' + key;
if (localStorage.getItem(key) == null) {
localStorage.setItem(key, fight + '_' + totalDmg);
text.push('(function () {');
text.push("var rank = {Recruit: 1, Private: 2, 'Private *': 3, 'Private **': 4, 'Private ***': 5, Corporal: 6, 'Corporal *': 7, 'Corporal **': 8, 'Corporal ***': 9, Sergeant: 10, 'Sergeant *': 11, 'Sergeant **': 12, 'Sergeant ***': 13, Lieutenant: 14, 'Lieutenant *': 15, 'Lieutenant **': 16, 'Lieutenant ***': 17, Captain: 18, 'Captain *': 19, 'Captain **': 20, 'Captain ***': 21, Major: 22, 'Major *': 23, 'Major **': 24, 'Major ***': 25, Commander: 26, 'Commander *': 27, 'Commander **': 28, 'Commander ***': 29, 'Lt Colonel': 30, 'Lt Colonel *': 31, 'Lt Colonel **': 32, 'Lt Colonel ***': 33, Colonel: 34, 'Colonel *': 35, 'Colonel **': 36, 'Colonel ***': 37, General: 38, 'General *': 39, 'General **': 40, 'General ***': 41, 'Field Marshal': 42, 'Field Marshal *': 43, 'Field Marshal **': 44, 'Field Marshal ***': 45, 'Supreme Marshal': 46, 'Supreme Marshal *': 47, 'Supreme Marshal **': 48, 'Supreme Marshal ***': 49, 'National Force': 50, 'National Force *': 51, 'National Force **': 52, 'National Force ***': 53, 'World Class Force': 54, 'World Class Force *': 55, 'World Class Force **': 56, 'World Class Force ***': 57, 'Legendary Force': 58, 'Legendary Force *': 59, 'Legendary Force **': 60, 'Legendary Force ***': 61, 'God of War': 62, 'God of War *': 63, 'God of War **': 64, 'God of War ***': 65};");
text.push('var totalDmg = ' + totalDmg + ';');
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function add_stats() {
'<div style="float:left;width:153px;margin-bottom:7px;"><a href="javascript:;" id="stats_btn" style="margin-top:10px;float:left;"><strong>隱藏/顯示</strong></a><a href="javascript:;" id="addstats_btn" style="margin-top:10px;float:right;"><strong>加入</strong></a><a href="" target="_blank" id="help_btn" style="margin-top:10px;float:right;display:none;"><strong>Help</strong></a><br/><br/><div id="my_stats"><table id="stats_table" style="width:100%;"></table><hr/><table id="tstats_table" style="width:100%;"></table><hr/><a href="javascript:;" id="submit_btn" style="float:left;"><strong>送出</strong></a><a href="javascript:;" id="gen_btn" style="float:right;"><strong>備註</strong></a><br/><div id="stats_report" style="width:100%;"></div><textarea id="gen_txt" style="width:100%;display:none;"></textarea><a href="javascript:;" id="clear_btn" style="float:left;display:none;"><strong>清除資料</strong></a></div></div>'
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key = '@' + key;
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myInf = $j('#total_damage').find('strong').text().replace(/\s/g, '');
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localStorage.setItem(key, fight + '_' + myInf);
$j('#stats_btn').click(function () {
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$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'none');
$j('#addstats_btn').click(function () {
var myInf = $j('#total_damage').find('strong').text().replace(/\s/g, ''),
fight = $j('#total_f').find('strong').text().trim(),
key = $j('#total_f').find('small').text().trim().split("_", 2);
key = '@_' + key[0] + '_' + key[1];
if (localStorage.getItem(key) != null) {
localStorage.setItem(key, fight + "_" + myInf);
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localStorage.setItem('@' + key, fight + "_" + myInf);
} else { //add @_battleId_zondId
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$j('#gen_btn').click(function () {
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$j('#clear_btn').css('display', 'none');
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var tmp, value, i, len, stats,
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elites = [],
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value = localStorage.getItem(key[i]).split('_');
tmp = key[i].split('_');
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cmcs.push(tmp[1] + '_' + tmp[2] + '_' + value[0]);
} else {
elites.push(tmp[1] + '_' + tmp[2] + '_' + value[0]);
if (cmcs.length == 0 && elites.length == 0) {
$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'none');
stats = '';
if (cmcs.length > 0) {
stats += 'ROCAS: [' + cmcs.join('] [') + ']<br/>';
if (elites.length > 0) {
stats += 'ELITE: [' + elites.join('] [') + ']';
$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'block');
$j('#clear_btn').click(function () {
var r, key, i, len;
r = confirm('確定要清除插件上的資料嘛?');
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key = getKey();
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$j('#submit_btn').click(function () {
var r, cmcs, elites, cmcInf, cmcFight, eliteInf, tmp, value, key, i, len, comment, cmsg, emsg, citizenId, others;
r = confirm('已自行確認數據資料正確,發送給ROCAS嗎?');
if (r == true) {
cmcs = [];
elites = [];
cmcInf = 0;
cmcFight = 0;
eliteInf = 0;
key = getKey();
for (i = 0, len = key.length; i < len; i++) {
value = localStorage.getItem(key[i]).split('_');
tmp = key[i].split('_');
if (tmp[0].length == 1) {
cmcFight += parseInt(value[0], 10);
cmcInf += parseInt(value[1], 10);
cmcs.push(tmp[1] + '_' + tmp[2] + '_' + value[0]);
} else {
eliteInf += parseInt(value[1], 10);
elites.push(tmp[1] + '_' + tmp[2] + '_' + value[0]);
if (cmcs.length == 0 && elites.length == 0) {
$j('#clear_btn').css('display', 'none');
$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'none');
$j('#stats_report').html('30% - Wait a mo...');
citizenId = $j('#financier').attr('href').substr(20);
others = '';
if ($j('#gen_txt').val() != '') {
others = ' ' + $j('#gen_txt').val();
$j('#clear_btn').css('display', 'block');
$j('#gen_txt').css('display', 'none');
if (cmcs.length > 0 && elites.length > 0) {
comment = 'ROCAS: [' + cmcs.join('] [') + ']' + others;
cmsg = 'battleid=9999&uid=' + citizenId + '&fight=' + cmcFight + '&damage=' + cmcInf + '&others=' + comment;
comment = 'ELITE: [' + elites.join('] [') + ']' + others;
emsg = 'battleid=9999&elite=1&uid=' + citizenId + '&fight=' + dmgMilitary(1) + '&damage=' + eliteInf + '&others=' + comment;
setTimeout(function () {
method: 'POST',
url: '',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
data: cmsg,
onload: function (response) {
var data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
if (data.message == 'success') {
$j('#stats_report').html('70% - Wait a mo...');
setTimeout(function () {
method: 'POST',
url: '',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
data: emsg,
onload: function (response) {
var data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
if (data.message == 'success') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:green;">Submitted. <br/>Check: </span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS list</a>');
} else if (data.message == 'error') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:red;">' + data.errmsg + ' Try to submit again or access: <br/></span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS formElite</a>');
}, 0);
} else if (data.message == 'error') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:red;">' + data.errmsg + ' Try to submit again or access: <br/></span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS form</a>');
}, 0);
if (cmcs.length > 0) {
comment = 'ROCAS: [' + cmcs.join('] [') + ']' + others;
cmsg = 'battleid=9999&uid=' + citizenId + '&fight=' + cmcFight + '&damage=' + cmcInf + '&others=' + comment;
setTimeout(function () {
method: 'POST',
url: '',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
data: cmsg,
onload: function (response) {
var data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
if (data.message == 'success') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:green;">上傳成功. <br/>網頁確認: </span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS list</a>');
} else if (data.message == 'error') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:red;">' + data.errmsg + ' Try to submit again or access: <br/></span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS form</a>');
}, 0);
if (elites.length > 0) {
comment = 'ELITE: [' + elites.join('] [') + ']' + others;
emsg = 'battleid=9999&elite=1&uid=' + citizenId + '&fight=' + dmgMilitary(1) + '&damage=' + eliteInf + '&others=' + comment;
setTimeout(function () {
method: 'POST',
url: '',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
data: emsg,
onload: function (response) {
var data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
if (data.message == 'success') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:green;">上傳成功. <br/>網頁確認: </span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS list</a>');
} else if (data.message == 'error') {
$j('#stats_report').html('<span style="color:red;">' + data.errmsg + ' Try to submit again or access: <br/></span><a href="" target="_blank">ROCAS formElite</a>');
}, 0);
function GM_wait() {
if (typeof unsafeWindow.jQuery == 'undefined') {
window.setTimeout(GM_wait, 100);
} else {
$j = unsafeWindow.jQuery;
if (typeof unsafeWindow == 'undefined') {
unsafeWindow = window;
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