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Created October 24, 2015 21:40
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public class EightPuzzle {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int eCount = 0, tempNum, ans = 0, num = 0; // Reply the user enters and the num is the counter for the frontier
int[][] temp = new int[3][3], goal = { {0,1,2}, {3,4,5}, {6,7,8} };
boolean play = true, h_1 = true, finished = false;
Scanner kb = new Scanner(;
Node[] frontier = new Node[200], path;
Node[][] explored = new Node[55][80]; // Holds all previous states that are not in the frontier by their cost
Node root = new Node(), copy, min; // Copy save the root for the second heuristic
for(int h = 0; h < 55; h++) {
for(int g = 0; g < 80; g++) {
explored[h][g] = new Node();
public static int checkFrontier(Node[] f, Node[][] e, int num) {
// The purpose of this method is to see if any of the states that are in the frontier
// have already been expanded. This method sifts through the expanded hash table using the
// cost of the state as the index. If a state has already been visited it will be deleted
// from the frontier and num will be reduced by one.
int temp = num; // If num needs to be reduced temp will keep track of it
int count = 0; // Indexes through the 2nd dimension of the hash table
boolean repeat = true, runWhile = true;
//System.out.println("The number of states in the frontier is: " + num);
for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { // Runs through all states in the frontier
int pra = f[i].getCost();
Node[] tlo = e[pra];
System.out.println("First index = " + pra);
System.out.println("i = " + i);
System.out.println("num = " + num);
while(!checkIfEmpty(e[f[i].getCost()][count].puzzle) && runWhile) { // While the explored list is not null for the specified index
System.out.println("Count = " + count);
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // Runs through the state's puzzle in frontier and explored
for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { // and compares the two
if(f[i].puzzle[j][k] != e[f[i].getCost()][count].puzzle[j][k]) // If one term from the puzzles does not match
repeat = false; // the states are not equal to one another
if(count + 1 < 80)
runWhile = false;
if(repeat) { // If the states are equal
f[i] = null; // Remove the state from the frontier
runWhile = false; // Stop looking at the explored list with this state
try {
} catch(NullPointerException ex) {
runWhile = false;
repeat = true;
count = 0;
if(num != temp) { // If a state was deleted then shift over the frontier
for(int l = 0; l < num; l++) {
if(f[l] == null) {
f[l] = f[l + 1];
f[l + 1] = null;
num = temp; // Adjust num
return num;
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