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Created March 17, 2016 19:58
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#requires -version 3
function Read-Reddit
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
$Subreddit = 'PowerShell',
[parameter(Position = 1)]
[ValidateScript({ $_ -gt 0 })]
[int]$Top = 10,
[ValidateScript({ $_ -ge 0 })]
[int]$Skip = 0,
# I tried parsing the html and decided that was stupid
# I then tried parsing the xml from RSS, better but still not ideal
# I was very happy when I found you can pull the info in json
# I hope im not breaking the reddit json API rules as this does not authn with oauth
[Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
$BaseUrl = "$Subreddit/top/.json?sort=top&t=all&limit=$Top"
$subredditContent = Invoke-WebRequest $BaseUrl -UseBasicParsing
$posts = $($subredditContent.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.children | Select-Object -ExpandProperty data
# I looked up the easiest way to convert from unix time and converted it to powershell
$epoch = ([datetime]"1/1/1970 +0").ToUniversalTime()
function To-NonStupidDateTime
param ( $StupidTime )
if ($StupidTime -ne $false)
return $epoch.AddSeconds($StupidTime)
return $false
# Add whatever properties you like to your custom object per
$posts | ForEach-Object {
Score = $_.score
Author = $
Created = To-NonStupidDateTime -StupidTime $_.created
Edited = To-NonStupidDateTime -StupidTime $_.edited
Comments = $_.num_comments
Title = $_.title
SelfText = $_.selftext
} | Select-Object -Skip $Skip
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