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Created January 3, 2015 18:42
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Dear Devs of the World
Dear Devs of the World
I don't want to speak loud but its hard to resist , CAN SOMEONE POSSIBLY PROVIDE A PAINLESS PROGRAMMING EXPERIENCE FOR ME. please?
I have tried everything right from drowning under wrath of Eclipse CDT to the newest Clion cake. I have been walked through the forest of Netbeans and have been near enough to kill my eyes with codeblocks. I know none of these might sound sane , but this lack of what-after-school-stage documentation and education is killing me. For your Information , I have completed my course this year , fully read a few books on c++ including:
1. Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup)
2. C++ Primer * (Stanley Lippman, Josée Lajoie, and Barbara E. Moo)
3. Effective C++
and a few more. I'm not at all saying I've became an expert in c++ , I'm not even mediocre at it. I have a background with web technologies ( read HTML/CSS/LESS/PHP/MYSQL or you could say laravel) and I'm pretty good at it. That being said , there's a secret why I'm good at it.
THE SECRET IS : the community is helpful to humans , have a good(not proper, but better) documentation of everything , and have modern (read productive) tools for everything that aren't hard on eyes. On the other hand , there is C++ -_- .I'm not even criticizing the language , its perfect for me. Everything is so good about it , so much power so much feels. There are a lot of books , many Unis' teach C++ in their courses and stackoverflow is good. Everyonce in a while , there is a 'Why-C++-Sucks' article on hackernews and still I would always vote it as my fav. source of knowledge(language). I've no objection to any of the claims being raised on non-functionality of c++ and whatsoever. I love it.
THEN WHY AM I CREATING A FUSS? because developing in c++ is pain in the ass. Every time I imagine writing c++ code , I'm transported to the lands of semi-non-exhaustive-orgasm state.And as soon as I sit down and start writing , within 10 minutes , I'm like , funk this world , funk you , funk me. This ain't writing code or programming. 2015 has arrived and we don't have funking modern compilers ( okay clang! ) , modern IDE ( funk you the funking JDK CPU cum memory eater Clion ) and no productivity tools. You bet I can write code faster and being more productive using sublime text which is way better than existing IDEs like funking slow Eclipse and Netbeans , an immature CLion , not so good at eyes Kdevelop/codeblocks and other variants. Now don't ask me to use VS , it is about 5GB of download and runs on Windows only. I use a linux and I don't have money to buy a new Windows. A country where interet speed is limited to 60KBps on a high cost plan , buying other necessities aren't on the list. Then people be like , lets run hour of code and shit without having a real statistics of what actually the situation is.
I'm sorry. Really. guys are doing amazing thing and I just blurted out everything without thinking twice. Atleast they are taking steps. I know the possiblity that no one might ever read this and I could just become another dev working in day-night shifts maintaining some servers , despite the fact that I love programming and I'll never regret my decision to choose it over all the science , arts and commerce stuff quiet contrary to students who have no idea what they are doing with CS. And believe me , just 10 years later , they'll on top of me , getting almost 10 times the salary I would be making , only because of my decision. Why am I even ranting about all this stuff.
Okay , Have you ever looked at nodejs community? Laravel guys? I know PHP can be pain in ash too but in comparison with current C++ workflow and presence of LARAVEL , its funking better! There are no good semi-pro tutorials out there , no guides how to work with different libraries and all pretty messed up. Is this future of C++? Then came the news of modern c++ and ISO CPP being revived and shit. Nothing happend. The docs are as they were , no great community support nothing.
And now before people start saying , how come you are not contributing to its development , or donate some of your money and all that shit , I should state that , I'm fucking poor. Yeah that's right , I can't contribute with this present state where I live off snatching every piece of free goodie I can get , be it digital or materialistic. BUT , as soon as I get a paying job (I'm not even saying well paying) , I'll fuking donate my money. I am and will continue to contribute to future of c++ and every programming language that deserves to live. From my first salary , I'm gonna lay down a fucking forum/discourse community for c++ programmers. I have started writing down all the tutorials and every knowledge I have in my mind , onto paper , markdown and everything I get and I'll do it.
What do I ask you guys? Time & Money. Yes that's right , money too. But not for me. I just want any programmer , who understands what thousands of students might be going through , give a tip to a working freelancer , side-project doers or a non-payroll dev who is working for some open source project. And I want time , from these freelancer/side-project doers or non-payroll dev to write some great knowlegde , to build something powerfull , to make something cleaner , more subtle , nice looking to eyes and productive that might help a lot of students like me. And if you want , place a price on it. I"LL STILL BUY IT.
##I am extremely sorry for all this mess. I just wanted to throw up after working an all nighter.
A young slightly feared warrior
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