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Created July 3, 2015 20:42
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public interface ArrayListADT<T> extends Cloneable
public boolean isEmpty();
//Method to determine whether the list is empty.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty;
// otherwise, returns false.
public boolean isFull();
//Method to determine whether the list is full.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the list is full;
// otherwise, returns false.
public int listSize();
//Method to return the number of elements in the list.
//Postcondition: Returns the value of length.
public int maxListSize();
//Method to return the maximum size of the list.
//Postcondition: Returns the maximum number of elements
// that can be inserted in the list.
public void print();
//Method to output the elements of the list.
//Postcondition: Elements of the list are output on the
// standard output device.
public Object clone();
//Returns a copy of objects data in store.
//This method clones only the references stored in
//the array. The objects that the array references
//point to are not cloned.
public boolean isItemAtEqual(int location, T item);
//Method to determine whether item is the same as the
//item in the list at the position specified by location.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the element in the list
// at the position specified by location is
// the same as item;
// otherwise, returns false.
public void insertAt(int location, T insertItem);
//Method to insert insertItem in the list at the position
//specified by location.
//Postcondition: Starting at location, the elements of
// the list are shifted to make room for
// insertItem; insertItem is inserted at
// the position specified by location and
// the length of the list is incremented
// by 1. If the list is full or location
// is out of range, an appropriate message
// is output.
public void insertEnd(T insertItem);
//Method to insert insertItem at the end of the list.
//Postcondition: insertItem is inserted at the end of the
// list and the length of the list is
// incrmented by 1.
// If the list is full, an appropriate
// message is output.
public void removeAt(int location);
//Method to remove the item from the list at the
//position specified by location.
//Postcondition: The element at the position specified by
// location is removed from the list and
// the length of the list is decremented by 1.
// If location is out of range, an
// appropriate message is output.
public T retrieveAt(int location);
//Method to retrieve the element from the list at the
//position specified by location.
//Postcondition: A reference of the element at the
// position specified by location is
// returned. If location is out of range,
// an appropriate message is output and
// null is returned.
public void replaceAt(int location, T repItem);
//Method to replace the element in the list at
//the position specified by location with repItem.
//Postcondition: repItem is inserted in the list at the
// position specified by location.
// If location is out of range, an
// appropriate message is output.
public void clearList();
//Method to remove all the elements from the list.
//Postcondition: The length of the list is 0.
public int seqSearch(T searchItem);
//Method to determine whether searchItem is in the list.
//Postcondition: If searchItem is found, returns the
// location in the array where searchItem
// is found; otherwise, returns -1.
public void remove(T removeItem);
//Method to remove an item from the list.
//The parameter removeItem specifies the item to
//be removed.
//Postcondition: If removeItem is found in the list, it
// is removed from the list and length is
// decremented by one.
public abstract class ArrayListClass<T>
implements ArrayListADT<T>, Cloneable
protected int length; //to store the length of the list
protected int maxSize; //to store the maximum size of
//the list
protected T[] list; //array to hold the list elements
//Default constructor
//Creates an array of size 100
//Postcondition: list points to the array, length = 0,
// and maxSize = 100
public ArrayListClass()
maxSize = 100;
length = 0;
list = (T[]) new Object[maxSize];
//Constructor with a parameter
//Creates an array of the size specified by the
//parameter size.
//Postcondition: list points to the array, length = 0,
// and maxSize = size
public ArrayListClass(int size)
if (size <= 0)
System.err.println("The array size must be positive. "
+ "Creating an array of size 100. ");
maxSize = 100;
maxSize = size;
length = 0;
list = (T[]) new Object[maxSize];
//Method to determine whether the list is empty.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty;
// otherwise, returns false.
public boolean isEmpty()
return (length == 0);
//Method to determine whether the list is full.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the list is full;
// otherwise, returns false.
public boolean isFull()
return (length == maxSize);
//Method to return the number of elements in the list.
//Postcondition: Returns the value of length.
public int listSize()
return length;
//Method to return the maximum size of the list.
//Postcondition: Returns the value of maxSize.
public int maxListSize()
return maxSize;
//Method to output the elements of the list.
//Postcondition: Elements of the list are output on the
//standard output device.
public void print()
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
//Returns a copy of objects data in store.
//This method clones only the references stored in
//the array. The objects that the array references
//point to are not cloned.
public Object clone()
ArrayListClass<T> copy = null;
copy = (ArrayListClass<T>) super.clone();
catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
return null;
copy.list = (T[]) list.clone();
return copy;
//Method to determine whether item is the same as the item
//in the list at the position specified by location.
//Postcondition: Returns true if list[location] is the
// same as item; otherwise, returns false.
public boolean isItemAtEqual(int location, T item)
if (location < 0 || location >= length)
System.err.println("The location of the item to "
+ "be compared is out of range.");
return false;
return (list[location].equals(item));
//Method to remove all the elements from the list.
//Postcondition: length = 0
public void clearList()
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
list[i] = null;
length = 0;
System.gc(); //invoke garbage collector
} //end clearList
//Method to remove the item from the list at the position
//specified by location.
//Postcondition: The list element at list[location] is
// removed and length is decremented by 1.
// If location is out of range, an
// appropriate message is output.
public void removeAt(int location)
if (location < 0 || location >= length)
System.err.println("The location of the item to "
+ "be removed is out of range.");
for (int i = location; i < length - 1; i++)
list[i] = list[i + 1];
list[length - 1] = null;
} //end removeAt
//Method to retrieve the element from the list at the
//position specified by location.
//Postcondition: A reference of the element at the
// position specified by location is
// returned. If location is out of range,
// an appropriate message is output and
// null is returned.
public T retrieveAt(int location)
if (location < 0 || location >= length)
System.err.println("The location of the item to be "
+ "retrieved is out of range.");
return null;
return list[location];
} //end retrieveAt
//Method to insert insertItem in the list at the position
//specified by location.
//Postcondition: Starting at location, the elements of
// the list are shifted to make room for
// insertItem, list[location] = insertItem;,
// and length++;
// If the list is full or location is out
// of range, an appropriate message is
// output.
public abstract void insertAt(int location, T insertItem);
//Method to insert insertItem at the end of the list.
//Postcondition: list[length] = insertItem; and length++;
// If the list is full, an appropriate
// message is output.
public abstract void insertEnd(T insertItem);
//Method to replace the element in the list at
//the position specified by location with repItem.
//Postcondition: list[location] = repItem
// If location is out of range, an
// appropriate message is output.
public abstract void replaceAt(int location, T repItem);
//Method to determine whether searchItem is in the list.
//Postcondition: If searchItem is found, returns the
// location in the array where searchItem
// is found; otherwise, returns -1.
public abstract int seqSearch(T searchItem);
//Method to remove an item from the list.
//The parameter removeItem specifies the item to
//be removed.
//Postcondition: If removeItem is found in the list, it
// is removed from the list and length is
// decremented by one.
public abstract void remove(T removeItem);
public class Complex
private double a;
private double b;
public Complex()
a = 0;
b = 0;
//Constructor with parameters
//parameter a is Real
//parameter b is Imaginary
public Complex(double a, double b)
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
//Method to return the real part
//In (a + bi), a is the real part
public double getReal()
return a;
//Method to return the imaginary part
//In (a + bi), b is the imaginary part
public double getImaginary()
return b;
//Method to return the sum of two complex numbers
//(a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + c) + (b + d)i
public Complex addComplex(Complex right)
return new Complex(a + right.getReal(), b + right.getImaginary());
//Method to return the difference of two complex numbers
//(a + bi) - (c + di) = (a - c) + (b - d)i
public Complex subtractComplex(Complex right)
return new Complex(a - right.getReal(), b - right.getImaginary());
//Method to return the product of two complex numbers
//(a + bi) * (c + di) = (ac - bd) + (ad + bc)i
public Complex multiplyComplex(Complex right)
return new Complex(a * right.getReal() - b * right.getImaginary(), a * right.getImaginary() + b * right.getReal());
public String toString()
if (a == 0)
return b + "i";
if (b == 0)
return String.valueOf(b);
if (a != 0 && b>0)
return a + " + " + b + "i";
return a + " - " + (-b) + "i";
import java.util.*;
public class Polynomial extends UnorderedArrayList<Complex>
//Default constructor
//Postcondition: An array of the size 100, and
// length and maxSize are set to 100
public Polynomial()
length = 100;
//Constructor with a parameter
//Postcondition: An array of the size specified by
// the parameter size is created, length
// and maxSize are initialized to size
public Polynomial(int size)
length = size;
//Method to evaluate a polynomial at a given value
//Postcondition: The polynomial is evaluated at x and
// the value is returned
public Complex evaluate(Double x)
Complex value = new Complex();
Complex coeff;
Complex zeroComplex = new Complex(0, 0);
Double xEvaluated;
Complex xComplex;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
coeff = retrieveAt(i);
if (coeff != zeroComplex){
xEvaluated = Math.pow(x, i);
xComplex = new Complex((coeff.getReal())*xEvaluated, (coeff.getImaginary())*xEvaluated);
value = value.addComplex(xComplex);
return value;
//Method to add two polynomials
//Postcondition: This polynomial is added with the polynomial
// specified by the parameter right. A
// reference of the result is returned.
public Polynomial add(Polynomial right)
int size = max(length, right.length);
int i;
Complex sumCoeff;
Complex coeffP = new Complex();
Complex coeffQ = new Complex();
Complex z;
Polynomial temp = new Polynomial(size);
for (i = 0; i < min(length, right.length); i++)
coeffP = retrieveAt(i);
coeffQ = right.retrieveAt(i);
sumCoeff = coeffP.addComplex(coeffQ);
temp.replaceAt(i, sumCoeff);
if (size == length){
for (i = min(length, right.length); i < length; i++)
temp.replaceAt(i, retrieveAt(i));
for (i = min(length, right.length);
i < right.length; i++)
temp.replaceAt(i, right.retrieveAt(i));
return temp;
//Method to subtract two polynomials
//Postcondition: The polynomial specified by the
// parameter right is subtracted from this
// polynomial. A reference of the result
// is returned.
public Polynomial subtract(Polynomial right)
int size = max(length, right.length);
int i;
Complex diffCoeff;
Complex coeffP = new Complex();
Complex coeffQ = new Complex();
Polynomial temp = new Polynomial(size);
for (i = 0; i < min(length, right.length); i++)
coeffP = retrieveAt(i);
coeffQ = right.retrieveAt(i);
diffCoeff = coeffP.subtractComplex(coeffQ);
temp.replaceAt(i, diffCoeff);
if (size == length)
for (i = min(length, right.length); i < length; i++)
temp.replaceAt(i, retrieveAt(i));
for (i = min(length, right.length);
i < right.length; i++)
Complex coeff;
coeff = right.retrieveAt(i);
Complex negativeCoeff = new Complex (-coeff.getReal(), -coeff.getImaginary());
temp.replaceAt(i, negativeCoeff); //changd from negativeCoeff
return temp;
//Method to multiply two polynomials
//Postcondition: This polynomial is multiplied with the
// polynomial specified by the parameter right.
// A reference of the result is returned.
public Polynomial multiply(Polynomial right)
int size = right.length + length -1;
int i;
int r;
Complex productCoeff;
Complex coeffP = new Complex();
Complex coeffQ = new Complex();
Complex currentValue;
Polynomial temp = new Polynomial(size);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
for (r = 0; r < right.length; r++) {
coeffP = (retrieveAt(i));
coeffQ = (right.retrieveAt(r));
productCoeff = coeffP.multiplyComplex(coeffQ);
if (temp.retrieveAt(i+r) == null)
currentValue = productCoeff;
currentValue = (temp.retrieveAt(i+r));
currentValue = currentValue.addComplex(productCoeff);
temp.replaceAt(i+r, currentValue);
return temp;
//Method to read the coefficients of a polynomial
public void read()
Scanner console = new Scanner(;
Double a;
Double b;
System.out.println("The degree of this polynomial is: "
+ (length - 1));
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
System.out.print("Enter the real part of x^"
+ i + ": ");
a = console.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter the imaginary part of x^"
+ i + ": ");
b = console.nextDouble();
Complex x = new Complex(a, b);
replaceAt(i, x);
//Method to return the string containing the polynomial
public String toString()
int i;
int firstNonzeroCoeff = 0;
Complex coeff = new Complex();
Complex complexZero = new Complex(0, 0);
String str = "";
Complex negativeCoeff = new Complex(-coeff.getReal(), -coeff.getImaginary());
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
coeff = retrieveAt(i);
if (coeff != complexZero)
firstNonzeroCoeff = i;
if (firstNonzeroCoeff < length)
if (firstNonzeroCoeff == 0)
str = retrieveAt(firstNonzeroCoeff) + " ";
str = retrieveAt(firstNonzeroCoeff) + "x^"
+ firstNonzeroCoeff + " ";
for (i = firstNonzeroCoeff + 1; i < length; i++)
coeff = retrieveAt(i);
if (coeff.getReal() != 0 || coeff.getImaginary() !=0 ) //used to be coeff != complexZero
if (coeff.getReal() > 0 || coeff.getImaginary() > 0) //used to be ...> complexZero.getReal()
str += "+ (" + coeff + ")" + "x^" + i + " ";
str += "+ (" + coeff + ")" + "x^" + i + " "; //changed from negativeCoeff
return str;
//Method to determine the smaller of x and y
//Postcondition: The smaller of x and y is returned
public int min(int x, int y)
if (x <= y)
return x;
return y;
//Method to determine the larger of x and y
//Postcondition: The larger of x and y is returned
public int max(int x, int y)
if (x >= y)
return x;
return y;
public class UnorderedArrayList<T> extends ArrayListClass<T>
//Default constructor
public UnorderedArrayList()
//Constructor with a parameter
public UnorderedArrayList(int size)
//Method to determine whether searchItem is in the list.
//Postcondition: If searchItem is found, returns the
// location in the array where searchItem
// is found; otherwise, returns -1.
public int seqSearch(T searchItem)
int loc;
boolean found = false;
for (loc = 0; loc < length; loc++)
if (list[loc].equals(searchItem))
found = true;
if (found)
return loc;
return -1;
} //end seqSearch
//Method to insert insertItem in the list at the position
//specified by location.
//Postcondition: Starting at location, the elements of
// the list are shifted to make room for
// insertItem, list[location] = insertItem;,
// and length++;
// If the list is full or location is out
// of range, an appropriate message is
// output.
public void insertAt(int location, T insertItem)
if (location < 0 || location >= maxSize)
System.err.println("The position of the item to "
+ "be inserted is out of range.");
if (length >= maxSize) //list is full
System.err.println("Cannot insert in a full "
+ "list.");
for (int i = length; i > location; i--)
list[i] = list[i - 1]; //move the
//elements down
list[location] = insertItem;
length++; //increment the length
} //end insertAt
//Method to insert insertItem at the end of the list.
//Postcondition: list[length] = insertItem; and length++;
// If the list is full, an appropriate
// message is output.
public void insertEnd(T insertItem)
if (length >= maxSize) //the list is full
System.err.println("Cannot insert in a full list.");
list[length] = insertItem; //insert the
//item at the end
length++; //increment the length
} //end insertEnd
//Method to replace the element in the list at
//the position specified by location with repItem.
//Postcondition: list[location] = repItem
// If location is out of range, an
// appropriate message is output.
public void replaceAt(int location, T repItem)
if (location < 0 || location >= length)
System.err.println("The location of the item to "
+ "be replaced is out of range.");
list[location] = repItem;
} //end replaceAt
//Method to remove an item from the list.
//The parameter removeItem specifies the item to
//be removed.
//Postcondition: If removeItem is found in the list, it
// is removed from the list and length is
// decremented by one.
public void remove(T removeItem)
int loc;
if (length == 0)
System.err.println("Cannot delete from an "
+ "empty list.");
loc = seqSearch(removeItem);
if (loc != -1)
System.out.println("The item to be deleted "
+ "is not in the list.");
} //end remove
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