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Created February 5, 2018 17:23
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@ECHO OFF & setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Means comment, doesn't run anything
SET /P dirName=Please enter a directory:
IF "%dirName%"=="" GOTO :Start REM If the directory name is empty, go back to start.
SET /P confirmation=Are you sure you want to change file names in %dirName%? (y/n):
REM Confirm if user typed correct directory name
REM Check if it exists
IF /I "%confirmation%" EQU "Y" goto :FileCheck
IF /I "%confirmation%" EQU "N" goto :Start
IF exist %dirName% (
cd %dirName%
REM If it exists, change directory
goto :FileRename
ECHO "File not found." ;Else file not found
REM Iterator, we count from 0.
set a=0
;How to set multiple file types
FOR /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /B *.png *.jpg') do (
ren "%%i" "!a!.jpg" ;Rename it
set /a a+=1 ;Iterator +1
IF "%a%" >= 1 do(
ECHO "Changed %a% files" ;Display how many files were changed. ;Output for debugging
ECHO "No files found."
REM Wait for user to hit key to end program.
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