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Created May 7, 2017 05:19
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  • Save anonymous/2f39bbc4999670cecf22f369f83e1eb3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$ ocamlbuild public.cmxa public.cma public.cmxs
Finished, 9 targets (0 cached) in 00:00:00.
$ ocamlfind install test META _build/public.*
Installed /home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test/public.o
Installed /home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test/
Installed /home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test/
Installed /home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test/public.cmxs
Installed /home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test/public.cmxa
Installed /home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test/public.cmx
Installed /home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test/public.cmo
Installed /home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test/public.cmi
Installed /home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test/public.cma
Installed /home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test/public.a
Installed /home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test/META
$ ocaml
OCaml version 4.04.0
# #use "topfind";;
- : unit = ()
Findlib has been successfully loaded. Additional directives:
#require "package";; to load a package
#list;; to list the available packages
#camlp4o;; to load camlp4 (standard syntax)
#camlp4r;; to load camlp4 (revised syntax)
#predicates "p,q,...";; to set these predicates
Topfind.reset();; to force that packages will be reloaded
#thread;; to enable threads
- : unit = ()
# #require "test";;
/home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test: added to search path
/home/user/.opam/4.04.0/lib/test/public.cma: loaded
# open Public.A;;
Characters 5-13:
open Public.A;;
Error: This is an alias for module Private, which is missing
archive(byte) = "public.cma"
archive(byte, plugin) = "public.cma"
archive(native) = "public.cmxa"
archive(native, plugin) = "public.cmxs"
module A = Private
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