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Created January 7, 2015 03:22
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Save anonymous/2f6529b6ad2800cc7eff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ionic Security Particle System Animation
<script type="text/paperscript" canvas="myCanvas">
var clickable = true;
if ($('.story-panels').length > 0){
sectionContainer: ".section", // sectionContainer accepts any kind of selector in case you don't want to use section
easing: "ease-in-out", // Easing options accepts the CSS3 easing animation such "ease", "linear", "ease-in", // "ease-out", "ease-in-out", or even cubic bezier value such as "cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.420, 1.310)"
animationTime: 1300, // AnimationTime let you define how long each section takes to animate
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updateURL: false, // Toggle this true if you want the URL to be updated automatically when the user scroll to each page.
beforeMove: function(index) {
if (index < currentIndex)
}, // This option accepts a callback function. The function will be called before the page moves.
afterMove: function(index) {
if (index > currentIndex)
}, // This option accepts a callback function. The function will be called after the page moves.
loop: false, // You can have the page loop back to the top/bottom when the user navigates at up/down on the first/last page.
keyboard: true, // You can activate the keyboard controls
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// you want the responsive fallback to be triggered. For example, set this to 600 and whenever
// the browser's width is less than 600, the fallback will kick in.
direction: "vertical" // You can now define the direction of the One Page Scroll animation. Options available are "vertical" and "horizontal". The default value is "vertical".
$('.scroll-btn').on('click', function(){
if (clickable){
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clickable = true;
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$('.social-media-icon').children('a').prop("tabIndex", -1);
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reset = true,
exploded = false,
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currentIndex = 0,
circleRadius = 65,
moveSpeed = 40;
var networkCircle = new Shape.Circle({
center: [,],
radius: view.size.width / 2,
strokeColor: 'red',
fillColor: 'red',
strokeWidth: 3
var networkCircle2 = new Shape.Circle({
center: [,],
radius: view.size.width / 2,
strokeColor: 'red',
strokeWidth: 3
var networkCircle3 = new Shape.Circle({
center: [,],
radius: view.size.width / 2,
strokeColor: 'red',
strokeWidth: 3
// var networkCricleSymbol = new Symbol(networkCircle);
networkCircle.strokeColor.alpha = 0;
networkCircle.fillColor.alpha = 0;
networkCircle2.strokeColor.alpha = 0;
networkCircle3.strokeColor.alpha = 0;
function updateAnimation(index){
if ($('#myCanvas').css('display') == 'none'){
isMobile = true;
"left":(index-1) * 16.66666 + "%"
var target = 0,
offset = 0;
currentIndex = index;
if (index == 1){
stopped = false;
reset = true;
exploded = false;
separated = false;
if (index == 2){
exploded = true;
separated = false;
moveSpeed = 40;
reset = true;
var target = $('.section-2').children('.story-content');
if (!isMobile)
var offset = target.height();
var offset = target.height() / 2;
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stopped = false;
reset = false;
separated = true;
connected = false;
moveSpeed = 10;
target = $('.section-3').children('.story-content');
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offset = target.height() / 2;
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connected = true;
target = $('.section-4').children('.story-content');
offset = target.height() / 2;
centerContent(target, offset);
if (index == 5){
moveSpeed = 25;
separated = true;
connected = true;
target = $('.section-5').children('.story-content');
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offset = (target.height() + $('.icon-wrapper').height()) / 2;
centerContent(target, offset);
$('#field_1jlg8c').prop('disabled', true);
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if (index == 6){
moveSpeed = 60;
separated = true;
connected = true;
$('#field_1jlg8c').prop('disabled', false);
$('.submit-btn').prop('disabled', false);
target = $('.section-6').children('.story-content');
if (!isMobile){
offset = target.height() / 2 + $('.footer').height() / 2;
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var Line = function(){
var color = {
red: (Math.random() * (.9 - .7)) + .7,
alpha: (Math.random() * (.4 - .2)) + .2,
saturation: 1,
brightness: 1,
var firstSegment = new Segment({
point: [0,0]
var secondSegment = new Segment({
point: [0,0]
var line = new Path({
segments: [firstSegment, secondSegment],
strokeColor: color,
strokeWidth: .2
this.line = line;
Line.prototype.drawLines = function(startPoint, endPoint){
this.line.segments[0].point = new Point (startPoint.x, startPoint.y);
this.line.segments[1].point = new Point (endPoint.x, endPoint.y);
Line.prototype.reset = function(){
var point = new Point(0,0);
this.line.segments[0].point = point;
this.line.segments[1].point = point;
var Node = function(point, dest){
this.point = point;
var color = {
alpha: .5,
saturation: 1,
brightness: 1,
var node = new Path.Circle({
center: point,
radius: 1.5,
fillColor: color
this.color = color;
this.dragColor = 'red';
this.node = node;
this.dest = dest;
this.sepDest = getPositionInCircle();
this.width = node.bounds.width;
Node.prototype.reset = function(){
var vector = this.point.y - this.node.position.y - (Math.random() * (20 - 1) + 1);
this.node.position.y += (vector / moveSpeed)
Node.prototype.move = function(){
var vector = this.dest - this.node.position;
if (vector.length < 30){
this.dest = newDestination(this.point);
vector = this.dest - this.node.position;
this.node.position += vector / moveSpeed;
this.node.fillColor = this.color;
Node.prototype.separated = function(i){
var distance;
var vector = this.sepDest - this.node.position;
if (vector.length < 10){
this.sepDest = getPositionInCircle();
vector = this.sepDest - this.node.position;
this.node.position += vector/moveSpeed;
distance = this.node.position.getDistance(nodes[i].node.position);
if (connected){
this.node.fillColor = this.dragColor;
if (distance < 120 && i < lineCount - 1){
lines[i].drawLines(this.node.position, nodes[i+1].node.position);
} else if (distance > 120 && i < lineCount - 1) {
lines[i].drawLines(new Point(0,0), new Point(0,0));
} else if (i <= lineCount) {
this.node.fillColor = this.color;
lines[i].drawLines(new Point(0,0), new Point(0,0));
var nodes = [],
lines = [],
size = view.size,
nodeCount = size.width/10,
lineCount = size.width/10,
separatedGroup = new Group();
for (var i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
var position = new Point(Math.floor(Math.random() * (size.width)), Math.floor(Math.random() + size.height) - 100);
var dest = newDestination(position.clone());
node = new Node(position, dest);
for (var i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
line = new Line();
function newDestination(currentPosition){
var yMax = 0,
xMax = 0;
if (exploded){
yMax = view.size.height;
xMax = view.size.width / 4;
} else {
xMax = view.size.width / 10;
yMax = view.size.height / 6;
var plusOrMinus = Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1;
var randomX = (Math.floor(Math.random() * (xMax) * plusOrMinus));
var randomY = (Math.floor(Math.random() * (yMax) * plusOrMinus));
var dest = new Point(currentPosition.x + randomX, currentPosition.y + randomY);
return dest;
function getPositionInCircle(){
var posX = Math.random() * 2 * circleRadius - circleRadius;
var ylim = Math.sqrt(circleRadius * circleRadius - posX * posX);
var posY = Math.random() * 2 * ylim - ylim;
var dest = new Point(posX +, posY +;
return dest;
function onResize(event){
size = view.size;
for (var i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
var position = new Point(Math.floor(Math.random() * (size.width)), Math.floor(Math.random() + size.height) - 100);
var dest = newDestination(position.clone());
nodes[i].point= position;
// nodes[i].dest = dest;
networkCircle.position =;
networkCircle2.position =;
networkCircle3.position =;
var environmentSlide = $('.section-5').children('.story-content');
var center =;
var offset = center - environmentSlide.height() + ($('.icon-wrapper').height() / 2) + 10;
"top": offset
function onFrame(event){
if (stopped){
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i ++){
if (!stopped && !separated){
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i ++){
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i ++){
if (separated){
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i ++){
if (currentIndex == 3){
var circleRadiusCopy = 65;
circleRadius = 65;
if (networkCircle.radius > circleRadiusCopy - 10){
networkCircle.radius -= 20;
moveSpeed = 15;
} else {
networkCircle.radius = circleRadiusCopy - 20;
moveSpeed = 30;
if (networkCircle2.radius > circleRadiusCopy){
circleRadius = 75;
networkCircle2.radius -= 15;
} else {
networkCircle2.radius = circleRadiusCopy
circleRadius = 95;
if (networkCircle3.radius > circleRadiusCopy + 20){
circleRadius = 95;
networkCircle3.radius -= 15;
} else {
networkCircle3.radius = circleRadiusCopy + 20;
circleRadius = 135;
if (networkCircle.radius < view.size.width / 4){
networkCircle.strokeColor.alpha += .05;
if (networkCircle2.radius < view.size.width / 4){
networkCircle2.strokeColor.alpha += .05;
if (networkCircle3.radius < view.size.width / 4){
networkCircle3.strokeColor.alpha += .05;
} else if (currentIndex == 4) {
if (networkCircle.radius < view.size.width/2 + 100){
networkCircle.radius += 20;
networkCircle2.radius += 25;
networkCircle3.radius += 30;
moveSpeed = 20;
} else {
networkCircle.radius = view.size.width/2 + 100;
networkCircle2.radius = view.size.width/2 + 100;
networkCircle3.radius = view.size.width/2 + 100;
moveSpeed = 50;
if (networkCircle.radius < view.size.width / 2){
networkCircle.fillColor.alpha += .05;
networkCircle.strokeColor.alpha -= .05;
networkCircle2.strokeColor.alpha -= .05;
networkCircle3.strokeColor.alpha -= .05;
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networkCircle.fillColor.alpha -= .05;
networkCircle2.strokeColor.alpha -= .05;
networkCircle3.strokeColor.alpha -= .05;
if (circleRadius < view.size.width / 1.5){
circleRadius += 35;
} else {
circleRadius = view.size.width / 1.5
} else if (currentIndex == 5){
if (circleRadius > 140){
circleRadius -= 30;
} else {
circleRadius = 140;
moveSpeed = 20;
} else if (currentIndex == 6){
if (circleRadius < view.size.width / 1.5){
circleRadius += 35;
} else {
circleRadius = view.size.width / 1.5
} else{
if (networkCircle.radius < view.size.width / 2){
networkCircle.radius += 10;
networkCircle2.radius += 10;
networkCircle3.radius += 10;
else {
networkCircle.radius = view.size.width / 2;
networkCircle2.radius = view.size.width / 2;
networkCircle3.radius = view.size.width / 2;
networkCircle.strokeColor.alpha -= .05;
networkCircle2.strokeColor.alpha -= .05;
networkCircle3.strokeColor.alpha -= .05;
circleRadius = 35;
function resetCircles(){
if (networkCircle.strokeColor.alpha > .01){
networkCircle.strokeColor.alpha -= .05;
if (networkCircle.fillColor.alpha > .01){
networkCircle.fillColor.alpha -= .05;
if (networkCircle2.strokeColor.alpha > .01){
networkCircle2.strokeColor.alpha -= .05;
if (networkCircle3.strokeColor.alpha > .01){
networkCircle3.strokeColor.alpha -= .05;
function centerContent(target, offset){
var center =;
offset = center - offset;
if (offset < 20){
offset = 20;
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