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Created December 28, 2016 09:59
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Flat Notifications - FlatNotify.js v0.1

Flat Notifications - FlatNotify.js v0.1

This is a Javascript plugin I am working on for floating notifications. It is a work in progress.

A Pen by Saransh Sinha on CodePen.


<link href=',400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
FlatNotifiy.js v0.1
%a.sub-title{href: '', target: '_blank'}
Super simple notifications by @screenshake
%a.alert{href: '#', onclick: "flatNotify().alert('Testing Alert Notification',2000)"} Alert
%a.success{href: '#', onclick: "flatNotify().success('Testing Success Notification with a two line message. Sweet right?',1500)"} Success
%a.error{href: '#', onclick: "flatNotify().error('Testing Error Notification with a really long message. I mean come on? Who notifies people like this? This is so wrong on so many levels.',3000)"} Error
* flatNotify.js v0.1
* @screenshake
* Inspired by :
* Animation courtesy :
* bounce.js -
* Class manipulation
* classie.js
;( function( window ) {
var proto_methods = {
options: {
wrapper: document.body,
dismissIn: 5000
init: function() {
this.ntf = document.createElement('div');
this.ntf.className = 'f-notification';
var strinner = '<div class="f-notification-inner"></div><div class="f-close">x</div></div>';
this.ntf.innerHTML = strinner;
// append to body or the element specified in options.wrapper
this.options.wrapper.insertBefore(this.ntf, this.options.wrapper.lastChild);
// init events
initEvents: function() {
var self = this;
// dismiss notification
this.ntf.querySelector('.f-close').addEventListener('click', function() {
dismiss: function() {
var self = this;
classie.remove(self.ntf, 'f-show');
setTimeout(function() {
classie.add(self.ntf, 'f-hide');
}, 25);
setTimeout(function() {
self.options.wrapper.removeChild( self.ntf );
}, 500);
setType: function(newType) {
var self = this;
classie.remove(self.ntf, 'f-notification-error');
classie.remove(self.ntf, 'f-notification-alert');
classie.remove(self.ntf, 'f-notification-success');
classie.add(self.ntf, newType);
success: function(message, dismissIn) {
var self = this;
* Use supplied dismiss timeout if present, else uses default value.
* If set to 0, doesnt automatically dismiss.
dismissIn = (typeof dismissIn === "undefined") ? this.options['dismissIn'] : dismissIn;
* Set notification type styling
self.ntf.querySelector('.f-notification-inner').innerHTML = message;
classie.remove(self.ntf, 'f-hide');
classie.add(self.ntf, 'f-show');
if (dismissIn > 0) {
this.dismissttl = setTimeout(function() {
}, dismissIn);
error: function(message, dismissIn) {
var self = this;
* Use supplied dismiss timeout if present, else uses default value.
* If set to 0, doesnt automatically dismiss.
dismissIn = (typeof dismissIn === "undefined") ? this.options['dismissIn'] : dismissIn;
* Set notification type styling
self.ntf.querySelector('.f-notification-inner').innerHTML = message;
classie.remove(self.ntf, 'f-hide');
classie.add(self.ntf, 'f-show');
if (dismissIn > 0) {
this.dismissttl = setTimeout(function() {
}, dismissIn);
alert: function(message, dismissIn) {
var self = this;
* Use supplied dismiss timeout if present, else uses default value.
* If set to 0, doesnt automatically dismiss.
dismissIn = (typeof dismissIn === "undefined") ? this.options['dismissIn'] : dismissIn;
* Set notification type styling
self.ntf.querySelector('.f-notification-inner').innerHTML = message;
classie.remove(self.ntf, 'f-hide');
classie.add(self.ntf, 'f-show');
if (dismissIn > 0) {
this.dismissttl = setTimeout(function() {
}, dismissIn);
}, flatNotify, _flatNotifiy;
_flatNotifiy = function() {
_flatNotifiy.prototype = proto_methods;
flatNotify = function() {
return new _flatNotifiy();
* add to global namespace
window.flatNotify = flatNotify;
} )( window );
<script src=""></script>
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