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Created July 25, 2015 05:14
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From: David Vincenzetti, Hacking Team, to
From: David Vincenzetti []
Sent: lunedì, 13. luglio 2015 14:39
Subject: Important information about HT
Gentlemen (and others who may be monitoring this list),
It is good to have important work to do, and I have never felt my work is more important than it is at this moment.
The lawful surveillance system that HackingTeam has provided to law enforcement for more than a decade is critical to the work of preventing and investigating crime and terrorism. Indeed, because of the increasing encryption of data being transmitted over mobile devices and the Internet, this work has never been more critical than it is today.
With the theft and destruction of elements of HackingTeam’s system, we are now dedicating our company to restoring the ability of law enforcement to fight crime hidden in the new encrypted digital world.
Many of HackingTeam’s proprietary documents and important elements of our Remote Control System as well as hundreds of thousands of emails were stolen from the company. The material was then posted on the Internet. It was a reckless and vicious criminal attack.
We immediately reported this crime to Italian authorities and they are investigating. We expect that law enforcement of other nations will soon join this hunt for the criminals involved.
While it is true that the criminals exposed some of our source code to Internet users, it is also true that by now the exposed system elements are obsolete because of the work of anti-virus companies and the universal ability to detect these system elements.
You should know that important elements of our source code were not compromised in this attack, and remain undisclosed and protected.
Of course, our top priority here has been to develop an update to allow our clients to fully protect their lawful surveillance operations and move on. We expect to deliver this update immediately. This update will secure once again our “Galileo” version of Remote Control System.
Because we have always been committed to being the leading technology company in our field, for some months now HackingTeam has been building a complete revision of our system. Remote Control System, version 10, will be released in the fall. This is a total replacement for the existing “Galileo” system, not simply an update. Obviously, now we will enhance the new version 10 to provide total security for lawful surveillance operations in consideration of the attack on HackingTeam.
We have suffered a significant blow at the hands of the attackers who clearly attempted to destroy our company. But the attackers will not succeed in their objective. We will emerge with new and better tools for law enforcement and more committed than ever to assuring the safety and security of us all.
David Vincenzetti
Hacking Team
Milan Singapore Washington DC
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