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Created September 19, 2014 16:15
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PLV and BI calculation from epochs data in a label.
#The script loads .mat files saved as in the script BI, PLV and power distribution used in resampling statistics (Busch_2009) are registered to be used in the second scrit
import os
from copy import deepcopy
import mne
from mne.minimum_norm import apply_inverse, make_inverse_operator,apply_inverse_epochs
from mne.event import merge_events
from scipy.signal import hilbert
from mne.viz import plot_topo
from mne.time_frequency.tfr import cwt,morlet,induced_power
from mne.minimum_norm import source_induced_power
from mne.stats import bonferroni_correction, fdr_correction
import cmath
from math import sqrt, atan2, pi, floor,exp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
from import loadmat
import pylab as pl
import random
from scipy import linalg
################################### Function definition ########################################
# Average data using a ponderation filter found by svd (singulate value decomposition) and return the averaged evoked data and the induced averaged induced data. Use the spatial filter created on the total data on each condition.
# data(trials,vertices,times)
# d(trials, times)
# d_induced(trials, times)
def average_svd(data_tot,data_cond1,data_cond2):
# Compute the ponderation filter from total data
avg = data_tot.mean(0) # average across trials
U,s,V = linalg.svd(avg) # apply svd
spatial_filter = U[:,0] # ponderation filter
# Apply the filter to each condition
d_tot = np.array([,e) for e in data_tot])
d_cond1 = np.array([,e) for e in data_cond1])
d_cond2 = np.array([,e) for e in data_cond2])
# Compute induced data
d_tot_mean = np.mean(d_tot, axis=0)[None,:]
d_tot_ind = d_tot - d_tot_mean # substract evoked response
d_cond1_mean = np.mean(d_cond1, axis=0)[None,:]
d_cond1_ind = d_cond1 - d_cond1_mean # substract evoked response
d_cond2_mean = np.mean(d_cond2, axis=0)[None,:]
d_cond2_ind = d_cond2 - d_cond2_mean # substract evoked response
return (d_tot, d_cond1, d_cond2, d_tot_ind, d_cond1_ind, d_cond2_ind )
################################### Variable definition #########################################
sujet_ordre = ['pf120155','pe110338','cj100142','jm100042', 'jm100109','sb120316', 'tk130502', 'sl130503', 'rl130571', 'bd120417','rb130313', 'mp140019']
sujetinit_ordre =['pf','pe', 'cj','jm42','jm09','sb','tk', 'sl', 'rl','bd','rb','mp14']
PSS = [-0.039, -0.023, -0.027, -0.049, -0.083, -0.003, -0.043, -0.012, -0.012, +0.043, +0.023, +0.033]
JND1 = [-0.118, -0.101, -0.115, -0.077, -0.112,-0.075, -0.089, -0.097, -0.116, -0.121, -0.067, -0.132]
JND2 = [+0.040, +0.055, +0.060, -0.021, -0.054,+0.070, +0.003, +0.073, +0.093, +0.208, +0.112, +0.198]
frequency_band = ['delta','theta','alpha','lbeta','hbeta','gamma']
frequency_list = [2., 5.5, 10., 16., 25., 40.]
n_cycles_list = [3., 3.4, 3.8, 5.3, 4.6, 5]
decim = 4
Fs = 1000
tmin, tmax =-3.3, 2
tmin_stat, tmax_stat =-1, 0 # To change: temporal window on the plot
dur = floor((tmax-tmin)*1000/decim)+1
dur_stat = floor((tmax_stat-tmin_stat)*1000/decim)+1
times = np.arange(int(tmin*1000), int(tmax*1000+1),decim)
wdir = '/neurospin/meg/meg_tmp/PhaseTime_Anne_2013/'
datapath_stc = wdir + 'stc/'
datapath_mat = wdir + 'data_mat/Distributions_resamplingTest/'
cond = 'pss'
hemi ='rh'
label_name = 'Brodmann.42-' + hemi
######################################## MAIN ################################################
#Initialize array for BI distribution per subject
Nloop = 500
BI = np.empty((len(sujet_ordre),Nloop,len(frequency_list),dur))
BI_toTest = np.empty((len(sujet_ordre),len(frequency_list),dur))
for s, subj in enumerate(sujet_ordre):
print subj
data_path = wdir + 'maxfilter/'+subj+'/'
subj_init = sujetinit_ordre[s]
### Data of each trials in the label of interest ###
# Read data from epochs created by (equalized trials)
epochs_A = mne.read_epochs(wdir + 'epochs/' + subj + '_equalizedEpochs_' + cond + '_firstStimLocked_Afirst')
epochs_V = mne.read_epochs(wdir + 'epochs/' + subj + '_equalizedEpochs_' + cond + '_firstStimLocked_Vfirst')
epochs_tot = mne.read_epochs(wdir + 'epochs/' + subj + '_equalizedEpochs_' + cond + '_firstStimLocked_tot')
# compute noise covariance from empty room data
emptyroom_raw = mne.fiff.Raw('/neurospin/meg/meg_tmp/PhaseTime_Anne_2013/maxfilter/' +subj+'/'+ subj_init +'_empty_sss.fif')
noise_cov = mne.compute_raw_data_covariance(emptyroom_raw)
# compute dSPM solution
fname_fwd = data_path + subj + '_phase1_trans_sss_filt140_raw-ico5-fwd.fif'
forward = mne.read_forward_solution(fname_fwd, surf_ori=True)
# create inverse operator
inverse_operator = make_inverse_operator(, forward, noise_cov, loose=0.4, depth=0.8)
# Read label of interest
datapath_label = wdir + 'freesurfer_segmentation/' + subj + '/label/'
label = mne.read_label(datapath_label + label_name + '.label')
# Compute inverse solution
snr = 3.0
lambda2 = 1.0 / snr ** 2
dSPM = True
stcs_A = apply_inverse_epochs(epochs_A, inverse_operator, lambda2, method='dSPM', label =label ,nave=1, pick_ori="normal")
stcs_V = apply_inverse_epochs(epochs_V, inverse_operator, lambda2, method='dSPM', label =label ,nave=1, pick_ori="normal")
stcs_tot = apply_inverse_epochs(epochs_tot, inverse_operator, lambda2, method='dSPM', label =label ,nave=1, pick_ori="normal")
# Store data
tmp_tot = np.empty((len(stcs_tot),stcs_tot[0].shape[0],stcs_tot[0].shape[1]))
for i in range(len(stcs_tot)):
tmp_tot[i,:,:] = stcs_tot[i].data
tmp_A = np.empty((len(stcs_A),stcs_A[0].shape[0],stcs_A[0].shape[1]))
tmp_V = np.empty((len(stcs_V),stcs_V[0].shape[0],stcs_V[0].shape[1]))
for i in range(len(stcs_A)):
tmp_A[i,:,:] = stcs_A[i].data
tmp_V[i,:,:] = stcs_V[i].data
# Average via svd on the vertices (selected label)
data_tot, data_A, data_V, data_tot_ind, data_A_ind, data_V_ind = average_svd(tmp_tot, tmp_A, tmp_V)
### Compute BI to test ###
# Rque: the BI in is calculated on each source then averaged so should be slightly different from this BI calculated from svd-averaged trials on one label.
pow_A, PLV_A = induced_power(data_A[:,None,:], Fs=Fs/decim, frequencies=frequency_list, n_cycles=n_cycles_list, n_jobs=8, use_fft=False, decim=1, zero_mean=True)
pow_V, PLV_V = induced_power(data_V[:,None,:], Fs=Fs/decim, frequencies=frequency_list, n_cycles=n_cycles_list, n_jobs=8, use_fft=False, decim=1, zero_mean=True)
pow_tot, PLV_tot = induced_power(data_tot[:,None,:], Fs=Fs/decim, frequencies=frequency_list, n_cycles=n_cycles_list, n_jobs=8, use_fft=False, decim=1, zero_mean=True)
# Compute bifurcation index
BI_toTest[s] = (PLV_A[0] - PLV_tot[0])*(PLV_V[0] - PLV_tot[0])
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