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Created September 12, 2016 11:27
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Rock-Paper-Scissor in EVE
# Rock Scissor Paper
Based on
Rules are simple:
The winner is decided by a set of rules:
* Rock beats scissors
* Scissors beat paper
* Paper beats rock
[#win-condition winner: "rock" looser: "scissor"]
[#win-condition winner: "scissor" looser: "paper"]
[#win-condition winner: "paper" looser: "rock"]
[#choice kind: "rock", id: 0]
[#choice kind: "scissor", id: 1]
[#choice kind: "paper", id: 2]
[@app aiScore: 0, playerScore: 0]
## Present the user a choice
choice = [#choice kind]
app = [@app]
[#div text: "Choose your weapon: " children:
[#button @choice choice text: "{{kind}}"]
[#div app text: "Player-Score: {{app.playerScore}}, AI-Score: {{app.aiScore}}"]]
## What happens, when the user clicks on a choice?
anybutton = [#button @choice]
[#click #direct-target element: anybutton]
choice = anybutton.choice
app = [@app]
app.player := choice.kind
## The AI chooses, when the user made a choice
app = [@app player]
rnd = random[seed: 1] * 1000
id = round[value: mod[value: rnd, by: 2]]
ai_choice = [#choice id]
bind := ai_choice.kind
## Evaluate the winning condition:
app = [@app player ai playerScore aiScore]
(who_wins, newPlayerScore, newAiScore) = if [#win-condition winner: player, looser: ai] then ("player", playerScore + 1, aiScore)
else if [#win-condition winner: ai, looser: player] then ("AI", playerScore, aiScore + 1)
else ("Nobody, It's a draw.", playerScore, aiScore)
// These two lines break the execution (no results are shown) ======
// app.playerScore := newPlayerScore
// app.aiScore := newAiScore
// =================================================================
[#div text: "-> {{player}} vs {{ai}} => who won? {{who_wins}}"]
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