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Created March 3, 2016 00:37
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SFTP Server Howto

Simple, secure file server (SFTP)

**SFTP - Wikipedia **


  • Server machine with dedicated 10+GB drive, 512MB RAM
  • Wired server <-> internet connection during Debian installation
  • Client machine (Linux,Windows,Mac,Mobile...)
  • 500+MB USB drive or blank CD/DVD

Server/Debian installation

  • Download Debian.
  • Write the downloaded ISO to USB drive.
  • Windows: Win32diskimager
  • Linux sudo dd if=/path/debian.iso of=/dev/sdX (with sdX the name of your USB drive as listed by lsblk)
  • Reboot to USB drive.
  • Select More options > Advanced graphical install
  • Follow the installation procedure.
    • Use a strong password/phrase for your user accounts.
    • Allow administrator (root) logins: Yes
    • Create an ordinary user account Yes
    • Guided partitioning > Separate /home/ partition.
    • Software: only check Standard system utilities and SSH Server.
  • Finish install, remove USB drive/boot from disk.
  • At login prompt, login: root, password: your root password.
  • Check internet connectivity ping -c3
  • Check and remember your LAN IP address: ip addr (remember it)
  • Update software aptitude update; aptitude -y upgrade; aptitude -y dist-upgrade * Add your user adduser yourusername sudo to administrators * install firewall management aptitude install ufw; ufw enable.
  • Open the firewall port ufw allow 823/tcp.

SSH/SFTP config

  • Edit SSH configuration: nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config, change these values:
Port 823
PermitRootLogin no
PasswordAuthentication yes (remove #)
X11Forwarding no
  • Add this at the end of the file:
  • Press Ctrl+X then Y to quit the editor and save.
  • Run service ssh restart

Key authorization/connecting

On your client machine

Linux (graphical):

  • Install the seahorse package from your package manager, or sudo aptitude install seahorse. Run Passwords and Keys from your Applications > Accesories menu. Click File > New ... > Secure shell key and follow instructions.
  • Open s in your file manager address bar, or File -> Connect to server... and fill the required fields.
  • You can now store files there (/home/yourusername/ directory on your server). You can bookmark the location by dragging it to the file manager sidebar.
  • For improved security run ssh -p 823 -i ~/.ssh/id_sftp, then sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change PasswordAutentication to no. Run sudo service ssh reload; then exit.

Linux (command line):

ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id-sftp #generate keypair
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ -p 823 #authorize your key on the server
ssh -p 823 -i ~/.ssh/id_sftp #test SSH connection
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config #change PasswordAutentication to no
sudo service ssh reload #reload ssh server
exit #close the SSH connection
sudo apt-get install sshfs #install SFTP filesystem mounting tool
mkdir sftp; sshfs -p 823 sftp/ #create sftp/ directory and mount the SFTP filesystem on it


  • Download/install WinSCP.
  • Run WinSCP Tools > Run PuttyGen. Click Generate and follow instructions. Save private keyto a file.
  • TODO authorization
  • Run WinSCP, enter Username, Host name (IP address), Port number: 823, Advanced>Authentication>Private key file, select your private key file. OK, Save, Connect.


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