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Created October 28, 2015 21:15
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Save anonymous/3a51256a326cc50b13f7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
name = "y2aa"
version = "0.0.0"
libc = "*"
docopt = "0.6"
rustc-serialize = "0.3"
freetype-rs = "0.3"
extern crate libc;
extern crate freetype;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate docopt;
use std::io;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::Write;
use std::fs::File;
use std::process;
use std::ptr;
use std::slice;
use libc::{c_int, c_double, c_void, c_char};
use docopt::Docopt;
use freetype as ft;
const BYTE_DEPTH: usize = 1;
const MAX_SIZE: usize = std::u16::MAX as usize;
const DEFAULT_FONT: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!("../8x13B.pcf.gz");
const USAGE: &'static str = "
y2aa [options] -w <width> -h <height> <path>
y2aa --help
Make ASCII-art version of provided image data.
Reads Gray8 data from specified path (use - for stdin) frame by frame using
given video dimensions and outputs processed video in same format to stdout.
Meant to be used with some video format encoder/decoder, e.g. FFmpeg.
--help Show this message and exit.
-w, --width=<w> Video width, required.
-h, --height=<h> Video height, required.
-f, --font=<f> Path to the monospaced font, 8x13bold is default.
Both Truetype and PCF are supported.
-s, --font-size=<fs> Font size, required for Truetype fonts.
ffmpeg -i in.mkv -f rawvideo -pix_fmt gray - |\\
y2aa -w 1280 -h 720 - |\\
ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pixel_format gray -video_size 1280x720 -i - out.mkv
macro_rules! printerr {
($fmt:expr) =>
::write_fmt(&mut ::std::io::stderr(), format_args!(concat!($fmt, "\n")))
($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) =>
::write_fmt(&mut ::std::io::stderr(), format_args!(concat!($fmt, "\n"), $($arg)*))
macro_rules! get {
($e:expr) => (match $e { Ok(v) => v, Err(_) => return None });
#[derive(Debug, RustcDecodable)]
struct Args {
flag_width: usize,
flag_height: usize,
arg_path: String,
flag_font: Option<String>,
flag_font_size: Option<usize>,
struct aa_context;
struct aa_driver;
struct aa_font;
struct aa_hardware_params {
font: *const aa_font,
supported: c_int,
minwidth: c_int,
minheight: c_int,
maxwidth: c_int,
maxheight: c_int,
recwidth: c_int,
recheight: c_int,
mmwidth: c_int,
mmheight: c_int,
width: c_int,
height: c_int,
dimmul: c_double,
boldmul: c_double,
struct aa_renderparams;
#[link(name = "aa")]
extern {
static mem_d: aa_driver;
static aa_defparams: aa_hardware_params;
static aa_defrenderparams: aa_renderparams;
fn aa_init(
driver: *const aa_driver,
defparams: *const aa_hardware_params,
driverdata: *mut c_void) -> *mut aa_context;
fn aa_close(a: *mut aa_context) -> c_void;
fn aa_imgwidth(a: *mut aa_context) -> c_int;
fn aa_imgheight(a: *mut aa_context) -> c_int;
fn aa_scrwidth(a: *mut aa_context) -> c_int;
fn aa_scrheight(a: *mut aa_context) -> c_int;
fn aa_image(a: *mut aa_context) -> *mut c_char;
fn aa_render(
c: *mut aa_context,
p: *const aa_renderparams,
x1: c_int,
y1: c_int,
x2: c_int,
y2: c_int) -> c_void;
fn aa_text(a: *mut aa_context) -> *mut c_char;
// fn aa_attrs(a: *mut aa_context) -> *mut c_char;
struct AaContext {
ctx: *mut aa_context,
/// Size of the input frames.
orig_width: usize,
orig_height: usize,
/// Text buffer size.
scr_width: usize,
scr_height: usize,
/// Size we need to resize passed frame into.
/// Note that we don't keep aspect since font aspect usually is not 1:1.
/// But output image will look ok since aalib transforms 2x2 image pixels
/// into one character. E.g. for 8x13 font and 1280x720 input frame:
/// 1280x720 -> 320x110 -> 160x55 (text) -> 160*8x55*13 -> 1280x715.
img_width: usize,
img_height: usize,
/// Scaled image buffer.
img: Vec<u8>,
impl AaContext {
fn init(
orig_width: usize, orig_height: usize,
font_width: usize, font_height: usize,
) -> Option<AaContext> {
let scr_width = orig_width / font_width;
let scr_height = orig_height / font_height;
let img_width = scr_width * 2;
let img_height = scr_height * 2;
let img = vec![0;img_width*img_height];
let mut params = aa_defparams.clone();
params.width = scr_width as c_int;
params.height = scr_height as c_int;
unsafe {
let ctx = aa_init(&mem_d, &params, ptr::null_mut());
if ctx == ptr::null_mut() {
} else {
debug_assert_eq!(aa_scrwidth(ctx), scr_width as c_int);
debug_assert_eq!(aa_scrheight(ctx), scr_height as c_int);
debug_assert_eq!(aa_imgwidth(ctx), img_width as c_int);
debug_assert_eq!(aa_imgheight(ctx), img_height as c_int);
Some(AaContext {
ctx: ctx,
orig_width: orig_width,
orig_height: orig_height,
scr_width: scr_width,
scr_height: scr_height,
img_width: img_width,
img_height: img_height,
img: img,
/// Resample passed gray image frame into preallocated buffer.
/// Currently bilinear and unoptimized, based on
/// <>.
fn resize(&mut self, src: &[u8]) {
// FIXME: Result look awful, close to nearest. Fix that shit. And it's
// better to use something like Lanczos.
// FIXME: Avoid bound checks.
let w1 = self.orig_width;
let h1 = self.orig_height;
let w2 = self.img_width;
let h2 = self.img_height;
let dst = &mut self.img;
let x_ratio = w1 as f32 / w2 as f32;
let y_ratio = h1 as f32 / h2 as f32;
let mut dst_index = 0;
for i in 0..h2 {
let y = (y_ratio * i as f32) as usize;
let y_frac = (y_ratio * i as f32) % 1.0;
let y_frac_neg = 1.0 - y_frac;
for j in 0..w2 {
let x = (x_ratio * j as f32) as usize;
let x_frac = (x_ratio * j as f32) % 1.0;
let x_frac_neg = 1.0 - x_frac;
let src_index = y * w1 + x;
let a = src[src_index] as f32;
let b = src[src_index+1] as f32;
let c = src[src_index+w1] as f32;
let d = src[src_index+w1+1] as f32;
let gray =
(a * y_frac_neg + b * y_frac) * x_frac_neg +
(c * y_frac_neg + d * y_frac) * x_frac;
dst[dst_index] = gray as u8;
dst_index += 1;
fn render(&mut self, frame: &[u8]) -> &[u8] {
debug_assert_eq!(frame.len(), self.orig_width * self.orig_height);
unsafe {
let vram = aa_image(self.ctx) as *mut u8;
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(self.img.as_ptr(), vram, self.img.len());
self.scr_width as c_int,
self.scr_height as c_int);
aa_text(self.ctx) as *const u8,
self.scr_width * self.scr_height)
impl Drop for AaContext {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
const FIRST_ASCII_NUM: usize = 32; // " "
const LAST_ASCII_NUM: usize = 126; // "~"
struct Font {
/// Printable ASCII characters bitmap data (32-126).
chars: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
width: usize,
height: usize,
impl Font {
fn init(opath: Option<&str>, osize: Option<usize>) -> Option<Font> {
let library = get!(ft::Library::init());
let face = match opath {
Some(path) => get!(library.new_face(path, 0)),
_ => get!(library.new_memory_face(DEFAULT_FONT, 0)),
match osize {
Some(size) => get!(face.set_pixel_sizes(0, size as u32)),
None => {},
// Build bitmaps of printable ASCII characters of same dimensions, pad
// if necessary. PCF fonts have same width and height for all glyphs,
// TTF (even monospaced) need to be adjusted.
// TODO: Build several bitmap for various text attributes (normal, dim,
// bold, etc).
let mut chars = Vec::with_capacity(ch_range.len());
let mut width = 0;
let mut rows = 0;
for ch in ch_range {
get!(face.load_char(ch, ft::face::RENDER));
let glyph = face.glyph();
let bitmap = glyph.bitmap();
if width == 0 {
width = bitmap.width() as usize;
rows = bitmap.rows() as usize;
assert!(width > 0);
assert!(rows > 0);
} else {
assert_eq!(width, bitmap.width() as usize);
assert_eq!(rows, bitmap.rows() as usize);
let buffer = bitmap.buffer();
let pitch = bitmap.pitch() as usize;
// TODO: Negative pitch.
assert!(pitch > 0, "Negative pitch is not supported.");
let ch_data = match bitmap.pixel_mode().unwrap() {
ft::bitmap::PixelMode::Mono => {
Self::mono2gray(buffer, width, rows, pitch)
ft::bitmap::PixelMode::Gray => {
// TODO: TTF fonts.
panic!("Grayscale fonts are not supported yet.");
// TODO: Add FT_Bitmap_Convert to freetype-rs.
p => panic!("Pixel mode {:?} is not supported.", p),
Some(Font {
width: width,
height: rows,
chars: chars,
fn to8(v: u8) -> u8 {
if v == 0 { 0 } else { 255 }
// Partial port of FT_Bitmap_Convert from ftbitmap.c
fn mono2gray(src: &[u8], width: usize, rows: usize, pitch: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut dst = Vec::with_capacity(width * rows);
for i in 0..rows {
let full_bytes = width / 8;
for j in 0..full_bytes {
let val = src[i * pitch + j];
dst.push(Self::to8(val & 0x80));
dst.push(Self::to8(val & 0x40));
dst.push(Self::to8(val & 0x20));
dst.push(Self::to8(val & 0x10));
dst.push(Self::to8(val & 0x08));
dst.push(Self::to8(val & 0x04));
dst.push(Self::to8(val & 0x02));
dst.push(Self::to8(val & 0x01));
let remaining_bits = width & 7;
if remaining_bits > 0 {
let mut val = src[i * pitch + full_bytes];
for _ in 0..remaining_bits {
dst.push(Self::to8(val & 0x80));
val <<= 1;
debug_assert_eq!(dst.len(), width * rows);
fn get_width(&self) -> usize {
fn get_height(&self) -> usize {
fn render(&self, text: &[u8], orig_width: usize, orig_height: usize, out: &mut [u8]) {
let line_len = orig_width / self.width;
let nlines = orig_height / self.height;
let pad_x = orig_width % self.width;
let pad_y = orig_height % self.height;
let line_w = self.width * line_len;
debug_assert_eq!(out.len(), orig_width * orig_height);
debug_assert_eq!(text.len(), line_len * nlines);
// Copy character data into the out buffer row by row:
// line_len (4)
// +---+---+---+---+
// | t | e | x | t | self.height
// +---+---+---+---+
// ^-- self.width
// FIXME: Avoid bound checks.
for nline in 0..nlines {
let line = &text[line_len*nline .. line_len*(nline+1)];
for row in 0..self.height {
let out_base = orig_width * (self.height * nline + row);
let ch_base = self.width * row;
for (i, &ch) in line.iter().enumerate() {
let ch_data = &self.chars[ch as usize - FIRST_ASCII_NUM];
let w = i * self.width;
for j in 0..self.width {
out[out_base + w + j] = ch_data[ch_base + j];
for j in 0..pad_x {
out[out_base + line_w + j] = 0;
// Padding:
// line_w ,- pad_x
// +---+---+---+---+--+
// | t | e | x | t | | self.height
// +---+---+---+---+--+
// | | | | | | pad_y
// +---+---+---+---+--+
for row in 0..pad_y {
let out_base = orig_width * (self.height * nlines + row);
for j in 0..orig_width {
out[out_base + j] = 0;
fn run() -> i32 {
let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE)
.and_then(|d| d.decode())
.unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
// TODO: It would be better to use e.g. u16 in struct and just let
// rust-serialize do the rest, but... it converts 65537 to 1.
// Report that shit to upstream.
if args.flag_width < 1 || args.flag_height < 1
|| args.flag_width > MAX_SIZE || args.flag_height > MAX_SIZE {
printerr!("Bad dimensions.");
return 1;
let mut infh: Box<io::Read> = if args.arg_path == "-" {
} else {
match File::open(&args.arg_path) {
Ok(handle) => Box::new(handle),
Err(err) => {
printerr!("Can't open input: {}", err);
return 2;
let mut outfh = io::stdout();
let font_path = args.flag_font.as_ref().map(String::as_ref);
let font = match Font::init(font_path, args.flag_font_size) {
Some(f) => f,
_ => {
printerr!("Can't initialize freetype.");
return 2;
let mut aactx = match AaContext::init(
args.flag_width, args.flag_height,
font.get_width(), font.get_height(),
) {
Some(ctx) => ctx,
_ => {
printerr!("Can't initialize aalib.");
return 2;
let bufsize = args.flag_width * args.flag_height * BYTE_DEPTH;
let mut frame = vec![0;bufsize];
loop {
let mut collected = 0;
while collected < bufsize {
match frame[collected..]) {
Ok(chunksize) => {
if chunksize == 0 {
// End of file.
if collected > 0 {
printerr!("Warning: incomplete input.");
return 0;
collected += chunksize;
Err(err) => {
printerr!("Can't read input: {}", err);
return 2;
let text = aactx.render(&frame);
font.render(text, args.flag_width, args.flag_height, &mut frame);
match outfh.write(&frame) {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(err) => {
printerr!("Can't write to stdout: {}", err);
return 2;
fn main() {
// Hack to call destructors while using custom exit code.
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