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Created July 4, 2017 17:48
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debug enabled!
[00:48:01] =============== FAR ================
[00:48:01] cmdline: lang="en" lang="de" *
[00:48:01] far#find({'pattern': 'lang="en"', 'file_mask': '*', 'range': [-1, -1], 'replace_with': 'lang="de"'},[])
[00:48:01] assemble_context({'pattern': 'lang="en"', 'replace_with': 'lang="de"', 'range': [-1, -1], 'limit': 1000, 'file_mask': '*', 'cwd': '/Users/jeff/Development/Frontend/shay-howe/learn-to-code-html-css/src', 'source': 'vimgrep'},{'highlight_match': 1, 'preview_layout': 'bottom', 'result_preview': 1, 'preview_width': 100, 'layout': 'right', 'preview_height': 11, 'width': 100, 'height': 20, 'auto_preview': 1, 'collapse_result': 0})
[00:48:01] source: {'args': {'cmd': 'silent! {limit}vimgrep! /{pattern}/gj {file_mask}', 'escape_pattern': '/'}, 'executor': 'vim', 'fn': 'far#sources#qf#search'}
[00:48:01] executor: far#executors#basic#execute
[00:48:01] s:param_proc()
[00:48:01]"en",*,{'cmd': 'silent! {limit}vimgrep! /{pattern}/gj {file_mask}', 'escape_pattern': '/'},[])
[00:48:01] qfcmd: silent! 1000vimgrep! /lang="en"/gj *
[00:48:01] assemble_context_callback()
[00:48:01] open_far_buff({'highlight_match': 1, 'preview_layout': 'bottom', 'result_preview': 1, 'preview_width': 100, 'layout': 'right', 'preview_height': 11, 'width': 100, 'height': 20, 'auto_preview': 1, 'collapse_result': 0})
[00:48:01] new bufcmd: botright vertical 100 new FAR\ 1
[00:48:02] apply_default_mappings()
[00:48:02] update_far_buffer(7, 2)
[00:48:02] build_buffer_content(...,{'highlight_match': 1, 'preview_layout': 'bottom', 'result_preview': 1, 'preview_width': 100, 'layout': 'right', 'preview_height': 11, 'width': 100, 'height': 20, 'auto_preview': 1, 'collapse_result': 0})
[00:48:02] content:
[00:48:02] Files:5 Matches:5 Time:0.194ms
[00:48:02] - index.htm/index.html (1 matches)
[00:48:02] 2 <html lang="en"> ➝ <html lang="de">
[00:48:02] - register.htm/register.html (1 matches)
[00:48:02] 2 <html lang="en"> ➝ <html lang="de">
[00:48:02] - schedule.htm/schedule.html (1 matches)
[00:48:02] 2 <html lang="en"> ➝ <html lang="de">
[00:48:02] - speakers.htm/speakers.html (1 matches)
[00:48:02] 2 <html lang="en"> ➝ <html lang="de">
[00:48:02] - venue.htm/venue.html (1 matches)
[00:48:02] 2 <html lang="en"> ➝ <html lang="de">
[00:48:02] syntax:
[00:48:02] syn match FarNone ".*" contains=FarSearchVal,FarReplaceVal,FarItem
[00:48:02] syn match FarLineCol "^..\d*" contains=FarSearchVal,FarReplaceVal,FarItem
[00:48:02] syn region FarStatusLine start="\%1l^" end="$"
[00:48:02] syn region FarFilePath start="\%2l^.."hs=s+2 end=".\{20\}"
[00:48:02] syn region FarFileStats start="\%2l^.\{24\}"hs=e end="$" contains=FarFilePath keepend
[00:48:02] syn region FarItem matchgroup=FarSearchVal start="\%3l\%8c"rs=s+16,hs=s+7 matchgroup=FarReplaceVal end=".*$"re=e-40,he=e-31 oneline
[00:48:02] syn region FarFilePath start="\%4l^.."hs=s+2 end=".\{26\}"
[00:48:02] syn region FarFileStats start="\%4l^.\{30\}"hs=e end="$" contains=FarFilePath keepend
[00:48:02] syn region FarItem matchgroup=FarSearchVal start="\%5l\%8c"rs=s+16,hs=s+7 matchgroup=FarReplaceVal end=".*$"re=e-40,he=e-31 oneline
[00:48:02] syn region FarFilePath start="\%6l^.."hs=s+2 end=".\{26\}"
[00:48:02] syn region FarFileStats start="\%6l^.\{30\}"hs=e end="$" contains=FarFilePath keepend
[00:48:02] syn region FarItem matchgroup=FarSearchVal start="\%7l\%8c"rs=s+16,hs=s+7 matchgroup=FarReplaceVal end=".*$"re=e-40,he=e-31 oneline
[00:48:02] syn region FarFilePath start="\%8l^.."hs=s+2 end=".\{26\}"
[00:48:02] syn region FarFileStats start="\%8l^.\{30\}"hs=e end="$" contains=FarFilePath keepend
[00:48:02] syn region FarItem matchgroup=FarSearchVal start="\%9l\%8c"rs=s+16,hs=s+7 matchgroup=FarReplaceVal end=".*$"re=e-40,he=e-31 oneline
[00:48:02] syn region FarFilePath start="\%10l^.."hs=s+2 end=".\{20\}"
[00:48:02] syn region FarFileStats start="\%10l^.\{24\}"hs=e end="$" contains=FarFilePath keepend
[00:48:02] syn region FarItem matchgroup=FarSearchVal start="\%11l\%8c"rs=s+16,hs=s+7 matchgroup=FarReplaceVal end=".*$"re=e-40,he=e-31 oneline
[00:48:02] resize timer started #8
[00:48:02] far#show_preview_window_under_cursor()
[00:48:04] ============= FAR DO ================
[00:48:04] far#replace([])
[00:48:04] replines:0
[00:48:04] replacing buffer index.html
[00:48:04] bufdo: 2s/\%7clang="en"/lang="de"/e#|write
[00:48:04] bufdo_msgs:
2 <html lang="de">
"index.html" 107L, 3041C written
No matching autocommands
:!/Users/jeff/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-gutentags/plat/unix/ -e "ctags" -t "tags" -p "." -s "src/index.html" -o "/Users/jeff/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-gutentags/res/ctags_recursive.options" -x 'tmp/**' >/dev/null 2>&1 &
No matching autocommands
[00:48:04] replacing buffer register.html
[00:48:05] bufdo: 2s/\%7clang="en"/lang="de"/e#|write
[00:48:05] bufdo_msgs:
2 <html lang="de">
"register.html" 123L, 3493C written
No matching autocommands
:!/Users/jeff/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-gutentags/plat/unix/ -e "ctags" -t "tags" -p "." -s "src/register.html" -o "/Users/jeff/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-gutentags/res/ctags_recursive.options" -x 'tmp/**' >/dev/null 2>&1 &
No matching autocommands
[00:48:05] replacing buffer schedule.html
[00:48:05] bufdo: 2s/\%7clang="en"/lang="de"/e#|write
[00:48:05] bufdo_msgs:
2 <html lang="de">
"schedule.html" 67L, 1668C written
No matching autocommands
:!/Users/jeff/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-gutentags/plat/unix/ -e "ctags" -t "tags" -p "." -s "src/schedule.html" -o "/Users/jeff/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-gutentags/res/ctags_recursive.options" -x 'tmp/**' >/dev/null 2>&1 &
No matching autocommands
[00:48:05] replacing buffer speakers.html
[00:48:06] bufdo: 2s/\%7clang="en"/lang="de"/e#|write
[00:48:06] bufdo_msgs:
2 <html lang="de">
"speakers.html" 162L, 5683C written
No matching autocommands
:!/Users/jeff/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-gutentags/plat/unix/ -e "ctags" -t "tags" -p "." -s "src/speakers.html" -o "/Users/jeff/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-gutentags/res/ctags_recursive.options" -x 'tmp/**' >/dev/null 2>&1 &
No matching autocommands
[00:48:06] replacing buffer venue.html
[00:48:06] bufdo: 2s/\%7clang="en"/lang="de"/e#|write
[00:48:06] bufdo_msgs:
2 <html lang="de">
"venue.html" 93L, 2782C written
No matching autocommands
:!/Users/jeff/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-gutentags/plat/unix/ -e "ctags" -t "tags" -p "." -s "src/venue.html" -o "/Users/jeff/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-gutentags/res/ctags_recursive.options" -x 'tmp/**' >/dev/null 2>&1 &
No matching autocommands
[00:48:06] delete buffers: 2 3 4 6
[00:48:07] update_far_buffer(7, 2)
[00:48:07] build_buffer_content(...,{'highlight_match': 1, 'preview_layout': 'bottom', 'result_preview': 1, 'preview_width': 100, 'layout': 'right', 'preview_height': 11, 'width': 100, 'height': 20, 'auto_preview': 1, 'collapse_result': 0})
[00:48:07] content:
[00:48:07] Files:5 Matches:5 Time:0.194ms ~ Replaced:5 Time:2.535ms
[00:48:07] - index.htm/index.html (1 matches)
[00:48:07] 2 <html lang="de">
[00:48:07] - register.htm/register.html (1 matches)
[00:48:07] 2 <html lang="de">
[00:48:07] - schedule.htm/schedule.html (1 matches)
[00:48:07] 2 <html lang="de">
[00:48:07] - speakers.htm/speakers.html (1 matches)
[00:48:07] 2 <html lang="de">
[00:48:07] - venue.htm/venue.html (1 matches)
[00:48:07] 2 <html lang="de">
[00:48:07] syntax:
[00:48:07] syn match FarNone ".*" contains=FarSearchVal,FarReplaceVal,FarItem
[00:48:07] syn match FarLineCol "^..\d*" contains=FarSearchVal,FarReplaceVal,FarItem
[00:48:07] syn region FarStatusLine start="\%1l^" end="$"
[00:48:07] syn region FarExcludedItem start="\%2l^" end="$"
[00:48:07] syn region FarReplacedItem start="\%3l^" end="$"
[00:48:07] syn region FarExcludedItem start="\%4l^" end="$"
[00:48:07] syn region FarReplacedItem start="\%5l^" end="$"
[00:48:07] syn region FarExcludedItem start="\%6l^" end="$"
[00:48:07] syn region FarReplacedItem start="\%7l^" end="$"
[00:48:07] syn region FarExcludedItem start="\%8l^" end="$"
[00:48:07] syn region FarReplacedItem start="\%9l^" end="$"
[00:48:07] syn region FarExcludedItem start="\%10l^" end="$"
[00:48:07] syn region FarReplacedItem start="\%11l^" end="$"
[00:48:07] far#show_preview_window_under_cursor()
[00:48:10] ============= FAR UNDO ================
[00:48:10] far#undo(['--all'])
[00:48:10] undo index.html, undos:[{'num': 1, 'items': [{'lnum': 2, 'repl_text': ' <html lang="de">', 'excluded': 0, 'replaced': 1, 'cnum': 7, 'text': '<html lang="en">'}]}]
[00:48:11] undo register.html, undos:[{'num': 1, 'items': [{'lnum': 2, 'repl_text': ' <html lang="de">', 'excluded': 0, 'replaced': 1, 'cnum': 7, 'text': '<html lang="en">'}]}]
[00:48:11] undo schedule.html, undos:[{'num': 1, 'items': [{'lnum': 2, 'repl_text': ' <html lang="de">', 'excluded': 0, 'replaced': 1, 'cnum': 7, 'text': '<html lang="en">'}]}]
[00:48:12] undo speakers.html, undos:[{'num': 1, 'items': [{'lnum': 2, 'repl_text': ' <html lang="de">', 'excluded': 0, 'replaced': 1, 'cnum': 7, 'text': '<html lang="en">'}]}]
[00:48:12] undo venue.html, undos:[{'num': 1, 'items': [{'lnum': 2, 'repl_text': ' <html lang="de">', 'excluded': 0, 'replaced': 1, 'cnum': 7, 'text': '<html lang="en">'}]}]
[00:48:13] update_far_buffer(7, 2)
[00:48:13] build_buffer_content(...,{'highlight_match': 1, 'preview_layout': 'bottom', 'result_preview': 1, 'preview_width': 100, 'layout': 'right', 'preview_height': 11, 'width': 100, 'height': 20, 'auto_preview': 1, 'collapse_result': 0})
[00:48:13] content:
[00:48:13] Files:5 Matches:5 Time:0.194ms
[00:48:13] - index.htm/index.html (1 matches)
[00:48:13] 2 <html lang="en"> ➝ <html lang="de">
[00:48:13] - register.htm/register.html (1 matches)
[00:48:13] 2 <html lang="en"> ➝ <html lang="de">
[00:48:13] - schedule.htm/schedule.html (1 matches)
[00:48:13] 2 <html lang="en"> ➝ <html lang="de">
[00:48:13] - speakers.htm/speakers.html (1 matches)
[00:48:13] 2 <html lang="en"> ➝ <html lang="de">
[00:48:13] - venue.htm/venue.html (1 matches)
[00:48:13] 2 <html lang="en"> ➝ <html lang="de">
[00:48:13] syntax:
[00:48:13] syn match FarNone ".*" contains=FarSearchVal,FarReplaceVal,FarItem
[00:48:13] syn match FarLineCol "^..\d*" contains=FarSearchVal,FarReplaceVal,FarItem
[00:48:13] syn region FarStatusLine start="\%1l^" end="$"
[00:48:13] syn region FarFilePath start="\%2l^.."hs=s+2 end=".\{20\}"
[00:48:13] syn region FarFileStats start="\%2l^.\{24\}"hs=e end="$" contains=FarFilePath keepend
[00:48:13] syn region FarItem matchgroup=FarSearchVal start="\%3l\%8c"rs=s+16,hs=s+7 matchgroup=FarReplaceVal end=".*$"re=e-40,he=e-31 oneline
[00:48:13] syn region FarFilePath start="\%4l^.."hs=s+2 end=".\{26\}"
[00:48:13] syn region FarFileStats start="\%4l^.\{30\}"hs=e end="$" contains=FarFilePath keepend
[00:48:13] syn region FarItem matchgroup=FarSearchVal start="\%5l\%8c"rs=s+16,hs=s+7 matchgroup=FarReplaceVal end=".*$"re=e-40,he=e-31 oneline
[00:48:13] syn region FarFilePath start="\%6l^.."hs=s+2 end=".\{26\}"
[00:48:13] syn region FarFileStats start="\%6l^.\{30\}"hs=e end="$" contains=FarFilePath keepend
[00:48:13] syn region FarItem matchgroup=FarSearchVal start="\%7l\%8c"rs=s+16,hs=s+7 matchgroup=FarReplaceVal end=".*$"re=e-40,he=e-31 oneline
[00:48:13] syn region FarFilePath start="\%8l^.."hs=s+2 end=".\{26\}"
[00:48:13] syn region FarFileStats start="\%8l^.\{30\}"hs=e end="$" contains=FarFilePath keepend
[00:48:13] syn region FarItem matchgroup=FarSearchVal start="\%9l\%8c"rs=s+16,hs=s+7 matchgroup=FarReplaceVal end=".*$"re=e-40,he=e-31 oneline
[00:48:13] syn region FarFilePath start="\%10l^.."hs=s+2 end=".\{20\}"
[00:48:13] syn region FarFileStats start="\%10l^.\{24\}"hs=e end="$" contains=FarFilePath keepend
[00:48:13] syn region FarItem matchgroup=FarSearchVal start="\%11l\%8c"rs=s+16,hs=s+7 matchgroup=FarReplaceVal end=".*$"re=e-40,he=e-31 oneline
[00:48:13] far#show_preview_window_under_cursor()
[00:48:18] no far bufs, stopping resize timer #8
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