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Created September 2, 2010 19:26
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1) Using a simple pencil compass, draw a circle.
2) Move the point of the compass to anywhere on the circle.
3) Draw an arc that starts and ends within the edge of the circle.
4) Move the compass point to where one end of the arc you just drew intersects the circle.
5) Draw another arc as in step 3.
6) Move the compass point and repeat until you have drawn four arcs around the circle (You only need four arcs, but could do 6 if you want it symmetrical).
7) Using a straight edge, draw straight lines that intersect the points of the arcs with the edge of the circle.
You now have a hexagon!
Note: A 4" diameter circle will produce a 4" POINT-TO-POINT hexagon (as opposed to edge-to-edge hexagon).
You could to the same thing using a piece of string and a pencil for any size hexagon you might need.
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