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Created November 27, 2014 05:20
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Replication code for "Public trust in the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom"
## ----Setup, include=FALSE, results="hide", warning=FALSE-----------------
## This chunk is for setting nice options for the output. Notice how
## we create both png and pdf files by default, so that we can easily process
## to both HTML and LaTeX/PDF files later.
opts_chunk$set(fig.path='figures/paper-', cache.path='cache/report-', dev=c("png","pdf"), fig.width=14, fig.height=7,'hold', fig.lp="fig:", cache=FALSE, par=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results="hide", message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, dpi=300)
knit_hooks$set(par=function(before, options, envir){
if (before && options$!='none') par(mar=c(4,4,.1,.1),cex.lab=.95,cex.axis=.9,mgp=c(2,.7,0),tcl=-.3)
}, crop=hook_pdfcrop)
## ----loadlibs, include = FALSE, echo = FALSE, results = "hide", warning = FALSE, message = FALSE----
## ----loaddata, echo = FALSE, results = "hide", warning = FALSE, message = FALSE----
data.locn <- "../dec12spb.dta"
if(!file.exists(data.locn)) {
bes.url <- ""
download.file(bes.url,destfile = data.locn)
dat <- read.dta(data.locn)
## ----recodes, echo = FALSE, results = "hide", warning = FALSE, message = FALSE----
dat$trustUKSC <- as.numeric(gsub("\\D","",dat$q1107))
dat$familiarUKSC <- factor(dat$q1102,
levels = c("have never heard of this court",
"not very familiar",
"somewhat familiar",
"very familiar"),
ordered = FALSE)
dat$familiarUKSC <- relevel(dat$familiarUKSC, "not very familiar")
### Should the court be 'supreme'
likerts <- c("strongly agree","agree","neither agree nor disagree",
"disagree","strongly disagree")
dat$supremacyUKSC <- factor(dat$q1106,
levels = rev(likerts),
ordered = TRUE)
### Court abolition?
dat$abolishUKSC <- factor(dat$q1104,
levels = likerts,
ordered = TRUE)
low.knowledge.cor <- cor(sapply(dat[!is.element(dat$familiarUKSC,c("very familiar")),c("trustUKSC","supremacyUKSC","abolishUKSC")],as.numeric),
method = "spearman",
use= "pairwise")
high.knowledge.cor <- cor(sapply(dat[dat$familiarUKSC %in% c("very familiar"),c("trustUKSC","supremacyUKSC","abolishUKSC")],as.numeric),
method = "spearman",
use= "pairwise")
tmp <- dat[,c("trustUKSC","supremacyUKSC","abolishUKSC")]
tmp <- tmp[complete.cases(tmp),]
my.cronbach <- cronbach.alpha(tmp)
### generalized trust: simple average of q246 and q247 (trust parties, trust politicians
### These must be converted
dat$q246 <- as.numeric(gsub("\\D","",dat$q246))
dat$q247 <- as.numeric(gsub("\\D","",dat$q247))
dat$generalizedTrust <- rowMeans(dat[,c("q246","q247")],na.rm = TRUE)
### Interpersonal trust
dat$interpersonalTrust <- as.numeric(gsub("\\D","",dat$q37))
### left-right position
lr.qns <- c("q1080","q1081","q1082","q1083")
for (q in lr.qns) {
dat[,q] <- factor(dat[,q],
levels = likerts,
ordered = TRUE)
grm.mod <- grm(dat[,lr.qns],
IRT.param = TRUE)
grm.scores <- factor.scores(grm.mod, resp.patterns = dat[,lr.qns])
dat$leftRight <- grm.scores$score.dat$z1
dat$leftRight.raw <- rowMeans(sapply(dat[,lr.qns],as.numeric),na.rm = TRUE)
the.cor <- cor(dat$leftRight,dat$leftRight.raw,use="pairwise")
if (sign(the.cor) < 0) {
dat$leftRight <- dat$leftRight * -1
dat$q32 <- car:::recode(dat$q32, "'british national party (bnp)'='other party'")
dat$partyID <- factor(dat$q32,
levels = c("conservative",
"liberal democrat",
"plaid cymru",
"scottish nationalist",
"united kingdom independence party (ukip)",
"other party",
"No party"),
ordered = FALSE)
dat$partyID[$partyID)] <- "No party"
dat$partyID <- relevel(dat$partyID, "No party")
### Controls
dat$region <- factor(as.character(dat$q1))
dat$country <- car:::recode(dat$q1, "'scotland'='Scotland';'wales'='Wales';else='England'")
dat$country <- factor(dat$country)
dat$country <- relevel(dat$country, "England")
dat$q112 <- car:::recode(dat$q112,"c('14 or under','15')='Before 16'")
dat$Education <- factor(as.character(dat$q112))
dat$Education <- relevel(dat$Education,"16")
## ----histtrust, fig = TRUE, fig.cap = "Trust in the UKSC"----------------
## Not quite sure why this was getting eaten in the knitting
pdf(file="figures/paper-histtrust.pdf", width = 7, height = 4)
xlab = "Trust in UKSC (0-10 scale)",
ylab = "Number of respondents",
col = "black",
main = "",
cex = 1.5,
border = "white")
## ----familiaritycounts, echo = FALSE, results = "hide", message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, eval = TRUE----
noknowledge <- ($familiarUKSC)|(dat$familiarUKSC=="have never heard of this court"))
hastrust <- !$trustUKSC)
trustwoknowledge <- length(which(noknowledge & hastrust))
## ----mi, echo = FALSE, results = "hide", message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, eval = TRUE, cache = TRUE----
my.vars <- c("trustUKSC","supremacyUKSC","abolishUKSC",
dat.bak <- dat
dat <- dat[,my.vars]
inf <-
inf <- update(inf, "type", list("trustUKSC" = "ordered-categorical",
"familiarUKSC" = "unordered-categorical"))
IMP <- mi(dat, info=inf,n.imp = 5)
## ----bivariateplots, echo = FALSE, fig = TRUE, fig.cap = "Bivariate scatterplots", dpi = 300, echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE----
## cor1 <- cor(dat$generalizedTrust, dat$trustUKSC,
## method = "spearman",
## use = "pairwise")
## cor2 <- cor(dat$interpersonalTrust, dat$trustUKSC,
## method = "spearman",
## use = "pairwise")
## cor1 <- round(cor1,2)
## cor2 <- round(cor2,2)
## main1 <- paste0("Spearman's ",expression(r),"=",cor1)
## main2 <- paste0("Spearman's ",expression(r),"=",cor2)
## par(mfrow = c(1,2))
## plot(jitter(dat$generalizedTrust), jitter(dat$trustUKSC),
## pch = 19,
## col = "#99999999",
## xlab = "Trust in institutions",
## ylab = "Trust in UKSC",
## main = main1)
## plot(jitter(dat$interpersonalTrust), jitter(dat$trustUKSC),
## pch = 19,
## col = "#99999999",
## xlab = "Trust in other persons",
## ylab = "Trust in UKSC",
## main = main2)
## ----modelling, echo = FALSE, results = "hide", message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, eval = TRUE----
basic.formula <- formula(trustUKSC ~ generalizedTrust + interpersonalTrust +
familiarUKSC + Education +
partyID + leftRight.raw + I(leftRight.raw^2) +
milmmod <- lm.mi(basic.formula, IMP)
milmmod2 <- lm.mi(update(basic.formula,.~.-I(leftRight.raw^2)), IMP)
mipolrmod <- polr.mi(update(basic.formula, factor(trustUKSC)~.), IMP)
mipolrmod.abolish <- polr.mi(update(basic.formula, factor(abolishUKSC)~.), IMP)
mipolrmod.supremacy <- polr.mi(update(basic.formula, factor(supremacyUKSC)~.), IMP)
## ----modelout, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis', message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, eval = TRUE----
lmmod <- lm(basic.formula,
data =, m = 1))
polrmod <- polr(update(basic.formula, factor(trustUKSC)~.),
data =, m = 1))
pretty.covars <- c("Institutional trust","Interpersonal trust",
"Have never heard of UKSC","Somewhat familiar with UKSC","Very familiar with UKSC",
"Left education at 17/18","Left education at 19/20",
"Left education 21 or over","Left school before 16",
"Party ID: Conservative","Party ID: Labour","Party ID: Liberal Democrat",
"Party ID: Plaid Cymru","Party ID: SNP","Party ID: Green","Party ID: UKIP",
"Party ID: Other party",
"Left-right position","Left-right position squared",
"Scottish respondent","Welsh respondent")
stargazer(polrmod, lmmod,
covariate.labels = pretty.covars,
#covariate.labels = car:::recode(names(coef(mipolrmod))[1:21],coef.recode.list),
single.row = FALSE, = TRUE, = FALSE, intercept.bottom = TRUE,
coef = list(coef(mipolrmod),coef(milmmod)),
se = list(se.coef(mipolrmod),se.coef(milmmod)),
star.cutoffs = c(0.05,0.01,0.001),
font.size = "scriptsize",
dep.var.labels = c("Trust in UKSC","Trust in UKSC"),
header = FALSE)
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