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(function ($) {
'use strict';
// There's multiple similar tables (long and short positions).
// They have duplicate html id attributes, so we need to scope ourselves to only the long table.
let $root;
function isUnRealizedGainLossTabActive() {
const href = String(window.location.href);
return /GainLoss.aspx/i.test(href) && /gainlosstype=unrealized/i.test(href);
function addNewColumnsToTables() {
$('th.GainPercentage', $root)
.after("<th class=TotalGain style='vertical-align: bottom'>CAGR</th>")
.after("<th class=TotalGainPercentage style='vertical-align: bottom'>TotGains (%)</th>")
.after("<th class=TotalGain style='vertical-align: bottom'>TotGains ($)</th>")
$('td.GainPercentage', $root)
.after("<td class=CAGR></td>")
.after("<td class=TotalGainPercentage></td>")
.after("<td class=TotalGain></td>")
function numberFormat(num) {
return num.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits:2});
function calcCompoundAnnualGrowthRate(startValue, endValue, years) {
return (Math.pow(endValue / startValue, 1.0 / years) - 1.0) * 100;
function yearsDiff(startDate, endDate) {
return dateDiffInDays(startDate, endDate) / 365;
function toInt(str) {
return parseInt(str, 10);
function mdyDateStringToDateObj(mdyDateStr) {
const startParts = mdyDateStr.split("/");
return new Date(toInt("20" + startParts[2]), toInt(startParts[0]) - 1, toInt(startParts[1]));
function dateDiffInDays(a, b) {
const MS_PER_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
// Discard the time and time-zone information.
const utc1 = Date.UTC(a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDate());
const utc2 = Date.UTC(b.getFullYear(), b.getMonth(), b.getDate());
return Math.floor((utc2 - utc1) / MS_PER_DAY);
function populateValues() {
const $headers = $('tr.headerrows', $root);
let totalGainAllRows = 0;
let totalCostAllRows = 0;
const now = new Date();
$headers.each((i, tr) => {
// const purchases = getAllPurchases(tr);
const purchases = getAllPurchaseRowValues(tr);
if (!purchases) {
// This row didn't have any associated dividends.
const manualPurchaseRows = extractLikelyManualPurchases(purchases);
const dividendRows = extractLikelyDividends(purchases);
const manualPurchases =;
const dividends =;
const dividendSum = dividends.reduce(arrayReduceSum, 0);
const cost = manualPurchases.reduce(arrayReduceSum, 0);
totalCostAllRows += cost;
const marketValue = getMarketValueFromHeader(tr);
const totalGain = marketValue - cost;
totalGainAllRows += totalGain;
const positionOpenDate = extractOldestPurchaseDate(purchases);
const yearsPositionOpen = yearsDiff(positionOpenDate, now);
const cagr = calcCompoundAnnualGrowthRate(cost, marketValue, yearsPositionOpen);
const totalGainPercent = 100 * (totalGain / cost);
const $totalGain = $('.TotalGain', tr);
const $totalGainPercentage = $('.TotalGainPercentage', tr);
const $cagr = $('.CAGR', tr);
$totalGain.attr('title',", ") + " Sum: " + numberFormat(dividendSum));
$cagr.attr("title", "Years position open: " + numberFormat(yearsPositionOpen)).css("cursor", "help");
// Do the last row, which is a total of all rows.
const totalGainAllRowsPercent = 100 * (totalGainAllRows / totalCostAllRows);
const $totalsRow = $("#TotalsFooter .superTotal", $root);
$('.TotalGain', $totalsRow).text(numberFormat(totalGainAllRows));
$('.TotalGainPercentage', $totalsRow).text(numberFormat(totalGainAllRowsPercent));
function pluckAmount(row) {
return row.Amount;
function getRowValues(tr) {
return {
Quantity: getValueFromHeader(tr, '.Quantity'),
OpenDate: getStringFromHeader(tr, '.OpenDate'),
MarketValue: getValueFromHeader(tr, '.MarketValue'),
Amount: getValueFromHeader(tr, '.Amount')
function arrayReduceSum(a, b) {
return a + b;
function extractLikelyDividends(purchases) {
return purchases.filter(row => !isWholeNumber(row.Quantity));
function looksLikeMdyDate(str) {
return /\d+\/\d+\/\d+/.test(str);
function extractOldestPurchaseDate(purchases) {
const dates = purchases
.filter(row => looksLikeMdyDate(row.OpenDate))
.map(row => mdyDateStringToDateObj(row.OpenDate));
dates.sort((a,b) => b.getTime() - a.getTime());
return dates.pop();
function extractLikelyManualPurchases(purchases) {
// I cant buy fractional shares, so if it's a whole number, it's unlikely a dividend DRIP purchase.
return purchases.filter(row => isWholeNumber(row.Quantity));
function isWholeNumber(num) {
return num % 1 < 0.00001;
function parseNumber(str) {
return parseFloat(str.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ''));
function getMarketValueFromHeader(trElem) {
return getValueFromHeader(trElem, '.MarketValue');
function getValueFromHeader(trElem, selector) {
return parseNumber($(selector, trElem).text());
function getStringFromHeader(trElem, selector) {
return $(selector, trElem).text();
function getAllPurchaseRowValues(trElem) {
const $tbody = getAssociatedTbody(trElem);
if (!$tbody.length) {
// No tbody elem found, which means there's no drilldown - in other word, there's no dividend DRIP purchases.
// So, we will just use the values from the current row.
return [getRowValues(trElem)];
const $vals = $('.rows', $tbody).map((k, tr) => {
return getRowValues(tr);
// To real array.
return []$vals);
function getAssociatedTbody(trElem) {
const id = getAssociatedTbodyId(trElem);
return $('#' + id, $root);
function setRootElem() {
$root = $('#sectionL01');
function getAssociatedTbodyId(trElem) {
const matches = /SUM_(\d+)/.exec($(trElem).attr('id'));
if (!matches) {
throw new Error("failed to extract id from tr header");
return 'L_' + matches[1];
function run() {
if (!isUnRealizedGainLossTabActive()) {
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