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Created August 3, 2014 05:23
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package crossTheMaze
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object crossTheMazeMain {
class Direction {
object W extends Direction {
override def toString() = { "W" }
object N extends Direction {
override def toString() = { "N" }
object E extends Direction {
override def toString() = { "E" }
object S extends Direction {
override def toString() = { "S" }
// create Advenced map. When the method is complete, map wrapped by '#'
def createMap(m: Array[String]): Array[String] = {
var tempArray: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer.empty
tempArray += (for (i <- 0 to m(0).length + 1) yield "#").toArray.mkString("")
for (m1 <- m) { tempArray += "#" + m1 + "#" }
tempArray += (for (i <- 0 to m(0).length + 1) yield "#").toArray.mkString("")
def solve(m: Array[String], sx: Int, sy: Int, ex: Int, ey: Int): (Int, String) = {
val edisonMap = createMap(m);
Edison(edisonMap, sx, sy, ex, ey)
def Edison(edisonMap: Array[String], sx: Int, sy: Int, ex: Int, ey: Int): (Int, String) = {
val d: Direction = if (sy == 1) N else S
val result = moveToEdison(edisonMap, d, sx, sy, ex, ey, 0, "")
(result._1, result._2.tail)
def moveToEdison(m: Array[String], ed: Direction, sx: Int, sy: Int, ex: Int, ey: Int, acc: Int, res: String): (Int, String) = {
if (sx == ex && sy == ey) (acc, res + ed.toString)
else {
val (nd: Direction, nx: Int, ny: Int) = ed match {
case N => if (m(sx)(sy - 1).equals('.')) (W, sx, sy - 1) else if (m(sx - 1)(sy).equals('.')) (N, sx - 1, sy) else if (m(sx)(sy + 1).equals('.')) (E, sx, sy + 1) else if (m(sx + 1)(sy).equals('.')) (S, sx + 1, sy) else (S, 0, 0)
case E => if (m(sx - 1)(sy).equals('.')) (N, sx - 1, sy) else if (m(sx)(sy + 1).equals('.')) (E, sx, sy + 1) else if (m(sx + 1)(sy).equals('.')) (S, sx + 1, sy) else if (m(sx)(sy - 1).equals('.')) (W, sx, sy - 1) else (W, 0, 0)
case S => if (m(sx)(sy + 1).equals('.')) (E, sx, sy + 1) else if (m(sx + 1)(sy).equals('.')) (S, sx + 1, sy) else if (m(sx)(sy - 1).equals('.')) (W, sx, sy - 1) else if (m(sx - 1)(sy).equals('.')) (N, sx - 1, sy) else (N, 0, 0)
case W => if (m(sx + 1)(sy).equals('.')) (S, sx + 1, sy) else if (m(sx)(sy - 1).equals('.')) (W, sx, sy - 1) else if (m(sx - 1)(sy).equals('.')) (N, sx - 1, sy) else if (m(sx)(sy + 1).equals('.')) (E, sx, sy + 1) else (E, 0, 0)
if (acc >= 10000 || (nx == 0 && ny == 0)) {
(acc, " Edison ran out of energy.")
} else {
moveToEdison(m, nd, nx, ny, ex, ey, acc + 1, res + ed.toString)
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
val lines =
for (line <- 1 to lines.toInt) {
// First, indicate width and height
val n =
// Second to length of First, Maze that wall is '#', empty cell is '.'
val m: Array[String] = Array.fill(n)(
// Next, Start X, Start Y, End X, End Y
val Array(sx, sy, ex, ey) =" ").map(_.toInt)
val (acc, result) = solve(m, sx, sy, ex, ey)
if (acc == 0 || acc == 10000) printer.println(s"Case #$line: $result")
else printer.println(s"Case #$line: $acc\n$result")
val in = Source.fromFile("").getLines
val printer = new PrintWriter(new File("large.out"))
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