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Created July 26, 2016 11:12
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2016-07-26 10:34:32.730707 7f95212107a0 0 ceph version 0.94.6 (e832001feaf8c176593e0325c8298e3f16dfb403), process ceph-mon, pid 42114
2016-07-26 10:34:32.742473 7f95212107a0 10 load: jerasure load: lrc load: isa
2016-07-26 10:34:32.837564 7f95212107a0 10 obtain_monmap
2016-07-26 10:34:32.837620 7f95212107a0 10 obtain_monmap read last committed monmap ver 5
2016-07-26 10:34:32.837681 7f95212107a0 0 starting mon.615yl02 rank 4 at mon_data /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-615yl02 fsid 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af
2016-07-26 10:34:32.837735 7f95212107a0 1 -- learned my addr
2016-07-26 10:34:32.837741 7f95212107a0 1 accepter.accepter.bind my_inst.addr is need_addr=0
2016-07-26 10:34:32.837894 7f95212107a0 1 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 preinit fsid 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af
2016-07-26 10:34:32.837942 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 check_fsid cluster_uuid contains '2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af'
2016-07-26 10:34:32.837969 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 features compat={},rocompat={},incompat={1=initial feature set (~v.18),3=single paxos with k/v store (v0.?),4=support erasure code pools,5=new-style osdmap encoding,6=support isa/lrc erasure code}
2016-07-26 10:34:32.837976 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 apply_compatset_features_to_quorum_requirements required_features 18416819765248
2016-07-26 10:34:32.837979 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 required_features 18416819765248
2016-07-26 10:34:32.837994 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 has_ever_joined = 1
2016-07-26 10:34:32.838024 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 sync_last_committed_floor 0
2016-07-26 10:34:32.838029 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 init_paxos
2016-07-26 10:34:32.838109 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) init last_pn: 0 accepted_pn: 469401 last_committed: 1319323 first_committed: 1318755
2016-07-26 10:34:32.838117 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) init
2016-07-26 10:34:32.838139 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 refresh_from_paxos
2016-07-26 10:34:32.838190 7f95212107a0 1 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) refresh upgraded, format 0 -> 1
2016-07-26 10:34:32.838198 7f95212107a0 1 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).pg v0 on_upgrade discarding in-core PGMap
2016-07-26 10:34:32.838217 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) refresh
2016-07-26 10:34:32.838224 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).pg v0 update_from_paxos v0, read_full
2016-07-26 10:34:32.838226 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).pg v0 read_pgmap_meta
2016-07-26 10:34:32.849738 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).pg v538795 update_logger
2016-07-26 10:34:32.849776 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) refresh
2016-07-26 10:34:32.849780 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).mds e0 update_from_paxos version 1, my e 0
2016-07-26 10:34:32.849805 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).mds e0 update_from_paxos got 1
2016-07-26 10:34:32.849812 7f95212107a0 4 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).mds e1 new map
2016-07-26 10:34:32.849814 7f95212107a0 0 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).mds e1 print_map
epoch 1
flags 0
created 0.000000
modified 2016-04-25 21:12:07.303333
tableserver 0
root 0
session_timeout 0
session_autoclose 0
max_file_size 0
last_failure 0
last_failure_osd_epoch 0
compat compat={},rocompat={},incompat={}
max_mds 0
up {}
metadata_pool 0
inline_data disabled
2016-07-26 10:34:32.849831 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).mds e1 update_logger
2016-07-26 10:34:32.849912 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) refresh
2016-07-26 10:34:32.849970 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).osd e0 update_from_paxos loading latest full map e2433
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850134 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).osd e2433 adding osd.48 to down_pending_out map
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850138 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).osd e2433 adding osd.49 to down_pending_out map
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850140 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).osd e2433 check_subs
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850142 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).osd e2433 share_map_with_random_osd no up osd on our session map
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850145 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).osd e2433 update_logger
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850153 7f95212107a0 0 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).osd e2433 crush map has features 1107558400, adjusting msgr requires
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850155 7f95212107a0 0 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).osd e2433 crush map has features 1107558400, adjusting msgr requires
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850157 7f95212107a0 0 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).osd e2433 crush map has features 1107558400, adjusting msgr requires
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850158 7f95212107a0 0 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).osd e2433 crush map has features 1107558400, adjusting msgr requires
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850230 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) refresh
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850235 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850238 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos version 766716 summary v 0
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850249 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos latest full 766715
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850274 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos loading summary e766715
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850316 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos loaded summary e766715
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850336 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:36:56.473836 mon.4 1 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850356 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:36:56.473912 mon.4 2 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850363 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:36:56.474080 mon.4 3 : cluster [INF] mon.615yl02 calling new monitor election
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850377 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:24.253944 mon.4 4 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850383 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:24.254011 mon.4 5 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850389 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:24.254115 mon.1 289 : cluster [INF] mon.60zxl02 calling new monitor election
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850402 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:24.254224 mon.2 316 : cluster [INF] mon.610wl02 calling new monitor election
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850411 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:24.265758 mon.4 6 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850416 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:24.265820 mon.4 7 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850424 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:25.333663 mon.4 8 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850430 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:25.333722 mon.4 9 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850435 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:26.412490 mon.4 10 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850440 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:26.412555 mon.4 11 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850446 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:27.490889 mon.4 12 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850451 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:27.490944 mon.4 13 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850456 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:28.569356 mon.4 14 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850462 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:28.569415 mon.4 15 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850467 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:29.647699 mon.4 16 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850473 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:29.647758 mon.4 17 : audit [DBG] from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850478 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:39.348432 mon.1 290 : cluster [INF] mon.60zxl02 calling new monitor election
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850486 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:39.348552 mon.2 317 : cluster [INF] mon.610wl02 calling new monitor election
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850495 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:44.395483 mon.1 291 : cluster [INF] mon.60zxl02@1 won leader election with quorum 1,2,4
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850511 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:44.402186 mon.1 292 : cluster [INF] HEALTH_WARN; 17 pgs degraded; 4 pgs down; 883 pgs peering; 1516 pgs stale; 17 pgs stuck degraded; 900 pgs stuck inactive; 1516 pgs stuck stale; 900 pgs stuck unclean; 17 pgs stuck undersized; 17 pgs undersized; recovery 14/2367 objects degraded (0.591%); too many PGs per OSD (316 > max 300); 2/19 in osds are down; 2 mons down, quorum 1,2,4 60zxl02,610wl02,615yl02
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850522 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:44.435794 mon.1 293 : cluster [INF] monmap e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850536 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:44.435879 mon.1 294 : cluster [INF] pgmap v538795: 2120 pgs: 296 stale+peering, 1220 stale+active+clean, 583 peering, 17 undersized+degraded+peered, 4 down+peering; 4715 MB data, 6612 MB used, 50009 GB / 50015 GB avail; 14/2367 objects degraded (0.591%)
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850546 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:44.435935 mon.1 295 : cluster [INF] mdsmap e1: 0/0/0 up
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850555 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 update_from_paxos applying incremental log 766716 2016-07-25 12:37:44.436630 mon.1 296 : cluster [INF] osdmap e2433: 65 osds: 17 up, 19 in
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850587 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).log v766716 check_subs
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850631 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) refresh
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850706 7f95212107a0 1 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) refresh upgraded, format 0 -> 1
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850709 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) refresh
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850720 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).auth v2417 update_from_paxos
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850736 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).auth v2417 update_from_paxos version 2417 keys ver 0 latest 2401
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850753 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).auth v2417 update_from_paxos loading summary e 2401
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850755 7f95212107a0 7 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).auth v2417 update_from_paxos latest length 8187
2016-07-26 10:34:32.850956 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).auth v2417 update_from_paxos key server version 2401
2016-07-26 10:34:32.851229 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).auth v2417 update_from_paxos() last_allocated_id=544096 max_global_id=544096 format_version 1
2016-07-26 10:34:32.851232 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) post_refresh
2016-07-26 10:34:32.851236 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).pg v538795 map_pg_creates to 0 pgs osdmap epoch 2433
2016-07-26 10:34:32.851238 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).pg v538795 send_pg_creates to 0 pgs
2016-07-26 10:34:32.851240 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) post_refresh
2016-07-26 10:34:32.851241 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) post_refresh
2016-07-26 10:34:32.851242 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) post_refresh
2016-07-26 10:34:32.851242 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) post_refresh
2016-07-26 10:34:32.851243 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) post_refresh
2016-07-26 10:34:32.851246 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing).health(0) init
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747768 7f95212107a0 1 -- messenger.start
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747805 7f95212107a0 2 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 init
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747863 7f95212107a0 1 accepter.accepter.start
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747885 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747891 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747892 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747894 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747895 7f95212107a0 0 mon.615yl02@-1(probing) e5 my rank is now 4 (was -1)
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747897 7f95212107a0 1 -- mark_down_all
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747975 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747979 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747981 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747983 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747987 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747982 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f2520 :/0
2016-07-26 10:37:30.747992 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748005 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748009 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748010 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748011 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748012 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748015 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748018 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x3486f30 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748035 7f95212107a0 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748041 7f95212107a0 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34f9180
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748064 7f951646c700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37e9000 sd=15 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2680).accept sd=15
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748094 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f2680 :/0
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748100 7f951636b700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37e4800 sd=16 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2aa0).accept sd=16
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748131 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f2aa0 :/0
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748128 7f95212107a0 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34f8f00
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748178 7f951656d700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37f2000 sd=17 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2ec0).accept sd=17
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748202 7f95212107a0 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34f8c80
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748209 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f2ec0 :/0
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748247 7f951636b700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37ed800 sd=15 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2d60).accept sd=15
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748264 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f2d60 :/0
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748297 7f9516169700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37e9000 sd=16 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2520).accept sd=16
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748308 7f95212107a0 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34f9b80
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748329 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f2520 :/0
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748366 7f951656d700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x3725800 sd=19 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f3440).accept sd=19
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748378 7f951646c700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_get_authorizer for mon
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748386 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f3440 :/0
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748392 7f951626a700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_get_authorizer for mon
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748394 7f9515f67700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x3721000 sd=21 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f32e0).accept sd=21
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748431 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f32e0 :/0
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748500 7f9516068700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_get_authorizer for mon
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748530 7f9515f67700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37e4800 sd=22 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f3020).accept sd=22
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748551 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f3020 :/0
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748549 7f9516169700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37ed800 sd=15 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2aa0).accept sd=15
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748566 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f2aa0 :/0
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748570 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).data_health(0) service_tick
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748590 7f9518d71700 0 mon.615yl02@4(probing).data_health(0) update_stats avail 94% total 2015 GB, used 4665 MB, avail 1908 GB
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748596 7f951656d700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37e9000 sd=16 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f40a0).accept sd=16
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748616 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f40a0 :/0
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748636 7f951636b700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x3721000 sd=21 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2ec0).accept sd=21
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748650 7f9515f67700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37f2000 sd=22 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2d60).accept sd=22
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748801 7f951636b700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_verify_authorizer mon protocol 2
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748843 7f9515f67700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_verify_authorizer mon protocol 2
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748861 7f951636b700 0 -- >> pipe(0x3721000 sd=21 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2ec0).accept connect_seq 0 vs existing 0 state wait
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748882 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f2ec0
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748900 7f9515f67700 0 -- >> pipe(0x37f2000 sd=22 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2d60).accept connect_seq 0 vs existing 0 state wait
2016-07-26 10:37:30.748923 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f2d60
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788408 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 1 ==== mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02) v6 ==== 64+0+0 (3448912970 0 0) 0x34f9e00 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788422 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 do not have session, making new one
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788425 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_dispatch new session MonSession: mon.2 is open for mon.2
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788432 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 setting monitor caps on this connection
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788439 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02) v6
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788443 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_probe mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02) v6 features 37154696925806591
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788459 7f9518370700 1 -- --> -- mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319323 )) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fad00 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788475 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.1 1 ==== mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 60zxl02) v6 ==== 64+0+0 (3585442509 0 0) 0x34fa080 con 0x33f2100
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788482 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 do not have session, making new one
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788485 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_dispatch new session MonSession: mon.1 is open for mon.1
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788488 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 setting monitor caps on this connection
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788490 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 60zxl02) v6
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788493 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_probe mon.1 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 60zxl02) v6 features 37154696925806591
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788501 7f9518370700 1 -- --> -- mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319323 )) v6 -- ?+0 0x34f9e00 con 0x33f2100
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788511 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 2 ==== mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02) v6 ==== 64+0+0 (3448912970 0 0) 0x34fa580 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788518 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02) v6
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788520 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_probe mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02) v6 features 37154696925806591
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788527 7f9518370700 1 -- --> -- mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319323 )) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fa080 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788536 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.1 2 ==== mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 60zxl02) v6 ==== 64+0+0 (3585442509 0 0) 0x34faa80 con 0x33f2100
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788543 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 60zxl02) v6
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788545 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_probe mon.1 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 60zxl02) v6 features 37154696925806591
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788552 7f9518370700 1 -- --> -- mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319323 )) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fa580 con 0x33f2100
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788568 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.1 3 ==== mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 60zxl02) v6 ==== 64+0+0 (3585442509 0 0) 0x34fa800 con 0x33f2100
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788575 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 60zxl02) v6
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788578 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_probe mon.1 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 60zxl02) v6 features 37154696925806591
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788590 7f9518370700 1 -- --> -- mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319323 )) v6 -- ?+0 0x34faa80 con 0x33f2100
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788597 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 3 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34f8c80 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788607 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788612 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788617 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788629 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788631 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788633 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788635 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788651 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.1 4 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 60zxl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (109461966 0 0) 0x34f8f00 con 0x33f2100
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788658 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 60zxl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788661 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.1 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 60zxl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788665 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788674 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 60zxl02
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788675 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.60zxl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788676 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 60zxl02,610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788678 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's enough to form a new quorum, calling election
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788679 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 start_election
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788681 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788682 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout 0x3486f30
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788684 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788686 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788688 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788691 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788694 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788695 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788697 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788698 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788699 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788702 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788719 7f9518370700 0 log_channel(cluster) log [INF] : mon.615yl02 calling new monitor election
2016-07-26 10:37:30.788721 7f9518370700 0 log_channel(cluster) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:37:32.805346 7f951656d700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37e4800 sd=16 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2520).accept sd=16
2016-07-26 10:37:32.805441 7f951656d700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 ms_verify_authorizer client protocol 0
2016-07-26 10:37:33.748543 7f9515e66700 0 -- >> pipe(0x372a000 sd=25 :0 s=1 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f1b80).fault
2016-07-26 10:37:45.384038 7f951656d700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x3725800 sd=18 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f32e0).accept sd=18
2016-07-26 10:37:45.384156 7f951656d700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 ms_verify_authorizer client protocol 0
2016-07-26 10:37:45.748191 7f9515364700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37e4800 sd=20 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f3440).accept sd=20
2016-07-26 10:37:53.807208 7f9515263700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x371c800 sd=23 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f4200).accept sd=23
2016-07-26 10:37:53.807309 7f9515263700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 ms_verify_authorizer client protocol 0
2016-07-26 10:38:02.808008 7f9515263700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x3718000 sd=23 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2aa0).accept sd=23
2016-07-26 10:38:02.808100 7f9515263700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 ms_verify_authorizer client protocol 0
2016-07-26 10:38:04.857483 7f9515061700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37ed800 sd=25 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f40a0).accept sd=25
2016-07-26 10:38:04.857601 7f9515061700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 ms_verify_authorizer client protocol 0
2016-07-26 10:38:06.750858 7f9518370700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a0d80 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:06.750870 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(0) start -- can i be leader?
2016-07-26 10:38:06.750932 7f9518370700 1 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11769) init, last seen epoch 11769
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814577 7f9518370700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af propose 11769) v5 -- ?+0 0x34e23c0
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814593 7f9518370700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af propose 11769) v5 -- ?+0 0x34e2940
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814605 7f9518370700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af propose 11769) v5 -- ?+0 0x34e2680
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814615 7f9518370700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af propose 11769) v5 -- ?+0 0x34e3180
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814633 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f2520
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814638 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f4200
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814642 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f2aa0
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814645 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814648 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814645 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.1 5 ==== election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af propose 11771) v5 ==== 841+0+0 (3418337519 0 0) 0x34e18c0 con 0x33f2100
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814666 7f951cab2700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a0fc0 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814710 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814712 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814722 7f951cab2700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a1d40 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814770 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11769) handle_propose from mon.1
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814774 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11769) handle_propose required features 18416819765248, peer features 37154696925806591
2016-07-26 10:38:06.814778 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11769) bump_epoch 11769 to 11771
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827402 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 join_election
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827407 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827409 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827410 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827412 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827413 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827417 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827419 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827420 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827421 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827422 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827423 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827426 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11771) defer to 1
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827433 7f9518370700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af ack 11771) v5 -- ?+0 0x34e2ec0
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827451 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 4 ==== election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af propose 11771) v5 ==== 841+0+0 (3418337519 0 0) 0x34e1b80 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827469 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11771) handle_propose from mon.2
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827471 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11771) handle_propose required features 18416819765248, peer features 37154696925806591
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827473 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11771) no, we already acked 1
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827476 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a0d80 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827481 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 do not have session, making new one
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827486 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 ms_dispatch new session MonSession: mon.4 is open for mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827491 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 setting monitor caps on this connection
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827503 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827513 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:06.827514 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827525 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827527 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:06.827527 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827558 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.1 6 ==== election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af propose 11771) v5 ==== 841+0+0 (3418337519 0 0) 0x34e2100 con 0x33f2100
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827578 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11771) handle_propose from mon.1
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827580 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11771) handle_propose required features 18416819765248, peer features 37154696925806591
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827595 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11771) defer to 1
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827602 7f9518370700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af ack 11771) v5 -- ?+0 0x34e1b80
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827615 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a0fc0 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827620 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827631 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:06.827631 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827635 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827637 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:06.827637 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827641 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a1d40 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827646 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827651 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:06.827652 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827655 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827656 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:06.827657 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827660 7f9518370700 1 -- <== client.69334 1 ==== auth(proto 0 35 bytes epoch 5) v1 ==== 65+0+0 (4078390826 0 0) 0x37a1680 con 0x33f32e0
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827675 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 discarding message auth(proto 0 35 bytes epoch 5) v1 and sending client elsewhere
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827678 7f9518370700 1 -- mark_down 0x33f32e0 -- 0x3725800
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827705 7f9518370700 1 -- <== client.216235 1 ==== auth(proto 0 35 bytes epoch 5) v1 ==== 65+0+0 (234851919 0 0) 0x37a1b00 con 0x33f40a0
2016-07-26 10:38:06.827733 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 waitlisting message auth(proto 0 35 bytes epoch 5) v1
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894317 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894319 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894331 7f951cab2700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a1200 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894351 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a1200 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894367 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894369 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894378 7f951cab2700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a0900 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894387 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894393 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:07.894393 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894398 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894400 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:07.894400 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894405 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a0900 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894409 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894412 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:07.894413 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894419 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:07.894421 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:07.894421 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973346 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973348 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973368 7f951cab2700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a18c0 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973392 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a18c0 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973412 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973415 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973424 7f951cab2700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a2400 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973435 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973441 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:08.973441 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973447 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973449 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:08.973450 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973454 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a2400 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973459 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973462 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:08.973464 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973466 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:08.973467 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:08.973468 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052163 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052165 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052181 7f951cab2700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a2640 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052202 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a2640 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052219 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052221 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052242 7f951cab2700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a1f80 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052251 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052256 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:10.052257 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052263 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052265 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:10.052265 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052271 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a1f80 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052275 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052279 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:10.052279 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052282 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:10.052283 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:10.052283 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130507 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130509 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130526 7f951cab2700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a21c0 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130551 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a21c0 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130566 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130568 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130577 7f951cab2700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a2f40 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130588 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130594 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:11.130594 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130600 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130602 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:11.130602 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130607 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a2f40 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130613 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130616 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:11.130616 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130619 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:11.130621 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:11.130622 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:11.803155 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.1 7 ==== election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af victory 11772) v5 ==== 26487+0+0 (1879616163 0 0) 0x34e1b80 con 0x33f2100
2016-07-26 10:38:11.803176 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11771) handle_victory from mon.1 quorum_features 37154696925806591
2016-07-26 10:38:11.803179 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).elector(11771) bump_epoch 11771 to 11772
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938219 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 join_election
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938224 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938225 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938226 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938228 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938229 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938232 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938234 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938235 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938237 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938238 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938239 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(electing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938247 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 lose_election, epoch 11772 leader is mon1 quorum is 1,2,4 features are 37154696925806591
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938249 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) peon_init -- i am a peon
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938253 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) election_finished
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938254 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) _active - not active
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938256 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) election_finished
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938257 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) _active - not active
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938258 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) election_finished
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938259 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) _active - not active
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938260 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) election_finished
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938261 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) _active - not active
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938262 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) election_finished
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938263 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) _active - not active
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938264 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) election_finished
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938264 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) _active - not active
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938266 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).data_health(11772) start_epoch epoch 11772
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938273 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938279 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 do not have session, making new one
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938281 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 ms_dispatch new session MonSession: client.216235 is open for client.216235
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938288 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 setting timeout on session
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938289 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) dispatch auth(proto 0 35 bytes epoch 5) v1 from client.216235
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938294 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:11.938295 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938299 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938301 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:11.938301 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938305 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 resend_routed_requests
2016-07-26 10:38:11.938308 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 register_cluster_logger
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208685 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd='mon_status' args=[]: dispatch
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208688 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208703 7f951cab2700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a3180 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208722 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a3180 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208741 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] : from='admin socket' entity='admin socket' cmd=mon_status args=[]: finished
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208743 7f951cab2700 0 log_channel(audit) do_log log to syslog
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208751 7f951cab2700 1 -- --> -- log(1 entries) v1 -- ?+0 0x37a2ac0 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208760 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208765 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:12.208766 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208771 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208772 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:12.208773 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208777 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.4 0 ==== log(1 entries) v1 ==== 0+0+0 (0 0 0) 0x37a2ac0 con 0x33f11e0
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208782 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) dispatch log(1 entries) v1 from mon.4
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208786 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:12.208786 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208789 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) waiting for paxos -> readable (v0)
2016-07-26 10:38:12.208790 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) is_readable = 0 - now=2016-07-26 10:38:12.208790 lease_expire=0.000000 has v0 lc 1319323
2016-07-26 10:38:21.827340 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 5 ==== mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02) v6 ==== 64+0+0 (3448912970 0 0) 0x34fa080 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:21.827354 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:21.827358 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 handle_probe_probe mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02) v6 features 37154696925806591
2016-07-26 10:38:21.827369 7f9518370700 1 -- --> -- mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02 quorum 1,2,4 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319323 )) v6 -- ?+0 0x34f8f00 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938310 7f9518d71700 1 mon.615yl02@4(peon).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) lease_timeout -- calling new election
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938314 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938317 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938318 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 unregister_cluster_logger
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938321 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(peon) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938324 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938324 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938325 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938327 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938329 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938333 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938335 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938336 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938337 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938338 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938339 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938341 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938342 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x3487440 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938351 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938354 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34f8c80
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938363 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fb200
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938372 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34faf80
2016-07-26 10:38:21.938380 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fb980
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938400 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x3487440
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938403 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938405 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938406 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938407 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938409 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938410 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938410 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938412 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938413 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938415 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938416 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938418 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938419 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938420 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938421 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938422 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938423 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x33a0240 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938427 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938429 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fb700
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938437 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fb480
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938445 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fb200
2016-07-26 10:38:23.938453 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34faa80
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938481 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x33a0240
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938484 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938485 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938486 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938487 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938488 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938488 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938489 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938491 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938492 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938494 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938496 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938497 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938498 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938498 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938499 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938500 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938520 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x3487440 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938524 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938526 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fa580
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938532 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34f9e00
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938545 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fbc00
2016-07-26 10:38:25.938553 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34faf80
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938577 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x3487440
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938580 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938581 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938582 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938583 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938584 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938585 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938586 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938587 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938588 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938590 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938592 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938593 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938594 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938595 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938595 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938596 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938598 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x34872c0 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938602 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938603 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34f8f00
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938610 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fad00
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938618 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fa300
2016-07-26 10:38:27.938627 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fcb00
2016-07-26 10:38:29.810611 7f951656d700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x37e9000 sd=16 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f2ec0).accept sd=16
2016-07-26 10:38:29.810926 7f951656d700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_verify_authorizer client protocol 0
2016-07-26 10:38:29.811087 7f9518370700 1 -- <== client.? 1 ==== auth(proto 0 31 bytes epoch 0) v1 ==== 61+0+0 (535495083 0 0) 0x37a33c0 con 0x33f2ec0
2016-07-26 10:38:29.811096 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 waitlisting message auth(proto 0 31 bytes epoch 0) v1
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938655 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x34872c0
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938658 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938659 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938659 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938660 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938661 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938662 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938663 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938664 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938665 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938667 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938669 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938670 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938670 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938671 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938672 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938673 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938675 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x3487440 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938678 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938680 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fc880
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938688 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fc600
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938696 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fc380
2016-07-26 10:38:29.938703 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fc100
2016-07-26 10:38:30.748806 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).data_health(11772) service_tick
2016-07-26 10:38:30.748818 7f9518d71700 0 mon.615yl02@4(probing).data_health(11772) update_stats avail 94% total 2015 GB, used 4665 MB, avail 1908 GB
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938732 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x3487440
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938735 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938736 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938737 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938738 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938739 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938740 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938741 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938742 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938743 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938745 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938747 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938748 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938749 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938750 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938750 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938752 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938753 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x3487350 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938758 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938759 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fbe80
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938767 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fdc80
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938775 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fda00
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938783 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fd780
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938791 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 trimming session 0x33f40a0 client.216235 because we've been out of quorum too long
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938795 7f9518d71700 1 -- mark_down 0x33f40a0 -- 0x37ed800
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938817 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 remove_session MonSession: client.216235 is open client.216235
2016-07-26 10:38:31.938826 7f9518d71700 5 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 waitlisting message auth(proto 0 31 bytes epoch 0) v1
2016-07-26 10:38:32.810697 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_handle_reset 0x33f2ec0
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938811 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x3487350
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938814 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938815 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938816 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938817 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938818 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938820 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938820 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938821 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938822 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938825 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938826 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938827 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938828 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938829 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938830 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938831 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938832 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x33a0240 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938837 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938838 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fd500
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938846 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fd280
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938854 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fd000
2016-07-26 10:38:33.938861 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fcd80
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938890 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x33a0240
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938893 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938894 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938895 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938896 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938897 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938898 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938899 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938900 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938900 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938903 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938904 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938905 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938906 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938907 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938908 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938909 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938910 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x3487350 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938914 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938916 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fad00
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938923 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34f9e00
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938930 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fb480
2016-07-26 10:38:35.938938 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fda00
2016-07-26 10:38:36.938888 7f9518d71700 5 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 discarding message auth(proto 0 31 bytes epoch 0) v1 and sending client elsewhere
2016-07-26 10:38:36.938893 7f9518d71700 1 -- mark_down 0x33f2ec0 -- pipe dne
2016-07-26 10:38:37.740484 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.1 8 ==== paxos(collect lc 1319324 fc 1318755 pn 470401 opn 0) v3 ==== 80+0+0 (2660417298 0 0) 0x34f9e00 con 0x33f2100
2016-07-26 10:38:37.740494 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) election in progress, dropping paxos(collect lc 1319324 fc 1318755 pn 470401 opn 0) v3
2016-07-26 10:38:37.740527 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.1 9 ==== time_check( ping e 11772 r 1 ) v1 ==== 36+0+0 (2044766158 0 0) 0x37a0480 con 0x33f2100
2016-07-26 10:38:37.740538 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_timecheck time_check( ping e 11772 r 1 ) v1
2016-07-26 10:38:37.740540 7f9518370700 1 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_timecheck drop unexpected msg
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938967 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x3487350
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938970 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938971 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938971 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938972 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938977 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938978 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938978 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938979 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938980 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938982 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938984 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938985 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938986 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938987 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938988 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938989 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938990 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x3487440 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938994 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:37.938996 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fc380
2016-07-26 10:38:37.939003 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fa300
2016-07-26 10:38:37.939011 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fbc00
2016-07-26 10:38:37.939019 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fb200
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939048 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x3487440
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939051 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939052 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939054 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939055 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939056 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939057 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939057 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939059 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939059 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939062 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939063 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939064 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939065 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939066 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939067 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939068 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939069 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x3487350 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939073 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939076 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fe680
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939083 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fe400
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939091 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fe180
2016-07-26 10:38:39.939099 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fdf00
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559288 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 6 ==== election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af propose 11773) v5 ==== 841+0+0 (2331296059 0 0) 0x34e2680 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559440 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 7 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34fe180 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559448 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559451 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559456 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559482 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559484 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559485 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559487 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559491 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 8 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34fbc00 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559498 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559501 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559505 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559513 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559514 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559516 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559517 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559553 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 9 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34fb480 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559560 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559563 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559567 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559575 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559576 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559577 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559578 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559581 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 10 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34fd000 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559588 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559590 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559594 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559608 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559609 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559610 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559611 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559640 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 11 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34ff300 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559647 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559650 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559654 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559663 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559665 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559666 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559667 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559690 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 12 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34ff080 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559697 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559700 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559704 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559712 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559714 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559715 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559716 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559725 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 13 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34fee00 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559732 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559735 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559739 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559747 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559748 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559749 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559750 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559753 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 14 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34feb80 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559760 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559763 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559766 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559774 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559776 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559777 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559778 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559781 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 15 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34fe900 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559787 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559790 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559794 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559802 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559804 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559805 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559806 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559809 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 16 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34ff800 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559815 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559817 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559821 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559829 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559830 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559831 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:40.559832 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939121 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x3487350
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939124 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939125 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939126 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939127 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939128 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939129 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939130 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939132 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939133 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939135 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939137 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939138 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939139 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939140 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939141 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939142 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939143 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x33a0240 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939148 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939150 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fdc80
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939158 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fc600
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939165 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34f9e00
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939172 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fa080
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939401 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 17 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34f9e00 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939409 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939412 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939416 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939431 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939432 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939434 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:41.939435 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939201 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x33a0240
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939204 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939222 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939223 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939224 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939225 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939226 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939227 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939228 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939229 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939231 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939233 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939234 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939235 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939236 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939237 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939238 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939239 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x3487350 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939244 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939245 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fa800
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939252 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34ffd00
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939260 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34ffa80
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939267 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fe900
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939486 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 18 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34ffa80 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939494 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939497 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939502 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939511 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939513 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939514 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:43.939515 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:45.385054 7f951656d700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x371c800 sd=16 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f4fc0).accept sd=16
2016-07-26 10:38:45.385214 7f951656d700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_verify_authorizer client protocol 0
2016-07-26 10:38:45.385386 7f9518370700 1 -- <== client.69334 1 ==== auth(proto 0 35 bytes epoch 5) v1 ==== 65+0+0 (4078390826 0 0) 0x37a3a80 con 0x33f4fc0
2016-07-26 10:38:45.385395 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 waitlisting message auth(proto 0 35 bytes epoch 5) v1
2016-07-26 10:38:45.582287 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 19 ==== election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af propose 11773) v5 ==== 841+0+0 (2331296059 0 0) 0x34e18c0 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939297 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x3487350
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939299 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939300 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939302 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939302 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939304 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939304 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939305 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939307 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939308 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939311 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939313 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939314 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939315 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939315 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939316 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939317 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939319 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x33a0240 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939323 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939324 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34feb80
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939330 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fee00
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939337 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34ff080
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939345 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34ff300
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939565 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 20 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34ff080 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939573 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939576 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939581 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939590 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939592 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939594 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:45.939595 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:46.939021 7f9518d71700 5 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 waitlisting message auth(proto 0 35 bytes epoch 5) v1
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939376 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x33a0240
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939378 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939379 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939380 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939381 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939382 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939383 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939384 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939385 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939386 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939388 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939390 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939390 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939391 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939392 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939393 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939394 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939395 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x3487440 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939399 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939402 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fee00
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939408 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34ffd00
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939416 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fc600
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939423 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fe400
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939650 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 21 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x34fc600 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939658 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939661 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939665 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939674 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939676 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939677 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:47.939678 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939454 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x3487440
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939457 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939458 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939459 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939459 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939461 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939461 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939463 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939465 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939466 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939468 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939470 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939471 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939472 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939473 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939473 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939475 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939476 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x33a0240 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939480 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939482 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fa300
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939488 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x34fd280
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939515 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x38d1b80
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939522 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x38d1900
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939737 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 22 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x38d1b80 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939745 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939748 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939757 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 monmap is e5: 5 mons at {60z0m02=,60zxl02=,610wl02=,615yl02=,618yl02=}
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939766 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 peer name is 610wl02
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939768 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 mon.610wl02 is outside the quorum
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939769 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 outside_quorum now 610wl02,615yl02, need 3
2016-07-26 10:38:49.939770 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 that's not yet enough for a new quorum, waiting
2016-07-26 10:38:50.605279 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 23 ==== election(2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af propose 11773) v5 ==== 841+0+0 (2331296059 0 0) 0x34e2c00 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:50.812451 7f9515061700 1 -- >> :/0 pipe(0x3725800 sd=18 :6789 s=0 pgs=0 cs=0 l=0 c=0x33f4e60).accept sd=18
2016-07-26 10:38:50.812527 7f9515061700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 ms_verify_authorizer client protocol 0
2016-07-26 10:38:50.812665 7f9518370700 1 -- <== client.? 1 ==== auth(proto 0 31 bytes epoch 0) v1 ==== 61+0+0 (535495083 0 0) 0x37a3cc0 con 0x33f4e60
2016-07-26 10:38:50.812673 7f9518370700 5 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 waitlisting message auth(proto 0 31 bytes epoch 0) v1
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939084 7f9518d71700 5 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 discarding message auth(proto 0 35 bytes epoch 5) v1 and sending client elsewhere
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939088 7f9518d71700 1 -- mark_down 0x33f4fc0 -- 0x371c800
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939108 7f9518d71700 5 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 waitlisting message auth(proto 0 31 bytes epoch 0) v1
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939529 7f9518d71700 4 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probe_timeout 0x33a0240
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939530 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 bootstrap
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939531 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 sync_reset_requester
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939532 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 unregister_cluster_logger - not registered
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939533 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939537 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 _reset
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939538 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939539 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 timecheck_finish
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939541 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 scrub_reset
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939542 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxos(paxos recovering c 1318755..1319323) restart -- canceling timeouts
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939545 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(pgmap 538057..538795) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939546 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(mdsmap 1..1) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939547 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(osdmap 1769..2433) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939548 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(logm 765975..766716) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939549 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(monmap 1..5) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939550 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing).paxosservice(auth 2251..2417) restart
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939551 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 cancel_probe_timeout (none scheduled)
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939552 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 reset_probe_timeout 0x3487350 after 2 seconds
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939556 7f9518d71700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 probing other monitors
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939558 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.0 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x38d1680
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939564 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.1 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x38d1400
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939571 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.2 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x38d1180
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939579 7f9518d71700 1 -- --> mon.3 -- mon_probe(probe 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 615yl02) v6 -- ?+0 0x38d0f00
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939797 7f9518370700 1 -- <== mon.2 24 ==== mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6 ==== 845+0+0 (3613516349 0 0) 0x38d1180 con 0x33f1e40
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939805 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe mon_probe(reply 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
2016-07-26 10:38:51.939808 7f9518370700 10 mon.615yl02@4(probing) e5 handle_probe_reply mon.2 2f51a247-3155-4bcf-9aee-c6f6b2c5e2af name 610wl02 paxos( fc 1318755 lc 1319324 )) v6
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