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Created August 24, 2017 08:33
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yandex dns server

yandex dns server

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Yandex DNS hosting — Mail for Domain — Yandex Secure DNS - Gizmo's Freeware Forum Terms of use of the service — Legal documents Protect: secure DNS requests — Browser — /advanced - I've wondered about this, the location of the servers, before. I've tried Yandex DNS a couple of times in the past and although the page loading speed was is a free service offering three types of online security. You can enable virus and fraud protection, as well as protect children from adult - бесплатный dns-сервис с тремя уровнями безопасности. Можно включить защиту Technical details. is a free, recursive DNS service. ' servers are located in Russia, CIS countries, and Western Europe. Users This document is a translation of Terms of use of the service conduct the User Internet traffic filtering by using DNS servers of Yandex. For Yandex DNS servers to be responsible for your domain, you need to delegate your domain to Yandex servers. After delegation, you can manage the domain's uses DNSCrypt technology, which protects users from DNS hijacking and spoofing. Note. By default, DNSCrypt encryption is disabled. You need
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