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Created December 17, 2012 19:29
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// Scratchpad Intro
var intro =
' body {background: #DDD6B2;}',
' .container {',
' background: #fff;',
' padding: 50px;',
' margin: 50px auto;',
' width: 400px;',
' font-family: sans-serif;',
' border-radius: 4px;',
' }',
'<div class="container">',
' <h1><img src="/img/logo-dark.png" alt="Scratchpad"></h1>',
' <p>Hello!</p>',
' <p>My name is <a target="blank" href="">Nathan Bashaw</a> and I am a designer and hacker living in San Francisco. I built Scratchpad to make it simpler for beginners to learn HTML and CSS. It\'s also a supplement to the book I\'m writing called <a target="blank" href="">Enough To Be Dangerous</a> &mdash; a step-by-step guide to coding your first web application. Happy hacking!</p>',
" <b>How to use Scratchpad:</b>",
" <ol>",
" <li>Write HTML &amp; CSS &mdash; watch it render instantly</li>",
" <li>Press &#8984; + i to toggle fullscreen view</li>",
" <li>Share the URL with friends (it updates in realtime)</li>",
" </ol>",
" <em>Et Voil&agrave;!</em>",
// Ace code edtor
var editor = ace.edit("editor");
name: 'showHelp',
bindKey: {win: 'Ctrl-/', mac: 'Command-/'},
exec: function(editor) {
name: 'toggleFullscreen',
bindKey: {win: 'Ctrl-i', mac: 'Command-i'},
exec: function(editor) {
// Set up iframe.
var iframe = document.getElementById('preview'),
iframedoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
iframedoc.body.setAttribute('tabindex', 0);
// Base firebase ref
var scratchpadRef = new Firebase('' + Scratchpad.document_id);
var now = new Date();
// Multiple client stuff
// Push a new child to clients that kills itself on disconnect
var thisClientRef = scratchpadRef.child('clients').push('idle');
// Keep track of the number of active connections
scratchpadRef.child('clients').on('value', function(dataSnapshot){
if (dataSnapshot.val() === null) {
} else {
var numClients = dataSnapshot.numChildren();
// Label the tooltip appropriately
if (numClients === 2) {
$('#connections').after('<span id="connections-tooltip"> 1 other viewer</span>');
} else if (numClients === 1) {
// do nothing
} else {
$('#connections').after('<span id="connections-tooltip"> '+ (numClients - 1) + ' other viewers</span>');
// Append proper number of dots
for (i = 1; i < dataSnapshot.numChildren(); i++) {
$('#connections-tooltip').css('opacity', 1);
}, function(){
$('#connections-tooltip').css('opacity', 0);
// Code Editing
var scratchpadEditorRef = scratchpadRef.child('editor');
// When code changes, put it into the editor
scratchpadEditorRef.on('value', function(dataSnapshot) {
var thisClientStatus;
thisClientRef.once('value', function(dataSnapshot){
thisClientStatus = dataSnapshot.val();
// If this is a new scratchpad, put in our intro
var clearReadOnlyMode;
if (dataSnapshot.child('code').val() == null) {
} else if (thisClientStatus == 'typing') {
// do nothing, we're the ones typing in the first place
} else {
clearReadOnlyMode = setTimeout(function(){
}, 2000);
// Clear selection and move cursor to where it needs to be
// On keyup, save the code and cursor data to firebase
var typingTimeout;
$('#editor').on('keyup', function(){
// Tell firebase who is editing
// Get cursor position
var startrow = editor.selection.getRange().start.row;
var startcolumn = editor.selection.getRange().start.column;
var endrow = editor.selection.getRange().end.row;
var endcolumn = editor.selection.getRange().end.column;
// If nothing is highlighted, ship contents of editor and cursor data to Firebase
if (startrow == endrow && startcolumn == endcolumn) {
scratchpadEditorRef.set({code: editor.getValue(), cursor: editor.selection.getCursor()});
// Set a timeout for 2 seconds that tells firebase who is typing
typingTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
}, 2000) ;
// On data change, re-render the code in the iframe.
editor.getSession().on('change', function(e) {
iframedoc.body.innerHTML = editor.getValue();
// Resize the menu icon if appropriate
var linesOfCode = editor.session.getLength();
if (linesOfCode < 10) {
$('#menu').attr('class', 'small')
} else if ( linesOfCode > 9 && linesOfCode < 99) {
$('#menu').attr('class', 'medium')
} else if ( linesOfCode > 99 && linesOfCode < 999) {
$('#menu').attr('class', 'large')
} else if (linesOfCode > 999){
$('#menu').attr('class', 'x-large')
// Filename Stuff
var scratchpadTitleRef = scratchpadRef.child('title');
// Show title on top, keep updated from server
scratchpadTitleRef.on('value', function(titleSnapshot) {
if (titleSnapshot.val() == null) {
scratchpadTitleRef.set('Untitled document');
} else {
document.title = titleSnapshot.val();
// Let users update title when they click it
var newTitle = prompt('What do you want to name your file?', $(this).text());
if (newTitle != null) {
// Stupid (webkit only?) hover bug fix
$('#title').hover(function(){$(this).addClass('hover')}, function(){$(this).removeClass('hover')});
// Fullscreen mode stuff
// Toggle fullscreen mode.
function toggleFullscreen() {
if ($('#scratchpad').hasClass('menu')) {
location.hash = $('#scratchpad').attr('class');
// When the button is clicked, call toggleFullscreen.
$('#toggle-fullscreen').click(function() {
// Even when iframe has focus, still toggleFullscreen
$("#preview").contents().find("body").on('keydown', function(e){
if (e.keyCode == 73) {
// For good measure, always toggleFullscreen
key('⌘+i, ctrl+i', function(){
// Automatically go into fullscreen mode when pageload includes #fullscreen
if (location.hash == '#fullscreen') {
// History (Recent Scratchpads)
if (typeof(Storage)!=="undefined") {
// Initialize recentScratchpads row in localStorage if needed
if (localStorage['recentScratchpads'] === undefined) {
localStorage['recentScratchpads'] = JSON.stringify([]);
function getRecentScratchpads() {
var scratchpadIds = JSON.parse(localStorage['recentScratchpads']);
return scratchpadIds;
function addToRecentScratchpads(id) {
var recentScratchpadsArr = [];
recentScratchpadsArr = JSON.parse(localStorage['recentScratchpads']) || [];
if (!_.contains(recentScratchpadsArr, id)) {
localStorage['recentScratchpads'] = JSON.stringify(recentScratchpadsArr);
} else {
recentScratchpadsArr = _.without(recentScratchpadsArr, id);
localStorage['recentScratchpads'] = JSON.stringify(recentScratchpadsArr);
function renderRecentScratchpads(listOfRecentScratchpads) {
if (listOfRecentScratchpads.length > 1) {
// Clear the loading text, save state that it's been loaded
var recentScratchpadTemplate = '<li><a class="recent-scratchpad" href="/<%= scratchpadId %>" target="_blank"><%= thisScratchpadTitle %> <time><%= dateTemplate %></time></a><a class="delete" data-id="<%= scratchpadId %>" href="javascript:void(0)">&times;</a></li>';
_.each(listOfRecentScratchpads, function(scratchpadId) {
if (Scratchpad.document_id != scratchpadId) {
var thisScratchpadRef = new Firebase('' + scratchpadId);
thisScratchpadRef.once('value', function(dataSnapshot) {
var thisScratchpadTitle = dataSnapshot.child('title').val();
dateObj = new Date(dataSnapshot.child('updatedAt').val());
dateTemplate = dateObj.getDate() +'/'+ dateObj.getMonth() +'/'+ dateObj.getFullYear();
thisScratchpadTemplate = _.template(recentScratchpadTemplate, {scratchpadId: scratchpadId, thisScratchpadTitle: thisScratchpadTitle, dateTemplate: dateTemplate});
} else {
$('#recent-scratchpads').html('<li>No recent scratchpads!</li>');
Scratchpad.loadedRecentScratchpads = true;
function deleteRecentScratchpadFromList (id) {
// Delete from localstore
var recentScratchpadsArr;
recentScratchpadsArr = JSON.parse(localStorage['recentScratchpads']);
recentScratchpadsArr = _.without(recentScratchpadsArr, id);
localStorage['recentScratchpads'] = JSON.stringify(recentScratchpadsArr);
// Delete from DOM
$('#recent-scratchpads li').each(function(index){
if ($(this).children('.delete').data('id') == id) {
$('#recent-scratchpads').on('click', '.delete', function(e) {
} else {
// Sorry! No web storage support.
$('#recent-scratchpads').html('Sorry! Your browser doesn\'t support HTML5 local storage.');
// Menu stuff
// Toggle fullscreen mode on menu click
mixpanel.track("Menu toggle");
if (Scratchpad.loadedRecentScratchpads != true) {
// Show different tooltip for Windows users.
var isMac = navigator.platform.toUpperCase().indexOf('MAC')!==-1;
if (isMac != true) {
$('.tooltip').html('Keyboard Shortcut: Control + i');
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