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Created December 26, 2012 07:03
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title=$1 # graph title
output=$4 # output image name
data=$5 # data file
cols=$6 # which columns to show in the graph
lines='' # the plot lines
index=0 # loop index
ls=1 # line style
# --- build the configuration of lines for plots
for col in $cols
if [ $index -ne 0 ]; then
lines=$lines", "
lines=$lines"'$data' u 1:$col t '' w l ls 42 smooth bezier"
lines=$lines", '$data' u 1:$col w l ls $ls"
index=`expr $index + 1`
ls=`expr $ls + 1`
echo $lines
gnuplot << EOF
output = "$output"
xlabel = "$xlabel"
ylabel = "$ylabel"
title = "$title"
# use TTF fonts on Mac OS X
set fontpath "/Library/Fonts"
# use pngcairo to get this beautiful antialias font and smooth chart
set term pngcairo font "Courier,9"
set term pngcairo size 500, 200
# image background is lightgray
set term pngcairo background "#e0e0e0"
set output output
# chart background is white
set object 1 rectangle from graph 0, graph 0 to graph 1, graph 1 behind fc rgbcolor '#ffffff' fs noborder
set xlabel xlabel font "Arial Bold,11" textcolor rgb "#222222" norotate
set ylabel ylabel font "Arial Bold,11" textcolor rgb "#222222" rotate parallel
set autoscale xfix
set title title font "Arial Bold,12" textcolor rgb "black"
set key outside bottom horizontal left reverse
set key font "Courier,10" textcolor rgb "#444444"
set key autotitle columnheader
set style line 81 lc rgb '#555555' lt 1
set border 3 back ls 81
set tics nomirror
set style line 82 lc rgb '#aaaaaa' lt 0 lw 1
set grid back ls 82
set style line 1 lt rgb "#8b1a0e" lw 1.5 pt 1 ps 0.3
set style line 2 lt rgb "#5e9c36" lw 1.5 pt 2 ps 0.5
set style line 3 lt rgb "#0060ad" lw 1.5 pt 3 ps 0.6
set style line 4 lt rgb "#ff949E" lw 1.5 pt 4 ps 0.8
set style line 5 lt rgb "#674C87" lw 1.5 pt 5 ps 0.5
set style line 6 lt rgb "#777777" lw 1.5 pt 6 ps 0.8
set style line 7 lt rgb "#222222" lw 1.5 pt 7 ps 0.5
set style line 8 lt rgb "#FBDF61" lw 1.5 pt 8 ps 0.5
set style line 9 lt rgb "#F25900" lw 1.5 pt 12 ps 0.6
set style line 10 lt rgb "#014F4B" lw 1.5 pt 10 ps 0.5
# this is used for smooth bezier line
set style line 42 lt rgb "#dddddd" lw 1.1 pt 10 ps 0.5
#set xdata time
#set timefmt "%s"
#set format x "%M:%S"
#set xtics 0, 1
set xtics autofreq
set xtics add 1
#set ytics 0, 0.1
# smooth csplines
# linespoints
set datafile separator ","
plot $lines
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