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Created January 8, 2013 20:03
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Save anonymous/4487403 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. (match)->
match( '/' ).to 'dashboard', (match)->
match( '/' ).to 'dashboard_home'
match( '/w' ).to 'workspaces', (match)->
match( '/:uid').to 'workspace', (match)->
match( '/' ).to 'workspace_home'
match( '/outer' ).to 'outer'
RuntimeUi.DashboardRoute = Ember.Route.extend
enter: ->
console.log 'de'
@controllerFor( 'dashboard' ).fetchDashboard()
renderTemplate: (controller, model)->
console.log 'drt'
outlet: 'main'
controller.set 'currentWorkspace', ''
dmic = @controllerFor( 'dashboardMenuitems' )
dmic.set 'content', controller.workspaces
@render 'dashboardMenuitems',
outlet: 'menu'
into: 'dashboard'
controller: dmic
RuntimeUi.DashboardHomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend
renderTemplate: (controller, model)->
console.log 'dhrt'
dc = @controllerFor( 'dashboard' )
@render 'dashboard'
outlet: 'main'
controller: dc
into: 'application'
dc.set 'currentWorkspace', ''
dmic = @controllerFor( 'dashboardMenuitems' )
dmic.set 'content', dc.workspaces
@render 'dashboardMenuitems',
outlet: 'menu'
into: 'dashboard'
controller: dmic
RuntimeUi.WorkspacesRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: (a)->
console.log "wsm1.5", a
renderTemplate: (controller, model)->
console.log "wsrt2"
dbc = @controllerFor( 'dashboardBoxes' )
dbc.set 'content', []
@render 'dashboardBoxes',
outlet: 'main'
into: 'dashboard'
controller: dbc
RuntimeUi.WorkspaceRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: (urlParams)->
dc = @controllerFor( 'dashboard' )
model = dc.getWorkspace urlParams.uid
console.log "wm", urlParams, urlParams.uid, model
dc.setCurrentWorkspace model
renderTemplate: (controller, model)->
console.log "w3", model
dc = @controllerFor( 'dashboard' )
dc.setCurrentWorkspace model
RuntimeUi.WorkspaceHomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend
renderTemplate: (controller, model)->
console.log "whrt4", model
model: (urlParams)->
# dc = @controllerFor( 'dashboard' )
# ws = dc.getCurrentWorkspace()
ws = @modelFor('workspace')
console.log 'wshm1', ws, urlParams
So, when this transition is triggerred:
RuntimeUi.OuterController = Ember.Controller.extend
goToWorkspace: (workspace)->
@transitionTo 'workspace_home', workspace
I'm seeing this output:
wshm1 undefined Object
wsm1.5 Object
w3 Class {uid: "workspace.50e9dde0e6c3e6a608000001", app_instances: Class, owner_uid: "user.50e981156762a60000000039", public: true, admin_uids: Array[0]…}
set current workspace workspace.50e9dde0e6c3e6a608000001 dashboard_controller.js:73
whrt4 undefined
- model() of WorkspaceHome is called first, without arguments. Therefore it cannot know current workspace, and returns undefined
- then calls are done from top, as expected: WorkspacesRoute.model() and .renderTemplate()
- then WorkspaceRoute.model() is skipped (interesting), but .renderTemplate() is called with proper model: the one passed to @transitionTo
- that causes current workspace to be set, so now WorkspaceHome.model() can be called. But, it was called before, returned undefined, so now WorkspaceHome.renderTemplate() is called with undefined().
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