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Created June 8, 2017 21:51
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Created using browser-solidity: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
pragma solidity ^0.4.8;
//© copyright 2017 - Catallax Bank and Rivvir Consulting
// Developed by Austin Fatheree
// @hypercatallax
// All rights reserved.
contract NameService {
mapping(address => address) public addressContracts;
uint public coolNumber;
event NameReserved(address indexed caller, address indexed nameObject);
function NameService(){
coolNumber = 12;
function lookUp(address theAddress) constant returns(address contractAddress){
return addressContracts[theAddress];
function Claim(address theAddress) returns (address aName){
if(addressContracts[theAddress] != 0) throw;
address anAddress = theAddress;
aName = new NameObject(msg.sender, anAddress);
addressContracts[theAddress] = aName;
address theSender = msg.sender;
NameReserved(theSender, aName);
return aName;
function ClaimSet(address theAddress, uint256 aCoolNumber) returns (address aName){
//note the uint256, uint didn't work
if(addressContracts[theAddress] != 0) throw;
coolNumber = aCoolNumber;
return Claim(theAddress);
function FindCoolNumber() returns (uint256 aNumber){
aNumber = coolNumber;
return aNumber;
contract NameObject{
address public owner;
address public claimedAddress;
bool public hereIam;
event IExist(address owner);
event Transfered(address owner);
function NameObject(address aOwner, address aClaimedAddress){
owner = aOwner;
claimedAddress = aClaimedAddress;
function ProveExistance() returns (bool ok){
hereIam = true;
return true;
function Transfer(address __newOwner) returns(bool ok){
if(msg.sender != owner) throw;
owner = __newOwner;
return true;
contract BeepBopBot {
address public owner;
bytes32 emptyBytes;
event Impersonation( address indexed caller, address indexed executer, string functionSig);
function BeepBopBot(){
owner = msg.sender;
function impersonate(address aContract, string functionSig,
bytes32 _1,
bytes32 _2,
bytes32 _3,
bytes32 _4,
bytes32 _5,
bytes32 _6,
bytes32 _7,
bytes32 _8) returns (bool ok){
bool result = false;
bytes4 sig = bytes4(sha3(functionSig));
if(_8 != emptyBytes){
result =, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8);
else if(_7 != emptyBytes){
result =, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7);
else if(_6 != emptyBytes){
result =, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6);
else if(_5 != emptyBytes){
result =, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5);
else if(_4 != emptyBytes){
result =, _1, _2, _3, _4);
else if(_3 != emptyBytes){
result =, _1, _2, _3);
else if(_2 != emptyBytes){
result =, _1, _2);
else if(_1 != emptyBytes){
result =, _1);
else {
result =;
if(result == false) throw;
address theSender = msg.sender;
Impersonation(theSender, this, functionSig);
return result;
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