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Created October 19, 2016 17:54
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#In my program, I can create a simulated user session.
#The operator begins in a looped Shell class to perform commands like choosing a user (the select method below).
#Choosing a user begins a looped User class instance and assigns it to a @session variable that exists within a Shell class.
#The operator gains add, delete powers until he chooses to again start another new instance of Shell.
#I lose the ability to maintain a single Shell and dedicated users, like an @Joe ="joe").
#When you switch from Joe to Bob, you begin each user anew. Same with the Shell.
#The only way a user is defined is by his associated files (I link the name "Joe" to a joe.file).
#How do you typically handle users? Is my approach off the deep end?
#I call a few outside methods here within the select method
#this method:
#prints lines in file, @userlist, that contains existing usernames (bob, joe, etc.; 1 per line)
#asks person to select existing user
#if selection matches existing user, begins a session
def select
puts "\nSelect user (type name): "
user = gets.chomp
if list_include?(@userlist, user)
session =
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