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Created October 20, 2013 15:59
$ ruby HandEvaluation.rb "7 7 7 8 8 5 10 3 3"
{"2"=>{[8, 10]=>18, [7, 10]=>17, [8, 8]=>16, [7, 8]=>15, [5, 10]=>15, [7, 7]=>14, [10, 3]=>13, [8, 5]=>13, [7, 5]=>12, [8, 3]=>11, [7, 3]=>10, [5, 3]=>8, [3, 3]=>6}, "3"=>{[7, 7, 7]=>21, [8, 8, 5]=>21, [8, 10, 3]=>21, [7, 10, 3]=>20, [7, 8, 5]=>20, [7, 7, 5]=>19, [8, 8, 3]=>19, [7, 8, 3]=>18, [5, 10, 3]=>18, [7, 7, 3]=>17, [8, 5, 3]=>16, [10, 3, 3]=>16, [7, 5, 3]=>15, [8, 3, 3]=>14, [7, 3, 3]=>13, [5, 3, 3]=>11}, "4"=>{[5, 10, 3, 3]=>21, [7, 8, 3, 3]=>21, [7, 7, 3, 3]=>20, [8, 5, 3, 3]=>19, [7, 5, 3, 3]=>18}}
{2=>{[10, 3]=>13}, 3=>{[10, 3, 3]=>16}, 4=>{[8, 5, 3, 3]=>19}}
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