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Created September 27, 2016 19:24
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use std::marker::Sized;
macro_rules! component {
($i:expr, $name:ident { $( $dn:ident: $def:ty ),* } ) => (
struct $name {
$($dn: $def),*
impl Component for $name {
fn index() -> usize { $i }
fn name() -> &'static str { stringify!($name) }
pub trait Component: Sized {
fn index() -> usize;
fn name() -> &'static str { "<>" }
pub struct ComponentVector<D: Component> {
vec: Vec<Option<D>>
pub struct ECSMemory {
component_count: usize,
entities: Vec<Entity>,
hot: Vec<*mut ()>
pub struct Entity {
component_set: Vec<bool>,
memory_index: usize
impl Entity {
pub fn new(compcount: usize, mem: usize) -> Self {
Entity {
component_set: vec![false; compcount],
memory_index: mem
pub fn has_component<D: Component>(&self) -> bool {
impl<D> ComponentVector<D> where D: Component {
pub fn new(prealloc: usize) -> Self {
ComponentVector {
vec: Vec::with_capacity(prealloc)
pub fn fill_to(&mut self, index: usize) {
for _ in self.vec.len()..index+1 {
impl ECSMemory {
pub fn new() -> Self {
ECSMemory {
component_count: 0usize,
entities: vec![],
hot: vec![]
pub fn register_hot<D>(&mut self) where D: Component {
// let i = D::index();<D>::new(128))) as *mut ());
self.component_count += 1;
pub fn create_entity(&mut self) -> usize {
let entid = self.entities.len();
self.entities.push(Entity::new(self.component_count, entid));
pub fn add_component<D>(&mut self, ent: usize, comp: D) where D: Component {
let vec = { self.get_hot_vector::<D>() };
let ref mut ent = self.entities[ent];
vec.vec[ent.memory_index] = Some(comp);
ent.component_set[D::index()] = true;
pub fn get_component<D>(&mut self, ent: usize) -> &mut D where D: Component {
let ref ent = self.entities[ent];
let vec = self.get_hot_vector::<D>();
match vec.vec[ent.memory_index] {
Some(ref mut x) => x,
None => panic!("pls.")
pub fn get_hot_vector<'a, 'b, D>(&'a self) -> &'b mut ComponentVector<D> where D: Component {
let i = D::index();
let ptr =[i];
unsafe { _ptr_reference_mut(ptr) }
unsafe fn _drop_component<D: Component>(ptr: *mut D) {
unsafe fn _ptr_reference_mut<'a, T, U>(ptr: *mut U) -> &'a mut T {
&mut *(ptr as *mut T)
component!(0, Position {
x: f64,
y: f64
component!(1, Velocity {
x: f64,
y: f64
fn main() {
let mut mem = ECSMemory::new();
let ent = mem.create_entity();
let ent2 = mem.create_entity();
mem.add_component(ent, Position {
x: 1.0,
y: 2.0
mem.add_component(ent2, Position {
x: 5.0,
y: 6.0
mem.add_component(ent2, Velocity {
x: 3.0,
y: 4.0
println!("{:?}", mem.get_hot_vector::<Position>());
println!("{:?}", mem.get_hot_vector::<Velocity>());
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