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Created January 30, 2015 06:45
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public function deleteTemplateBlock($blockName)
$aType = array('BLOCK_'/* , 'TAB_' */); //deletables types
foreach ($aType as $type) {
$variableName = $type . $blockName;
$loadContent = $this->_documentXMLElement . '<w:body>' .
$this->_wordDocumentC . '</w:body></w:document>';
if (!self::$_preprocessed) {
$loadContent = $this->repairVariables(array($variableName => ''), $loadContent);
$loadContent = preg_replace('/\\' . self::$_templateSymbol . $type . $blockName . '([|]|\\' . self::$_templateSymbol . ').*?\\' . self::$_templateSymbol . $type . $blockName . '.*?\\' . self::$_templateSymbol . '/', self::$_templateSymbol . $variableName . self::$_templateSymbol, $loadContent);
//Use XPath to find all paragraphs that include the variable name
$name = self::$_templateSymbol . $variableName . self::$_templateSymbol;
$domDocument = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($domDocument);
$xpath->registerNamespace('w', '');
$query = '//w:p[w:r/w:t[text()[contains(.,"' . $variableName . '")]]]';
$affectedNodes = $xpath->query($query);
/** @var DOMNode $node */
foreach ($affectedNodes as $node) {
$paragraphContents = $node->ownerDocument->saveXML($node);
$paragraphText = strip_tags($paragraphContents);
if (($pos = strpos($paragraphText, $name, 0)) !== false) {
//If we remove a paragraph inside a table cell we need to take special care
if ($node->parentNode->nodeName == 'w:tc') {
$tcChilds = $node->parentNode->getElementsByTagNameNS('', 'p');
if ($tcChilds->length > 1) {
} else {
$emptyP = $domDocument->createElement("w:p");
} else {
$bodyTag = explode('<w:body>', $domDocument->saveXML());
$this->_wordDocumentC = str_replace('</w:body></w:document>', '', $bodyTag[1]);
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