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Created August 18, 2014 22:05
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Mitacs 2015 project's title
Multimorphisms and fractional multimorphisms of functions
Direct georeferencing of unmanned aerial vehicle photography and radar imagery with a low-cost real-time kinematic GPS.
Data Analytics and Visualization for Social Media
Biopolymer grafting for the development of bioactive packaging and application in food microbiology
Chemical modification of biopolymers and cellulose nanocrystals for the development of bioactive films
Enabling Effective Human Spatial Cognition, Orientation and Behaviour in Immersive Virtual Environments
Global Studies of Healthy Development and Well Being of Children and Youth
Synthesis and characterisation of new dipyrrin-indigo ligands and complexes.
Linking Administrative Data to Identify Barriers and Facilitators to Youth Mental Health Services
Integrated, interactive design and engagement media for sustainability
Electrical and Acoustic Characterization of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer
Contribution aux recherches du Réseau d’études internationales sur la valorisation et l’exploitation de la nature, des terres et des ressources en Afrique, Asie et Amérique latine (RÉINVENTERRA)
Clinical implementation of BOLD MRI CVR
Exploration Geochemistry: Statistical Variability of Inorganic and Organic Responses in Surface Soils.
(Super)Computing the Universe: Tracing the Formation and Evolution of Cosmic Structure
Natural Language Processing Methods For Clinical Genomics
LGBT Future Planning Project: Improving web access, online services and websafety for end-of-life planning by LGBT older adults
Role of caspase-7 in colorectal cancer
Comparison of in vitro vs. in vivo formation of cis-platin DNA adducts
An evaluation of 45 years of India-Canada research and educational partnerships: Building a strong base for future collaboration
'omics'-based platform and synthetic biology for the elucidation, characterization and production of plant natural products.
Fan Blade Optimization for Incidence Tolerance and Low Loss
Nano-scale characterization of novel polymeric nanocomposites
Development of a simulation platform for soft and deformable human tissues
Topology Optimization and Augmentation in a p-Cycle Restorable Network
Dual-Energy Imaging Optimization
Modelling wings and rotors using an advanced potential flow method
Supportive Robot Project
Social determinants of health and social exclusion among aging immigrants in Canada
A G-CSF receptor decoy as a novel strategy to improve homing and hematopoietic reconstitution
Workload Prediction in a Cloud
The Geography of News Project
Tomosynthesis Chest Radiography
Food-based Community development in the Boreal Region
Computational and Statistical Algorithms for inferring Pathway Activation for Predicting Cancer Survival
Canadian Trans Youth Health Survey
Assessment of Meta-Biomarkers in Earlier Detection of Diseases
Gene expression variation in asthma
Electrochemical Production Of Graphene Catalysts For Electrochemical Energy
Interpreting non-coding genetic variants in breast cancer
Tuning Electrical Properties of a Nanocomposite Material
Numerical modeling of novel building integrated phase change material with subcooling using iterative enthalpy method
Techno-economic assessment of energy storage systems for renewable energy
Combinatorics and Algorithms for Video-on-Demand
Effet anorexigène de l'activité physique: la contribution de la perception du goût
Mechanism of Failure of Pipeline Steels in Sour Environment
FEATHERS (Functional Engagement in Assisted Therapy through Exercise Robotics)
New Models in Online Science Journalism
Development of a next-generation biomanufacturing platform for the conversion of greenhouse gases to value-added chemicals
Linking Linguistics and Programming
Interaction between magnetic impurities on the surface of a Weyl semimetal
Magnetoconductance of the quantum spin Hall state in InAs/GaSb quantum wells
Strong correlation effects in a spinful Chern insulator
Creating evidence to better support transitions from residential to community based locations of care
Development of next-generation DFB laser systems for quantum optics and precision atomic spectroscopy
Nanomagnetism in the world's smallest magnetic antidots: Numerical simulations of magnetic domains
Numerical simulations of magnetism in nanostripes: The case of NiFe and NiFe/NiO nanostripes made using nanoscale templating
Laboratory testing of a vertical river kinetic turbine
Uncertainty associated with snowfall measurement at the ground
Efficient and Scalable Asymmetric Message Queues for MPI
Mining Mobile Software Repositories
Software Evolution Dashboards
Software Quality Models
Best Practices in Aboriginal Entrepreneurship
Non resident Indians and health investment in India: understanding global brain exchange and health care transformation.
Microfluidic Bioreactors
Magnetometry with spin-based sensors
Cognitive Wireless System for Aerospace
Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using metaheuritics algorithms
Non Marketing-based Drivers of Marketing Spending: Impact on Stock Market Performance
Caractérisation d'une signature de miARNs modulés par le froid
Cellular physiology of iron in inflammation and infection processes: novel Fe chelator responses in experimental model systems
Effects of loss of FMRP in the hippocampus on adult hippocampal neurogenesis
Investigating dynamic network modeling of aging and frailty
Development of a Merging Unit Emulator based on IEC 61850 Standard
Environmental monitoring of pollutant (fume, dust) transport by identification of Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS)
Save the virus, Kill the Cancer: Using viruses to treat cancers
Investigations of the optical properties of gold nanoparticles
Optimization of Surfactant Delivery Systems and Self-Assembling Polymeric Systems
Biomass to Synthesis Gas: Process Modeling and Simulation
Optimizing the Catalyzed GTL (Gas-to-Liquid) Process
Cognitive Training Adaptive Website
Modeling of integrated oilsand and agroecosystem
Synthesis, characterization and applications of ceramic membranes by sol-gel method
Influenza Vaccination and the Effect of Local Herd Immunity
Simulation of Error-Correcting Decoders
Removal of nitrogen and sulfur species from heavy gas oil using functionalized polymers.
Conversion of Syngas to Alcohols using CoRhMo-K/MWCNT catalyst: Economic Feasibility Analysis and Commercialization Assessments
Lab-on-a-Chip Particle Coating Technology For Biomedicine
Educational Game - PvP Gaming Function Enhancement for Multiplayer Educational Game for All
HTML5 based Trading Card Game
Educational Game - Multiplayer Educational Game for All (MEGA World version 3.0)
Educational Game-PvE Gaming Function Enhancement for Multiplayer Educational Game for All
Kinect Game - Motion-Sensing based Virtual Experiment Environment
Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for high-resolution environmental remote sensing: a soil moisture case study.
Identifying novel translational repressors that promote stress granules and associated chemoresistance
A Knowledge Management System for Knowledge-Intensive SMEs
Cyber-infrastructure System for Social Science Research Collaboration in Higher-Education
Structural and Functional Investigation of Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1)
Evaluating the Accessibility of the Manitoban Construction Industry to Physically Disabled Construction Workers and its Relation
Measuring the Indoor Environmental Quality of Office Buildings and its Impact on Worker Productivity
Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Energy Consumption in LEED School Buildings in Manitoba
Design and Control of a Combination Wheelchair and Lower-limb Orthosis
Improvements in the Control of a Virtual Reality Robotic Balance Simulator
Looking for clues to onset of Asian desertification and Tibetan Plateau uplift
Molecular genetic study of the reproductive system development in C. elegans
Dark Matter search with the PICO superheated liquid detectors
Utilization of Camelina sativa Residues for Biofuels Production
Meiosis-specific checkpoints and regulators for sexual differentiation under nutrient starvation conditions.
Customizable Designs at the Junction of Everyday Objects and and Specific Medical/Health Conditions Specific Medical/Health
Assessing and Improving Deposition of Oil Sands Tailings
Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems
Critical awareness for e-health literacy through digital and social inclusion: A conceptual model
Environmental dependency and vulnerability in rural China
Biogeochemical interactions with food and foodwebs in streams.
Near-Living Architecture
Mexican Material Culture in the Archaeology Department Museum
Kinetic modelling of continuous production of anhydrous ethanol using membrane reactor
Techno-economic study of crude glycerol purification
Role of a nuclear enzyme “PARP-1” in determining the “do or die“ responses of cells to DNA damage
Regulation in the financial aggregation industry
Trainee position within the industrial Pfizer / UdeS Chair on process analysis (PAT) in pharmaceutical engineering technologies
Physiologic, Environmental and Nutrition Determinants of Food Intake and Glycemic Control in Children
Optrode-based optofluidic sensor
Nanomechanics of graphene-polymer nanocomposites
Ultrastrong, ultralight nanocrystalline hybrid materials for future aerospace technologies
ALTAIR Dark Energy Analysis and Instrumentation Development
Characterization of blood storage lesions using photoacoustic technologies
Optical Fiber Space Division Multiplexing based MIMO Wireless Distribution for Cloud Radio Access Networks
Punching Shear Behaviour of FRP‐Reinforced Concrete Slab‐Column Connections
Multi-phase Process Engineering: Simulation, Design & Optimization
Ultraviolet Photoreactors for Advanced Water Purification
Computational design of efficient photocatalysts through surface modification
Deterioration and Repair of Concrete Pavements
2D linear array for three dimensional photoacoustic imaging
The development of an R package for quantitative fatty acid signature analysis
Nanostructured Sn-based Anodes for High Performance Lithium Ion Batteries
Visual Analytics Across Multiple Dimensions
Culturing microalgae at extreme pH and salinity
Optimization of oil productivity in cyclic cultures of microalgae
Valeur adaptative du comportement de gaspillage chez le prédateur furtif Aphidoletes aphidimyza
Employing Homotopy Methods for Circuit Simulations
Role of Nlrs in neurodegenerative diseases
Developing competencies to appropriate innovations in the health care sector: the case of ICT for readapting people with intelle
Exploration of InP Quantum Dot Coherent Frequency Comb Lasers and Mode-Locked Lasers
GRAND NCE Digital Media Globalink Intern Partnership
GRAND NCE Digital Media Globalink Intern Partnership
Metabolic performance and reproductive success in forest birds
Studying the ubiquitin system as a regulator of glutamate receptor synaptic expression
Pacific salmon as monitors of ecosystem resilience: measuring effects of ocean warming on early marine juvenile Chinook salmon
Instrumentation Design for a Stratospheric Balloon
Theorems for Factorial Schur Functions
Lymphatic function in cancer metastasis
O2 delivery system for tissue engineering, wound healing and organ preservation.
Modeling the thermodynamic and physical properties of ternary mixtures of ionic liquids (i.e. room temperature molten salts)
Big Data in Environmental Science: Climate and Land use history over the past 15000 years
Spectroscopic studies and instrumentation to enable simultaneous measurements of trace gases
Spectroscopic Studies of Short Lived Atmospheric Molecules
Intégration régionale de la prévention et de la gestion des maladies chroniques cardio-métaboliques
Superconducting RF Fundamental R&D for Accelerator Applications
Development of metal ion based antimicrobials
Vibration modelling of defectice laminated s
GRAND NCE Digital Media Globalink Intern Partnership
New molecular electronic junctions using dithiophosphinic acids
Refinement and validation of a conceptual model about Brazilian Community Health Agents’ educative work
Development of heterogeneous catalyst (MoO3/Al2O3) for the synthesis of canola oil biolubricants.
Mobile App - Mobile Treasure Hunting Game
Investigating the molecular function a key regulatory factor of an intracellular degradation pathway
Virtual trenching: ground-penetrating radar for three-dimensional mapping of tree roots in urban soil
Intercritical austenite-ferrite transformation
Synthesis of New Catalysts for the Iodine(III)-promoted Alpha-tosyloxylation of Ketones
The effects of temperature on the growth and physiology of shortnose sturgeon
Quest Design for Web-based Multiplayer Online Game
Global Special Interest Group (SIG) on Early Identification and Intervention in Autism
Assessing balance control during standing via an inexpensive force platform
Implementation and testing of a sensor device for measuring isometric ankle torque
Assessment of trunk muscle activation in healthy individuals during continuous multidirectional perturbations
Virulence factors in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Advanced modulation formats and coherent detection in optical communications
Infécondité et stratégies des couples vietnamiens pour fonder une famille
Developing and Examining a Descriptive Decision Model: Ethno-Cultural and Gender Differences in Medication Adherence Following Acute Coronary Syndrome Presentation
Appearance modeling in the wild
Intuitive capture of illumination conditions for virtual object insertion
Research Chair on Gambling
Political Representation of Women in Vietnam
Studying Developer Coordination Patterns in OS Distributions
Interaction design for the core mechanic of digital cognitive games
GRAND NCE Digital Media Globalink Intern Partnership
Perioperative use of opioids and risk of ovarian cancer recurrence and metastasis
Testing approaches for reversible logic
Cell Adhesion Dynamics
Identify new genes that modify muscular dystrophy using a zebrafish model
Role of lysosomal function in diabetic cardiomyopathy
Reciprocal learning in teacher education and school education between Canada and China
Characterization of the type IV pilin from Coxicella burnetii
Cytokine regulation of Autoimmunity and Cancer
Limit Order Book Modeling
Climate Change Impact on Cattle Production at the Mattheis Ranch Rangelands Research Institute
Simulation of Undersea Gas Dispersion and Dissolution
Visual Analytics for Big Data in Health
Hydrotreating of heavy gas oil using mesoporous materials supported NiMo catalysts
Chracterisation of basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) bars for structural applications
2-8µm supercontinnum generation in As2Se3 MOF
Tracing redox cycles during microbe-clay interactions using stable iron isotopes
Development of new composite optical fibers for multifunctional applications in optics and photonics
An exploration of the linkage between muscle activation and muscle mechanics
Evaluation of a robotic orthosis for the rehabilitation of the locomotion in children suffering from cerebral palsy.
Estimation of joint kinematics of complex sports movements: development of a constrained extended Kalman filter
Musculoskeletal modeling for estimating muscle force in human: C++ optimization strategies for real-time analysis
Prevention of shoulder injuries in athletes: design of sport-specific tools
Telomerase and Cancer - Finding the principle links
Development of new glass-ceramics scintillators for medical imaging applications
From Entrudo to Carnaval in Brazil
Modelling and mining complex networks
Parallel and Scalable Design Automation Tools for High-Speed VLSI Circuits
Programming multi-sensory interfaces for accessible computers
Understanding geographic space with and without vision
Environmental exposures during pregnancy and neonate immune effects at birth
Research at the Institute for Quantum Computing: theoretical and experimental projects available
Synthesis and Testing of New Alzheimer's Therapeutics
Seismic Behaviour of Multi-story Buildings with Asymmetric Setback
Comparing the indoor environmental quality of green and non-green schools and its impact on student performance
Environmental Risk and Public Policy
Developing the Neutron EDM Experiment at TRIUMF
Investigating the slurry mechanical behavior over vertical and inclined sections through pipeline
Long-term energy use and GHG mitigation scenarios development: Alberta industry sector
Techno-economic analysis of butanol production from hemicellulose extracted from black liquor for the Kraft pulp mills of Alberta
Fracture Toughness of All-Ceramic Crowns Luted with Different Cements.
Structural Investigation of an antibiotic-producing NRPS
Cave microbiomes and their potentials in drug discovery
Mobile applications: adding simulation to your smartphone
Real-Time embedded systems development using a simulation-based approach
Service-Oriented computing: Mashup the Internet
Creating Citizen Communities? Innovation and Impacts in Community-University Networks
Cyber-Physical Security of the Smart Grid
Deep Learning and Representation Learning for Sequential Data
The Interconnected City
New Metal Organic Sorbents for CO2 Capture
GRAND NCE Digital Media Globalink Intern Partnership
Assessing Mobile & Electronic Syndromic Surveillance Applications for use in Remote Northern Communities to Enhance Health System Capacity
Chaotic, Resonant, and Hazardous Asteroid Orbits
The impact of climate change on maternal-child health in Canada
Myoelectric Control of Prosthetic Limbs
Quantification of inorganic element concentrations in the bacterial cell via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Molecular mechanisms of dendrite self-avoidance in cerebellum circuit organization and function
Conducting multi-methods research on comprehensive reproductive health issues
Remote-Control Nanoparticle-Based Drug Delivery Vehicles
Facilitation of forest tree installation by pioneer plants on mine tailings facilities in the boreal region
Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia Partnership
The Economics of Co-operative Development: A Comparative Analysis
Rational Design of Advanced Materials
The role of the suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) in colorectal inflammation and cancer
Creating Edible Muffin Cups: Effect of Food Grade Colour and Flavour
Biodegradable polymer synthesis from CO2 and renewable feedstocks
Catalyst design for lactide polymerization
Iron-catalyzed cross-coupling and epoxidation
Chemotaxis effect for enhanced immobilization of bacteria on the surface of photonic biochips
Absolute and Effective Cross Sections for low energy electron Induced damage to bio-molecular targets
Bioethics: Research on the Use of Frozen Human Eggs and Embryos
Development of a Sensor Network for Pedestrian Data Collection
Maturation time-delays, harvesting, and the dynamics of a size-structured fishery stock
Stability and bifurcation in a malaria model
Subthreshold Dynamics of Delayed Gap-Junctional Neuronal Networks
Improved software for approximating continuous reachable sets
Simplified Matlab interface for approximating reachable sets with the Toolbox of Level Set Methods
Designing Molecular Electrocatalysts for the Functionalization of Carbon Dioxide
New Pincer Ligands for First-Row Transition Metals
Polymer-Inorganic Conjugates for Targeted Chemotherapy and Drug Delivery
Polymeric Flocculants For Metal Ion Binding in Wastewater
Regulation of the dissemination mutlitdrug resistance in Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella enterica
Mobile App - Learning Mode Analyzer and Topic Recommender
Developing an expansion daughterboard for an embedded platform
Exploration of bio-sensors in the context of a commercial embedded motion detection and analysis system
Chemical mechanincal planarization of nanoeletronic devices for 3D integration
Model Predictive Control of Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) for Reduction in Energy Consumption
Gas Phase Studies of Novel Anionic Metal Systems
Development of Graphical User Interface for capturing human demonstrated motions using RGBD cameras
GRAND NCE Digital Media Globalink Intern Partnership
Bioremediation with fungal mycelia
Design of hybrid nanostructures for sunlight photoreduction of CO2 to hydrocarbon fuels (solar fuels)
Upgradation of pyrolysis oil into green liquid fuels via catalytic hydrodeoxygenation
Development of g-C3N4-TNDs nanocomposites as efficient photocatalysts for sunlight-to-hydrogen production from water splitting
Investigation of CNT and Graphene Based Nanocomposites for Coating
Effect of ammonium ions on metalloproteins in rabbit blood plasma
Bio-electrochemical switches for the rapid, one-step, detection of disease markers in whole blood
Identifying Bottlenecks in Build System Performance
Is oxygen carrying capacity driving heat production in birds?
Physiological adjustements to climate change in birds
Design, Use, Space, and Technology
Designer Materials to Meet Tomorrow's Needs
Synthetic Biology for Metabolic Engineering of Chemicals from Biomass-based Feedstocks
Sorting of Bio-Substances Using Actuate-able Micro-pillars in a Microfluidic Device
Mobile App - The Integration of Open Street Map and Landmark-based Mobile Navigation System
Mobile App - The Integration of Open Street Map and Next Stop Recommender
GRAND NCE Digital Media Globalink Intern Partnership
Automated checking of Code-Compliance using Building Information Modeling
Bioinformatics analysis of mitotic phosphotyrosine signalling
Development of Pickering crystal-stabilized oil-in-water emulsions for delivery and controlled release applications
Chemical synthesis of glycans from mycobacteria and campylobacter
Numerical solution of Helmholtz equation and its applications in full wave seismic inversion
Development of techniques for remaking cold molecules
Spectroscopy of cold molecules
Co-occurrence of asthma and other allergic diseases among children and adolescents in Quebec, Canada
A novel approach to designing ground source heat pump systems
Computer Simulation of Microgravity Combustion and Soot Formation
Investigating an association between bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination and leukemia in Quebec, Canada
Mechanisms implicated in Atherosclerosis and the Unstable Carotid Plaque
The development of a videogame for training of spatial orientation skills in individuals with orientaiton problems
Driver models for intelligent driving assistance systems
Self- and Co-Reflection of Coding Processes
Cloud-based Computing for Structural Health Monitoring Applications
Development of a full-field optical coherence tomography system using an Olympus X71 microscope
The osmosensory mechanisms of bacerium Escherichia coli
Uniqueness in multi-marginal optimal transport
Analysis of DNA uptake biases in competent cells
Functional Characterization of Bacterial Cellulose Production Mutants
Impact of slope and roughness coefficient on mixing of submerged buoyant jets
Participatory Action Research (PAR) for Health: Exploring the Applicability of PAR Guidelines within an Alberta PAR Network
Development of inorganic catalysts for biodegradable polymers
Photosynthesis protein structure and function OR regulation of gene transfer agent
Colour Metrics in Large Format Inkjet Printing
Comparison of winter limnology between selected reservoirs in Saskatchewan
Correlating riverine geomorphological features with critical fish habitat
Mechanisms of functional-MRI based decoding of information conveyed in cortical columns
Freshwater process in the high latitude ocean
Experimental Testing of Crystallizing Rubber Seismic Isolation System
A Comparative Analysis of Governance and Co-operatives
Asphalt Cement Testing and Performance
Developing new viscoelastic substrates for cell mechanics studies
Development of welding parameters for high strength pipeline steels
The Role of Abbreviation in Information Visualization
Computer-Aided Convex Analysis
Games for learning
Nanosuractants to remove sugars during nanocellulose production
Nanosurfactants from removal of sugars from nanocellulose production industry
Different emerging contaminants in wastewater treatment plants - fate and treatment
An integrated solid state fermentation approach for production of enzymes from agro-wastes
Bioconversion of crude glycerol from biodiesel industry into biohydrogen and other value-added products
Bioconversion of crude glycerol into valuable biohydrogen
Creation of a structuring agent polymer using a combination of phyllosilicate and plant extract
Visualisation of genetic progress in beef cattle as a tool to aid producers
Determining the role of species composition in the restoration of native grassland communities within South Western Alberta
Colourizing the Dance of Galaxies: creating an interactive visualization tool
PACE4 as a candidate biomarker for prostate cancer
Experimental Study of Turbulent Jet Mixing using Particle Image Velocimetry System
High-performance conducting polymer devices for bioelectronic applications
Processing of conducting polymers for biologica applications
Small Molecule Activation Using Novel Transition Metal Complexes.
Image Processing Mobile App
New Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Mechanism of protein import into chloroplasts
Evapotranspiration from Boreal Ecosystems Using a Microwave Scintillometer
Development of a connection system for attaching traffic barriers to innovative bridge deck systems
Development of an innovative Buckling Restrained Brace (BRB) Component for Seismic Resistance
Engineering Solutions for Highway Concrete Bridge Deck Replacement using Aluminum Decks
Reducing Seismic Risk Through Better Construction Practices in Developing Countries
Mobility of uranium in natural systems
Remote Control Access to Chemistry Teaching Laboratories
Structural biology of proteins involved in learning, memory and neurological disease
Integrated Water Resources Management in the Saskatchewan River Basin
Local rainfall and snowfall variability in changing climate
Development and benchmarking reservoir operation algorithms for large-scale modeling applications
Embedded System Design for Nonlinear Digital Pixel Sensors
Green organic chemistry using environmentally-benign iron salts
Advanced Data Mining of Electronic Medical Records - Focus on Early Detection Using Markov Models
Agent-based computational simulations to analyze the resilience and sustainability of societies
Properties of nonnegative matrices
To what extent does the wealth distribution in societies follow the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of energy in gases?
Machine Learning, Graph Theory, and/or Optimization for Medical Imaging
Search for new decay modes of B mesons using data mining techniques
Brain Connectivity from diffusion MRI images
Novel Technologies for Wastewater Treatment
Adaptation induced improvements in ability for reading body language
Adaptation induced improvements in ability for reading body language
Digital Pathology
Investigating the molecular mechanisms of atherosclerosis development
Image-Guided Robotic Surgery
On the Move: Understanding Employment-related Geographic Mobility and its Consequences in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)
Testing of Photonics nano structures for Radio over fiber Coherent systems
Caractérisation et développement de matériaux d'électrodes de batterie
Development of a Medical Image Analysis GUI Software
Perceptual Visualization of High Dimensional Medical Imaging and Other Data
Earthquake engineering of high-performance structural systems
Probability-based black-box branch-and-bound optimization for biofuel system design
Ecological Recovery of Disturbed Ecosystems
Surfing the Multilingual Web: Implications for information access and credibility
Functional roles of alternatively spliced variants of TAFI in neuronal cells
Psychopharmacology of gambling
Using GPUs to Accelerate Graph Processing
Defining the role of the FKD1 gene family in Arabidopsis
Fast Electromagnetic Analysis of Multiscale Problems
Matériaux sensibles pour capteurs environnementaux
Defining Domains of Arabidopsis VPS51 important for cellular function
Modification chimique de la lignine pour la production de composite de polyuréthane-lignine
Modification chimique de nanofibrille de cellulose pour le renforcement de composite
Quantum information processing with superconducting systems
Supramolecular systems based on hydroxyamidinate ligands
High Performance Computing and Risk Analytics
Digital projection of deformable surfaces
Synthesis and bioevaluation of curcumin-inspired super anti-oxidants
Nutrient Legacies in Anthropogenic Landscapes: Data Synthesis to Quantify Legacy
Highway Runoff Treatment Systems
Innovative method for pipeline rehabilitation using nanocomposite wraps
Prediction of impact response of fiber metal laminates using the cohesive element method
Learning Analytics – Adding Meaning to Huge Amounts of Data
Supramolecular Design of Novel Materials for Organic Electronics
Unity Through Music: Engaging Learners in Intercultural and Multimodal Sense Making
Computational modeling of actinide macrocycle complexes
Characterization of a Novel Family of Plant Acyl Lipid Thioesterases
Regulated Deposition of a Protective Surface Biopolymer in Plants
Exploring regulation of RET receptor tyrosine kinase signaling in normal development and cancer
Mathematical modeling and experimental study of fluid flow during gravity casting
Development of Pickering water-in-oil-in-water double emulsion delivery system for protection of labile bioactive compounds
Storytelling as a Diabetes Self-management Education Tool : Pilot Evaluation
Project Risk Management with LEGO
Organophosphorus Materials for Renewable Energy Applications
Thinking and Speaking Politics in the Everyday Life: The Experience of Ethic Communities in Montreal.
Techniques for the separation of phospholipid classes for food analysis and lipidomics
Do certain aspects of national culture make corruption more prevalent in some countries?
Interactive visualization of information in natural language
Design and testing of integrated optics for quantum information
New catalysts for the production of bio-degradable polymers
Myoelectric Signal Analysis for Neuromuscular Function
Assessing subgrade and ballast quality and fouling for railways
Nickel Complex Inert-bond Functionalization: Extending Kumada-Coupling to Partially Fluorinated Aromatics
Development of new chitosan based formulation for agricultural application
Proprioceptive control of a self-adaptive hand prosthesis
MEMS Design and Design Automation
Downscaling of MODIS imagery using Landsat data for inland waters studies in Southern Canada
Identification, characterization and mechanism of action of anticancer natural compounds and extracts
Governing Natural Resources in a Global Era: Actors, Practices and Outcomes
Low differential uniform permutations over finite fields
Optical Properties of Nanostructured Electrochromic Films
A comparison of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in developed and developing economies
Natural, social and technical: “savoir-faire” in the Laurentians
Geometry analysis of pelvis for fracture fixation
Geometry analysis of pelvis for making custom plates
The Effect of Nocturnal Wear of Dentures on Sleep and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial
A study of aerosol pollutants using micro-xray and ion beam methods
Evidence of nutrient saturation across human impacted watersheds
Harmful algal blooms: Links between lake ecology, chemistry, and drinking water treatment
Statistical inference of emission from near black holes
Higgs Boson Analysis and Searches for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
Clean Technology Development for the Water Industry
Efficient nano-structured electrocatalysts for Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells
Studies towards a Nickel-Mediated Decarboxylative Coupling
New mapping solutions based on hyperspectral images acquired from an unmanned aerial systems (drone)
Design of a Humanoid mobile robot for Pediatric care
Interfacial adhesion properties of graphene grown on copper through chemical vapour deposition
Does neuronal cross-frequency coupling mediate functional connectivity of spontaneous brain activity?
Centrality of Fashion Typologies, Design and Assortment: A Cross-National Study of Consumer Choice
3D Printing and Domestic Use
Adsorption filters for metals in stormwater
Adsorption of organic contaminants in stormwater
Optochemical self-organization
Optimizing the efficiency of Archimedes screw hydro generators
Intrinsic disorder in pathogen proteomes
Organometallic Materials: Preparation and Structural Characterization of Ferrocenated Nanoclusters
Promoting Advance Care Planning Among Nursing Home Residents and Families
Control of Networking Experiments
Signal Analytics for HealthCare Applications
Controling Nano-scale Location of Proteins to study Asymmetric Division of Cancer Stem Cells
Controling Nano-scale Location of Proteins to study Asymmetric Division of Cancer Stem Cells
Mathematical modeling of multisource and multipath infections for source attribution of gastroenteritis agents
Job search methods over the business cycle
Taxing to Control Economic and Social Costs of Obesity
Physical and cognitive ergonomic of aircraft de-icing on ground and in-fligh
MovingStories Interdisciplinary Research Cohort
Can educational systems help in motivating students?
Continuous spatial query processing for location-based services
Impacts of China's dietary transition on land use transitions
Enhanced Remote Viewing Capabilities from a Camera Array
Lymphocyte-based regulation of uterine vascular changes during early pregnancy
Mountain landscape change analysis
Long-wavelength spin and charge order, friend or foe of high-temperature superconductivity?
Cognitive Platform for Ubiquitous Cloud-based Gaming
Variation in Hospital Resource Use: Systemic Predictors and Implications on Quality and Value
Identification of Biofilm-specific Antibiotic Resistance Genes
Stress-induced feeding: gaining insight into a major cause of obesity
Exploring Similarity Metrics Performance in Selecting Design Alternatives
Exchange Rate and Prices
Initial Design of a 5 Bar Spatial Linkage System Joystick Design Protocol
Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on the Seismic Design of Structures
Explicit solutions for optimal transport between spaces with different dimensions
Graphene Nanoelectronics
Évaluation des politiques publiques d’innovation pour l’industrie aérospatiale
Photo Ranking via Computational Aesthetics
Video Analytics to Rescue: Privacy Preserving Video Surveillance
High temperature resistant aluminum alloys
Development of (doped-)Graphene for Clean Energy Applications
Development of an Agent based Simulation for Pedestrian Movement
Anaerobic Digestion of Thin Stillage for Energy Production and Waste Management of Bioethanol Industries
Passive simulation of a three dimensional virtual world
Characterization of silicon photonic devices
A collaboratively-controlled smart wheelchair for users with cognitive impairments
Serious Games for Wheelchair Training
Climate change adaptation policy and practice: country case-study
Pilgrimage 2.0: Young People, Religion, and Social Media
Impact of hepatic encephalopathy on liver transplantation outcome
Nanomaterials for Clean Energy
Improving Breast Cancer Therapy Strategies by Inhibiting the Cholesterol Biosynthesis Pathway
Development of Product Cases to Study Good Product Design
Development of Structured Exercises to Study Value Growth in Engineering Design
Computational modeling of hierarchical materials
Nanomechanical mapping of biological tissue
Oriented thin films for biological applications
Oriented thin films for optical and sensing (drinking water quality) applications
Redox-dependent mechanisms of the innate immune antiviral response
Development of strategies for better disease management with reduce environmental impact in potato production
1. Control of polymorphism of pharmaceuticals, 2. Cocrystal formation of pharmaceuticals, 3. Crystallization of zeolitic materia
Biosynthesis of fungal natural products
Silicon-based nanostructures for photonics applications
Cervix Models for Simulating Human Birth
MovingStories Interdisciplinary Research Cohort
Role of metabolic inflammation in depressive behavior
Characterization of the molecular mechanisms mediating cell response to cytokines.
SimPeg: Computational modeling of Earth processes using an opensource framework
Visualizing geoscience: linking web-based computation and scientific communication.
Weak Gravitational Lensing as a Probe of Galaxy Evolution
Language Development in Bilingual Infants
Integrated Road Research Facility
Applying computer vision tools for semi-automated tracking of human pose to analyse balance and causes of falling
An Innovative Passive Surface Water flux meter to measure nutrient fluxes
Nutrient Legacies in Anthropogenic Landscapes: Field Experiments and Column Studies
Global Innovators: Broadcasting to Digital Technologies
Protesting Poverty: Mediated Global Protest and Images of Poverty
Carbon Budget of the Lake Duparquet Research and Teaching Forest
Synthèse de nanoparticules d’or pour l’optimisation de la médication contre le glaucome
High-throughput screening of bio-polymer flocculants for wastewater treatment
Challenge and Opportunity: Generating Value from Forest Residues
Network and System Behaviour Analysis
Removal of Emerging Contaminants from drinking water
Dehydrobenzooxepanes by Tandem Nicholas Reactions
Champlain clay micropaleontology and micrography
The influence of hydrodynamics on coalescence in water-in-bitumen emulsions
Molecular mechanisms of synapse remodelling
Stability Analysis of a Wind Power Plant connected to a power system
La mobilité quotidienne des enfants et adolescents : une exploration des données des enquêtes origine-destination de Montréal
MovingStories Interdisciplinary Research Cohort
Automation of Optic Disk registraton and segmentation in retinal imaging
Measuring the usefulness of software design patterns over time
Biomass reinforced rigid bio-Polyurethane foams for automotive parts
Elastomeric lignocomposites for automotive gaskets
Enzymatic delignification of lignin for bio-poylols
Low carbon footprints Polyurethane insulation with natural fibers
Next generated Polyethylene composites with high thermal deformation
Intelligent Control and Protection Systems for High Performance Micro Energy Grids
Use a PBPK model for risk assessment for health and improve a generic model for a specific environmental chemical to increase the biological relevant.
Use a PBPK model for risk assessment for health and improve a generic model for a specific Nanoparticle to increase the biological relevant.
Deep learning for natural language text and image analysis
Semantic learning for sentence analysis and question answering
Automated Mobile App Navigation
Investigating Marine Aerosol Generation Techniques
Automated Testing of Web Applications
Properties of Estimators in Social Network Analysis
Designing Omni-channel Grocery Shopping Solutions for Elderly Shoppers
Evaluating the impact of inflammatory molecules on the bioenergetics of normal immune myeloid and lymphoid cells
Parenting With/In the Professions: Balancing professional careers and family responsibilities
Bio-hybrid material chemistry
ISIBM Market Research - Brazil
MD Simulations of Amyloid Beta Aggregation Inhibitors
Mobile Robot Trajectory Generation using Potential Flow
Biogeochemical Responses to Freezing and Thawing Cycles
Water table fluctuations and soil biogeochemistry
Energetic efficiency of molecular machines
Domestic Violence: Programs and Policy
Stochastic differential equation and random field theory applied to waves in random media
Développement et implantation d’un programme d’assurance qualité en endoscopie digestive pédiatrique
Mobile robot path planning and control
Road reconstruction from low cost sensors for driver-less vehicles
Nanoscale manipulation of material properties using femtosecond lasers
Engineering bacterial genomes as a chassis for synthetic biology
Biofiltration in Drinking Water Systems
Factors that determine the timing and direction of obstacle avoidance with multiple objects.
Visual text analytics of networked information spaces
Breaking Apart the Bacterial Immune System Molecule by Molecule
Investigation of inflammatory merkers in mood disorders
Experimental Computer-Aided Design Flow
Multidisciplinary Optimization Framework for Aircraft Design using High-Fidelity Methods
Delivering evidence-based health care to children with common health conditions and their families using technology
Investigating Stochastic Resonance in Epidemic Models for Infectious Diseases
Mathematical Modeling of the Transmission Dynamics of Infectious Disease
Modulating alternative splicing for therapeutic purposes
Mathematical Modeling of Dynamics of Immune Response to Viral Infections
Optimizing Production of Biomass Fly Ash
V2 Long endurance highly maneuverable UAV using hybrid (gas and electric) power
Improving Performance of Next-generation Solar Cells
Stretchable metal electrodes and interconnects on elastomers
Low-cost, solution-based methods to fabricate stretchable transparent electrodes
Evolution of predator defense in face of exotic invasion
Development of Tailor-Made Water Soluble Polymers for Oil Sands Tailings Remediation
Evaluating In-situ Testing Properties of New Alternative Cementing
Evaluating Use of Kruger Fly Ash in High Performance Concrete (HPC)
Physio-Chemical characterization of alternative cementitious Material
Behaviour of glass-powder concrete in sidewalk applications
Analysis and Visualization of Behavior Data and User Characteristics
MovingStories Interdisciplinary Research Cohort
The effect of age on blood glucose responses to high intensity exercise in type 1 diabetes
Geo+Social Analytics for Healthy Urban Environments
Extending Software for Analysis of Kinome Microarray Data
Mobile cloud based social networking application development
Religion in the Media: Canada and Brazil
GestureLab: Using the Kinect and other Depth Cameras for Display and Telecommunications
Security of quantum cryptography: hacking and countermeasures
STATA Research Assistant
Stronger together-Helping each other to strengthen and sustain Indigenous youth identity and cultural knowledge.
Genome to phenome mapping in apple
Functional analysis of candidate genes in encephalitogenic T cell responses.
Development of new gas hydrate inhibitors
Understanding the behavior of the hydroxyl radical in reactions with biomolecules
Liquid simulation for visual effects
Mesh matching and skeleton retargeting and creation for computer graphics animation
The immunology of co-infection
Simulation of blood flow in heart valves
Protien-modified tranparent electodes for photoelectrochemical catalysis
Protien-modified tranparent electodes for photoelectrochemical catalysis
Differential UV-absorbance for the estimation and control of DBPs
Mobile First Technology Initiative
Nanocrystals based flexible electronic devices
Nanostructure engineering of solution-processed solar cells
Nanocrystals based flexible electronic devices
Nanostructure engineering of solution-processed solar cells
Evaluation of Reproducibility and Accuracy in Image Segmentation Algoirthms
Les bienfaits de l'entraînement cognitif et de l'activité physique sur la cognition, la santé physique et la mobilité des personnes âgées
Experimental validation of a novel medical device tracking technology
Effect of Active Muscle Mass on Post Exercise Blood Pressure
Physical ecology and aquatic ecosystems
Single-Molecule Nanopore-based DNA Sequencing
Modulation of stem cell activities by extracellular matrix molecules
Automated Exploration and Testing in Web 2.0 Applications
Analyse fonctionnelle d’une enzyme nucléolaire essentielle à la croissance de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Modeling tree size distribution
Identifying potential inhibitors, therapeutic drug agents, for aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase enzymes
Multiscale Computational Chemistry Study of the Catalytic Mechanism of Cysteinyl-tRNA Synthetase and Potential Inhibitors
Multiscale Computational Study of the Catalytic Mechanism of CysRS and Design of Potential Inhibitors
An Experimental Study of Concurent Learning Algorithms for Robot Teams
Direct RF Sampling Receivers for GNSS Applications
Low-Power and High-Sensitivity Interfaces for Integrated Sensors
Gene Modification Pathways to Study Metabolism and Cardiovascular Inflammation
Natural Health Products for Kidney Disease Control
Molecular and microstructural characterization of lecithin-based oleogels made with vegetable oil
Flexible Multimedia Streaming Service Using Software Defined Networking
Understanding Human Behaviour Through Smartphone Telemetry
The cognitive neuroscience of indeterminate language interpretation
Cognitive Solutions to Security Surveillance
Control of pneumatically-actuated teleoperation systems for MRI-guided robotic surgery
Battery Bank Management for Green Energy
The development of kinematic and kinetic multisegment foot models for gait analysis
Campus Public Health Emergency Simulations
Developing novel alternatives to antibiotics
Chemistry and Biochemistry of molecular modulators of epigenetic pathways — gateways to new cancer therapeutics
Machine Vision Based Inspection for Assembly Automation
Zebrafish as a high throughput screening tool for the effects of natural products on tuberculosis
Experimental and numerical studies on geothermal energy systems
Plasticity in the chemical senses
MovingStories Interdisciplinary Research Cohort
Discrete element modelling of soil-tool interaction
Evaluations of performance of tillage or seeding tools
Improving the reliability and accuracy of flood forecasting and warning systems
Circuit Design and Design Automation for Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI Systems
Flax Fibre Cleaning
Optimization Modelling of the Physical Internet Logistics System
Modelling of thermoelectric properties of extrinsic semiconductors with the aid of the Lambert W function.
Laser-induced interactions in ultra-cold gases
Integrative analysis of DNA mutations in Cancer
Rehabilitation of the Pasig River
Competency Modeling of Construction Organizations
Construction Labour Productivity Data Collection, Analysis, and Modeling
Modelling DNA replication
Effect of climate change on rivers and streams
Role of a cell adherence molecule in the development of the neural locomotor circuitry
Functional motor recovery after spinal cord injury
Development of Flow Chemistry Methods for the Synthesis of Heterocycles for Use in Medicinal Chemistry Programs
Reconstructing changes in the Indian monsoon and hydrological cycle
MovingStories Interdisciplinary Research Cohort
Fingerprinting Labrador Sea Water formation: A connection of proxy records and AMOC observations Research problem
Modelling the Early Evolution of Dense Star Clusters
Computational methods for understanding chemical reactions on metallic surfaces
Investigating Adhesion Driven by Electrostatics
Mechanically Flexible and Stretchable Graphene Microcircuits
Development of a new on-line assay based in hydrogen/deuterium exchange to assist the identification of transformation products
Synthesis of Anti-inflammatory Natural Products
High throughput functional proteomics for surface proteins on mouse embryonic stem cells
An Empirical Analysis of Monetization Strategies for Free to Play Games
Laser Micro/Nano Processing for Solar Cell and Biomaterials Fabrication
Nature-inspired Engineering of Functionalized Nanoporous Carbon Materials for Environmental and Sustainable Energy Applications
Optomechanical characterization of microbottle optical microresonators
Modelling Enzyme Interactions with DNA
Frequency locking of a pulsed Titanium Sapphire ring laser cavity
The function of spinal interneurons in motor control
Detection of the HIV-1 ASP protein in infected cells
Collective Online Improvisation Activities for Music Learning: An Immersive System Based on Gamification Rules
Activities and factors that promote musical engagement of young musicians following instrument lessons in various school learnin
Understanding collective informal music learning on youth musical engagement in outside music schools context.
Strategic Design Process Research
Wireless RF Tag for Food Spoilage Monitoring
Short-term traffic state estimation/prediction on freeways
Advanced algorithms for social network analysis with Hadoop and Spark
Cytoscape Network Visualization and Analysis Software Development
Incorporation of intuition into process models, with applications in energy, mineral processing and froth flotation
Incorporation of intuition into process models, with applications in energy, mineral processing and froth flotation
Antibiofilm molecules active agains staphylococci
Reading between the lines - using tree rings to understand fire regimes and effects of global environmental change
Assessing the Impact of a Program to Reduce Violence against Children
Development of Bionanomaterials for Optimized Cellular Microenviroonment
Efficient Three-dimensional User Interfaces
Thermal characterisation of flax fiber composite
Performance and Energy Characterization of Multicore Servers
MovingStories Interdisciplinary Research Cohort
Yield Stress of a Thermo-Responsive Polymeric Solution
Deposition of Gold Metal by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Development of Oxidative Coupling Methodologies for Stereoselective Transformations
Understanding the Dynamics of Harsh Space Weather and Space Radiation
Synthesis of indole-based heterocycles using indole quinone methides (IQM)
Development and testing of MRI-compatible medical devices
Implementation on an audio DSP of a binaural beamformer
Abundance, growth, body condition and metal content of juvenile American lobster (Homarus americanus) in relation to salmon farm
Music and cognition
Perceptions regarding green technologies
Social identity and preventative healthcare interventions
Taxation and the social contract
Generalized Projection MRI
Numerical Analysis in Flows Microscale Turbomachinery
Comparative Analysis of catalytic enzyme makeup in microbial communities
Genomics of plant-spider mite interaction
Training for impression management and faking detection
Mass Spectrum Data Mining for Peptide Identification
Mass Spectrum Data Mining for Peptide Identification
Developing a Mathematical Modeling Software Package for Public Health Users
Re-evaluation of Phase 3 clinical cancer trials: A meta-analysis using a novel statistical threshold
Distribution of uncertainty in probabilistic forecasting of the spring freshet and implications for water resources management.
Scientific and operational value of alternative datasets in hydrological science
Mitex - Mining Traces of System Execution
The discovery and development of anti-parasitic agents from natural compounds.
TSAD - Tool Support for Anomaly Detection
Size Estimates of Common Objects
Controlled coupling of graphene with nanoparticles for applications in solar cells and catalysis
Synthesis and surface modification of nanoparticles for biomedical applications
Start-up of a highly instrumented pilot wastewater treatment plant with advanced process control
Assessing the water resources vulnerability of the Canadian Prairies under climate change background
The regimes of convective rainfall over the Canadian Prairies
Characterization of dormany in the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Efficient Symbolic Regression by Genetic Programming and Gradient-descent
Analogues of Spintronics Phenomena in Superconductors
A Toolkit for Real-Time Audio Awareness
Optical bio-sensor
Mining Software Repositories Data
Biopolymer compounds with improved processability and properties
Learning Usage Patterns for Personalized Intelligent Bidirectional Charging of Electric Vehicles
Entanglement Creation
Structure-function analysis of the spindle checkpoint protein Bub3
Biophotonics: Medical imaging using lasers
Development of glycerol-oxidizing microbial fuel cells
Cultural differences in competitive intelligence practices
Human factors engineering and amusement attractions
Ecological stoichiometry modeling
Modeling predator-prey interactions with refuge
Modeling the spread of influenza A virus (H1N1)
Pest Management Using Green Technology
Silicon stress engineering
The Polylogarithm and the Lambert W functions in Thermoelectric and Thermoluminescent Applications
Creating three dimensional in vitro models of heterogenous tumours
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Mass Estimation
Online estimation of a road slope through sensor fusion approach with a hydrid electric vehicle
Haptic rendering of planar rigid body kinematics and dynamics
Syntax Error Detection and Code Completion in Javascript IDEs
3D printing of polymer-based MEMS
Early and late atherosclerotic disease demonstrated by Magnetic Resonance Vessel wall imaging
Apprentissage des langues à l’heure du numérique
A library of mechanized mathematics and computer science
Developing Magnetic Nanoparticles for Tumour Targeted Radiotherapy
Lightweight materials for aerospace and automotive applications
Closed-loop deep brain stimulation for the treatment of epilepsy
Fishing Technology - Improving Mobile Bottom Trawls
Design and implementation of a​ general purpose​ ​test-bench for an implantable​ ​system on chip
Color Tunable Materials for Sensing and Biosensing Applications
Acoustic emssions analysis of polymer failure
Conception de technologies d'encapsulation multidimensionnelle configurables
The cells and molecules that make a brain
Ultrasonic imaging in dentistry
Circle graphs and polygon graphs
Exploring multipartite quantum correlations for quantum computation and communication
Ultrasonic imaging in dentistry
Self-powered microfluidics for point-of-care diagnostics of Leishmania infections
Supply Chain Network Design Under Disruption Risks
Catalytic Natural Gas Upgrading of Low Cost Carbon Resources for Producing Valuable Commodities
Low Temperature Catalytic NOx Control under High Sulfur Environment
Encoding Culturally Responsive Game Mechanics into Video Game Engines
Development of Electrode Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion
Geometric Representation of Graphs
Acoustic Metrics And Occupied Spaces
Advanced Oxidation of Micropollutants in Water for Water Reuse
LKB1-dependent regulation of lysosomal function by mitochondria
Displacement and mixing in two-fluid pipe flows
Foamed cement placement modelling
Gas Invasion into Cemented Oil and Gas Wells
Brain-Computer Authentication
Information Security
Energy Expenditure (EE) Validation using a Self Propelled Treadmill during Repeated Sprints
Hauling Truck Routing Problem in Open-pit Mine Site
Topology and magnetism in spin-orbit coupled oxides
Development of Electrode Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion
Mechanisms of Age-related muscle loss
Investigating electrochemical methods for the preparation of DNA modified electrode surfaces
Investigating Alternative Methods for Data Collection: Gamification of Census Surveys
Non-invasive mechanical ventilation in a neonatal ovine model
Infrared Thermography for NonDestructive Testing: Image processing and Experiments
Implementation and testing of a robust flight control for a new unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
Balancing the development and environment impact in mining operations
K-band substrate integrated waveguide variable phase shifter
A neuroimaging study invesigating the development of spatial orientation in children.
Formation of Pt-Ir metal nanoparticle arrays using pulsed laser dewetting
Environmental Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Network in Cold Weather
Exploring Bioaccessibility Constraints on the Dissolution of Chemicals from Dental Materials
Development of a graphical interface to analyze Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) experimental data
Production and Purification of Protein for Structure Determination Using X-ray Crystallography
Contributions des ressources cognitives dans le contrôle de l'équilibre
Ecosystem function and services of urban streams
Identifying immune responses of insect vectors to the pathogens they transmit.
Biodiversity of streams and their riparian areas
Turkish Accounting and Control Practices: Past and Present
Characterization of renewable energy power platform
Computer Simulation and Magnetic Design for Power Electronics
Holocene environmental change in southern Quebec inferred from microfossil data
Climate change Mitigation in Agricultural Landscapes
Competitive Intelligence in the Era of Big Data : Making Data Speak Business
Developing new microwave imaging technology via a spintronics approach
Study the physics of spin current in magnetic devices for creating new data storage technology
Testing the functionality of novel spintronics microwave imaging system
Exploring the 1-wire bus for wireless sensor networks
Prehistoric extinct mammal and human remains from a subaquatic cave in Cuba
prediction of genetic interaction in human
Pistes de solutions au défis de développement durable des PME
Optical near field microscopy for material science and reliability testing
Far-Infrared Spatial/Spectral Interferometry
Design of electrokinetic unit operations suitable for Lab-on-a-Chip and other microfluidic devices
Clinical pathway data modelling
Exploring Participatory Research Exploring Wellness with Indigenous Youth
Divergence Preserving Approximation of Vector Fields
Synthetic lipids
Using Lifecycle Costs to Design Isolation Systems
Materials for solid oxide fuel cells and all-solid-state Li ion batteries
Synthesis of novel light-emitting materials based on thiazyl ligands.
Functional Inorganic Dyes and Sensitizers
Multicore Scheduling
Quantum control of chaos for quantum computation and communication
Time-Dependent Dynamics in Topological Insulators
Galaxy mergers in the local universe
Green Process Systems Engineering
Empowering Homeless Individuals in Fort McMurray: A participatory action research based intervention
Synthesis and Characterization of Quantum Materials
Local and global inference of fine-grained optional type systems
Disability and Social Work in Chinese Schools of Social Work
Disability, Social Work, and Schools of Social Work in the Middle East
Design of insole haptic actuator
Robotic Collision Management apply in virtual reality for haptic rendering
Design of Human-Robot Interaction using activities classification in the feedback loop
Nanoparticles for Gene Medicines
Characteristics of children with hearing loss: Results from newborn hearing screening
Educational data mining software repository
Développement d’outils opérationnels de correction atmosphérique pour l’amélioration des mesures des mouvements des sols et des
Groundwater nutrient discharge and its role in coastal / lake eutrophication
Multimedia Communications on Handheld devices
3D segmentation and deformation evaluation
3D textured mesh evaluation and cross device study
Touchless Interface based on 3D sensors
Exploring parasite gene families and their link to parasite survival
Software Defined Radio based Indoor Localization
Aspects of cuspidal representations of Lie groups of finite type
Water Quality Characterization for Stormwater Ponds in Edmonton
Design and implementation of a video link physical layer for underwater acoustic communications
Development of novel Geovisualization and Spatial Statistical techniques to detect disease clustering
Nanotechnology and novel materials for biomedical applications
Developmental Brain Plasticity
Developmental Brain Plasticity
Microfluidic Biotechnologies
MovingStories Interdisciplinary Research Cohort
Signal Processors and Implementations for Relay Assisted Wireless communication Systems
Web table extraction and cleaning
Direct analysis of food by electrothermal vaporisation coupled to inductively coupled plama optical emission spectrometry
MovingStories Interdisciplinary Research Cohort
Investigate the thickness of the clay sediments and the topography of bedrock under the cover in the northern regions of Quebec
Tandem excitonic solar cells
Big Data Analytics
Integrating solar panels and green roofs for improved efficiency
Numerical simulations of internal solitary waves in the ocean
Computational Modeling of of Nuclear Waste Remediation
Optimizing the Capacity of Quantum Channels
Towards an accurate theoretical description of electronic spectra of heavy elements. Do intensities depend on the Hamiltonian?
Unraveling chemical bonding in uranium compounds based on quantum entanglement
Characterization of braided composite aircraft structural components
Gestural contrast in speech errors
Hybrid PET/MRI Imaging
Malnutrition, maladie hépatique chronique et encéphalopathie hépatique: impact et pathogénèse
Study upper and middle crust structure using geophysical methods
Microwave spectroscopy of unconventional metals, superconductors, and insulators
Accounting and global communications
Simulation of electrocardiograms in a computer model of the heart and torso
Cross Roads: Developing user interfaces and research tools for use with 3D cultural Heritage simulation
Children with mild bilateral and unilateral hearing loss
The Human Development and Capabilities Approach: Theoretical Issues
Production of novel scl and mcl PHAs using enzymes sourced from Canadian MetaMicrobiome Project
Magnetic Resonance in Topological Materials
Multi-image inversion of radiative transfer model for satellite-derived bathymetry
Dynamic loads in mechanistic-empirical pavement design
Evaluation of cold recycled materials characteristics with non-destructive methods
Charge transport in semiconductor nanowire arrays
Visual analytics for health and safety
Radio Resource Management in Emerging Wireless Communication Systems
Wireless Sensors for Green Communication
Application of backfill in underground mines
Characterization of collagen using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS)
Chemotherapeutic Bone Cements
Transformative Bioglasses for Surgical Applications
Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli to produce high value sugars
Exploring and Expanding the Field of Asymmetric Phase Transfer Catalysis
Exploring the Origins of Reactivity and Selectivity in Asymmetric Organocatalysis
The Effects of Herbicides on Aquatic Biofilsm
The Effects of Naphthenic Acids on Aquatic Biofilms
Next Generation of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Infrared-Visible video registration
The Future of Public Housing: Policies, Planning and Practice
The Future of Public Housing: Policies, Planning and Practice
New Synthetic Approach to Thiophene Materials
Assessment of Mechanical Characteristics of Periodontal Ligaments
Assessment of Mechanical Soundness of Craniofacial Implant Superstructures
Synthesis of Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin-based Glycodendrimers
Repair, retrofit and strengthening of reinforced concrete shear walls with Fibre-Reinforced Polymers (FRP)
Strucrual health monitoring and condition assessment of bridges
Characterization of Nano Scale Material Properties through Scratching and Indentations
Dynamics of Workplace Falls
Operations research in Marketing and supply chain management
Web-based GeoSpatial Analytics for the Consumer Service Sector
Risk management and optimization in dual-channel supply chain management
Modification d'un moteur à combustion interne pour un fonctionnement à l'ammoniac
Massive Collaboration in a Programming Environment
Microbial and plant metabolic engineering for the production of petrochemical replacements.
Molecular biomarker characterization for environmental monitoring of aquatic pollutants in fish
The role of olfactory deficits in Neurodegenerative diseases
The role of caspases in neurodegeneration
Saving Power by Improving /etc/hosts file DNS lookup performance
Elders and Memory
Elastographie par force de Lorentz
The Development of Sulfur and Nitrogen based Catalysts for Organic Chemistry
Secure email for a multi-platform environment
Leadership and Motivation in Africa and the Diapora
Domain specific language integration for hardware-aware software generation
Online board game for assessing cognitive abilities
Signalling pathways controlling neuronal shape and migration
Interactive Navigation Interfaces for 3D Scene Exploration
Visualization of for solving Very Large Scale Optimization problems in Physical Design
Natural and induced microseismicity in Western Canada
Seismic Imaging Using Regional Broadband Arrays
Effect of Filament Material in the Gas-phase Reaction Chemistry with Silacylobutane Molecules in a Hot-wire Chemical Vapor Depos
Formation of Tungsten Carbides using Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition
Characterization and localization of an urban noise nuisance -- `The Ranchlands``Hum`
Engineering neural tissue from pluripotent stem cells
Analysis of Inductive Reasoning Ability through User Behaviour
Associative Learning Skill Assessment through User Behaviour
Inhibition of Biofilm Development in Klebsiella pneumoniae by Synthetic Antimicrobial Peptides.
Fast-growing sequences and their digits
Inflammation, stress and the conceptus-endometrium cross communication in dairy cows
Sustainable solutions to improve estrous detection and reproductive efficiency in dairy cows
Cavity Optomechanics and Spin Transfer
Redox-active Metal-based Anticancer Compounds
Graph Analytics Clustering Using Swarm Intelligence
Characterization of human aldolase C mutants in autism and schizophrenia
Using a Micromachined Optical device designed to see through Tissue
ComplexType: New Formats for Digital Typography
Non invasive measurement of kidney fibrosis
Mining interesting information and useful knowledge from social networks
Statistics and phytoplankton community ecology
Crosstalk between the two visual streams
Backfill design in underground mines
Investigations of Nanostructured Materials
Impact of Information/Communications Technology on Administrative Corruption Experienced by the Poor in India
Pathobiology of prion diseases
Pratiques exemplaires en enseignement des sciences et technologie à l'élémentaire
Multi-user collaborative visualization and segmentation of medical images
Radiation-tolerant FPGA architectures
Drug-Drug Interaction Engine
Queueing at International Border Crossings
Indentation test on fracture toughness of rail steels
Bioninformatics analysis of clincial cancer data
Dynamic Analysis of Modular Steel Structures
Determination of phthalates in swimming pools and wastewater by capillary electrophoresis
Feedback control of floating offshore wind turbines
Implementation of an Engine Control Unit for Automotive Fuel Injection
Big data mining and analytics
Innovation and Strategic Management of Wineries in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia
Investigation of the molecular interplay between plants and viruses
Android Application Security
Global trade in services
A Computational Study of the Kinetics and Thermochemistry of the Decomposition of Dimethylaminosilane Molecules
Design and Development of Behavior-Based Safety Management System (BBSMS) Using In Vehicle Monitoring System (IVMS)
Nano surface characterization of Dental Biomaterials
Robotic systems for needle steering in prostate brachytherapy
Developing a interdisciplinary surveillance system methodology for pathogens in water, humans and animals using a One Health Ap
Functional characterization of mutant forms of the melanocortin type 4 receptor (MC4R) involved in genetic severe obesity.
Biological decoloration of textile dyes
Cooperation and control of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles for load transportation
Giant nonlinear optical effects in ultracold atoms
Biological communities in a human modified coastal landscape
Natural products from cultivable bacteria
Aerodynamic measurements on airfoils in the wind tunnel
Phytoplankton macromolecular pools
Genomics and molecular biology of microbial eukaryotes
Theoretical Exploration of the Free Surface of a Spin Liquid
Evolution of High Latitude Birds
Design and operation of third generation biofuel processes
MovingStories Interdisciplinary Research Cohort
The Interface of Religion and Politics
University International Collaborations as a Vehicle for Social Change and Public Diplomacy
Thermoelectric Materials
Simulation of flow inside buildings
Construction of multi-platform software systems for the rehabilitation of visuomotor conditions.
Interactive Exploration of Social Software-Engineering Communities
Coupling numerical weather prediction for long lead-time flood forecasting
Design of an omnidirectional shear horizontal wave transducer
Towards the detection of osteoporosis using guided waves
Improved bottom-up algorithms for estimation and projection of municipal water demand
Molecular structural studies of human norovirus replication enzymes
Parallel Programming for Real-Time Applications on Multi-core Processors
Mathematical modelling of Gene Regulatory Systems
Improve safety and productivity of construction projects using serious-game simulation
High quality iOS applications in Nit
Finite element modeling and Design Optimization for Automotive / Aerospace Design
Converting waste agriculture residues into hydrogen and electricity
Laser Spectroscopy on exotic nuclei at TRIUMF
Software patterns and the Nit language
Rheology of mixtures of pentane Asphaltenes + nanoparticles in solvents
Applying the discrete fracture network (DNF) approach in a crystalline aquifer setting
Changing agricultural landscapes and groundwater quality in sensitive aquifers
Evaporation from porous media
Caffeine disrupts the ontogeny of stress response in zebrafish
The isotopic fingerprint of global groundwater resources
Spectroscopic probe of cell adhesion at the solid-liquid interface
Turbulence Convection of Heat from Solar PV Panel
Molecular Structure at Interfaces
Compiler-based Fault Injection Tool for Robustness Testing
Les contraintes et les leviers aux pratiques de gestion qui favorisent la santé psychologique au travail
Quantum Electrodynamics in Flatland
Conventions, Illocutionary Silencing, and Speech
Custom Software to Process Triangle Meshes of 3 Dimensional Surface Data
A graphical interface for semi-automated road user tracking
Influence of the LED irradiance transmitted through zirconia ceramic on the shear bond strength of a resin cement to dentin
Integrated logistics optimization
Sustainable distribution management
Anthropomorphic Pedagogical Agents
Novel applications of hypervalent iodine reagents in synthesis
Influence of resin opacity and LED output on the microhardness of resin composites
Implementing Solar PV Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles
Biomimetics of a Passively Morphing Wing
Impact des changements climatiques sur les ressources en eau dans les bassins versants canadiens de type Alpin
Solvent free chemistry of aminocarbohydrates
The protein link between oxidized ascorbate and homocysteine thiolactone
Helping Improve Digital Camera Sensors
Energy efficient provisioning and scheduling of Road-Side Units
Lorentz Force Elastography
Role of adhesion signaling in growth and ageing of the heart in a genetic model
Photochemical water-splitting with transition metal complexes
Going Viral: The Dynamics of Belief Transmission
Chemogenomics of antifungal drugs
Cerebellar neurogenesis defect in the lysosomal acid phosphatase 2 (Nax - Naked-Ataxia) mutant mice
Regulating Innovation: Law and the Creative District
Optimal Design of Polymer Nanocomposites
Waste Organics to Biofuel
Photochemical surface engineering of nanoparticles and various substrates
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing for children and adolescents with Tetralogy of Fallot
Synthesis of delta opioid recerptor agonists for the treatment of pain
Adaptive Congestion Control in the Internet
Clock synchronization testbed and implementation
Hierarchically self-assembled nanomaterials for high efficiency excitonic solar cells
Sensitive Determination of Carotenoids in Bird Feathers by Capillary Electrophoresis and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Database tools for understanding developmental biology
Transboundary Rivers and Adaptation to Climate Extremes in North America
Production of biodiesel under ultrasounds
Production of gazoline range hydrocarbons from wastes
Computational study into the stabilizing interactions in internal loops of oligonucleotides
Quantum Opto-electronics of Ultra-short Carbon Nanotubes
Synthesis of self-assembled nano spheres
Electrolysis Technologies in Recycling of Spent Wash Water from Fresh Produce Processing
Improving patient safety in hospitals by preventing venous thromboembolism
The Public Communication of Science
Ubiquitous learning analytics
performance of RC beams and columns using green concrete
Exploitation of second-order information in models estimation
Voltammetric Determination of Antioxidants in Food
Biomass densification studies
Recognizing networks with a spatial embedding
Development of a basic 3d model of peatland development
Evaluation of gecko-inspired adhesives for space docking and debris capture
Research on Self-Tapping-Wood-Screws
Scalable and Reliable Storage Virtualization
Segmentation of Breast Magnetic Resonance Images
Coupling of zooplakton prey and fish larvae in the St. Lawrence River
Spatial Competency in autonomous robots
“Should I stay or should I go?” The career aspirations, retention and experiences of international students in Atlantic Canada
Registration of Breast Magnetic Resonance Images
Polymetallic dendrimers for solar energy conversion
Musulmans convertis au christianisme au Québec et au Canada
Development of a smartphone-based acoustic environment tracker for speech enhancement applications
Automated image analysis for measurement of brain structures on magnetic resonance images
Energy transitions and Energy Economics: the role of energy and power density
Swimming in complex fluids
Studies of metal-dioxygen complexes and their oxidation properties
Energy-efficient thermal management in deep underground mines
Antifungal and bioinsecticidal activities of polymeric films containing nanoemulsion of essential oils in in situ conditions
Hadji Ahmed's Map of the World, 1559: A Musical Conversation About Identity
Chemical Transformations of a New N-containing Renewable Platform Molecule
The regulation of autophagy by the pregnane X receptor and its functional consequences in the intestinal mucosa
Interstellar Hydrogen Database
A system for protein-protein interaction prediction evaluation and consensus
Flexible solar power for active window dressings
Magnetocaloric materials
Multistep chemical synthesis with continuous recycling of waste products
Mental mathematics and the enactivist theory of cognition: a study of mathematical objects and strategies
Attentional Mechanisms
Green Mining: Optimization of Power Consumption Using Green Mining Techniques
Methods and Techniques for Security Assessment of Android Apps
Rational design of opioid analgesics for treatment of chronic pain
Genomics of parasitic protozoa
Characterization of cold asphalt mixes containing recycled materials for pavement design
Microwave Imaging for Biomedical Application
Cancer chemoprevention properties of beta-glucans extracted from yeasts
Ubiquitous learning system for music
Ubiquitous learning system for visual activity e.g. dance
Cellular mechanisms underlying colour vision in fishes
Neurocognition and functional outcomes in mood disorders
Design and Control of Bio-Inspired Micro-Swimming Robots
Quantum computation and quantum optics with circuit quantum electrodynamics
Analysis and Design of Authenticated Encryption Schemes
Molecular characterization of multidrug resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii
Automatic model generation for software testing
Data Patterns in Cloud
Test Case Diversification
Thermomagnetic Ferrofluid Power Generator
Religion in the Media: Canada and India
Méthodes statistiques optimales et flexibles en hydrologie
Ontario Power Grid Modelling for Incorporation of Renewable Energy Sources
Mathematical modeling of the diatoms.
Generalized Gaussian distribution and an application
Kalman filtering and noise estimation
Development and validation of assays for the culture of stem cells and pancreatic cells
Designing touch interfaces on Android for Learning Management Systems
Social media signal processing
Recognizing the player's intent in a real-time strategy game
Carbon sequestration in agroforestry systems
A solar micro-inverter with a new multi-level topology
A Cloud-based Project Scheduling Application
A Cloud-based Resource Management Application
Understanding the practicality of low-distortion embeddings
Implementation complexity and performance trade-offs of LDPC codes for throughput optimization in wireless communications
Public health impacts of water quality in recreational and agricultural environments
Catalytic Carbostannylation of Alkynes
Design and Synthesis of Functionalized Nanorods and Nanofibrils
Self-Centering Concrete Structures
Acceleration of communication system simulation using a parallel environment
Basic studies for controlled doping of graphene for developing solar cells
Bioconversion of Biomass into sugar-based Intermediates
Sustainable polymer reaction engineering
Hydrogéologie et conservation des milieux humides
Multiple Contexts in Online Communication
An atomic force microscopy study of diamond dissolution
Anatomy of the cerebellar cortex
Gravitational Potential Solver through GPU Computing
Using genome-wide high throughput genotyping technologies to identify recurrent genomic abnormalities in ovarian cancers
The role of the R2TP complex in pre-rRNA processing
Acute and Chronic Effects of Obesity
Nanomechanical control of spins in diamond
Development of a MEMS-based Novel Infrared Spectrograph for Astronomical Applications
Study of a Web client for multimedia live streams.
Awareness of Human-Robot Interaction: Remote Robot Control with Oculus Rift
fMRI and kinematic analysis of human movement
Information extraction from Twitter Messages
New fluorescent dyes for bio-imaging
Analysis of turbulent flow structure around bluff bodies in open-channels
Experimental investigation of flow characteristics in CSP and HDPE culverts
Spacecraft-plasma interaction modeling
Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and tomography to assess the performance of the ASI impeller in the mixing of slurries
Characterization of thiol reductase activity of cystathionine beta lyase
Rural Capacity: Determinants and Drivers
Modeling of Risk Genetics in Rheumatoid Arthritis
International Trustworthiness Study
Communications systems for low earth orbit satellites
Reliable satellite embedded systems
Customary International Law Norms on Indigenous Rights in Comparative Case Law
Numerical Simulations of turbulent flows
Securing Web Applications through Diversity
A Mobile Fieldtrip application for Distance Education in Physical Geography
iCollaborator - A Real-Time Synchronization Mobile Application for Collaborative Mobile Learning
Analysis and optimisation of aircraft ice protection system
Improved Semi-Analytical Approach for Heavy Oil Recovery Modeling in Heterogeneous Reservoirs
Mid-infrared Carrier Envelope Phase Measurement
Wireless Communications in Industrial and Agricultural Environments
Improving Sustainable Communities Through Improving Data Access
Temperature dependence of phytoplankton growth in the ocean
Plant and insect chemical interactions
In situ spectroscopic analyzes of working catalysis working under microwave stimulation
Telepresence Robot Enabled Remote Lab for Distance Education
Classification of Coding Competency
Placenta hormones as adjunct in treatment of diabetes
Walking Cadence: A Novel Strategy to Improve the Proportion of Inactive Older Adults who Reach the CPAG
Liner systems for environmental protection
Mining environmental microbiomes for the production of superior bioproducts
Internet of Electric Vehicles
Dynamics and control of electrodynamic tether system
Advanced Materials for Energy Harvesting
Non-holomorphic vector bundles and asymptotic Hodge theory
Developing the Laboratory of Social and Popular Education in Health Practices
Antimicrobial Activity of Kisameet Clay
CBC NewsWorld Holodeck
Soil Structure Interaction for Wind Energy Foundation
Operational planning in supply chain
Rebuilding lives post-disaster: Innovative community practices for sustainable development
Functional genomic of plant biotrophic pathogen virulence genes
Design and Implementation of an Online Electroencephalographic Analysis System for the Identification of Upper Limb Movements
Novel machine learning and kernel methodologies in omic sciences
Geographical information systems processing: understanding urban form
X-ray fluorescence for medical and public health applications
Code Dependency Analysis on Google Chrome
Collimator design study for a PET-derived SPECT imager
Optimization of detector operating parameters for SPECT imaging on a PET scanner
Auto ID Solutions for improving Track Worker Safety in Transportation Sector
Computational Complexity and Pseudorandomness
Interaction Between Lantibiotics and beta-Lactoglobulin by MALDI-Mass Spectrometry
Secure Data Management Systems for Biomedical Applications
Early development of the nervous system
Fully automated tool for porting analog and mixed signal circuits within different technology process
Writing Analytics
An experimental investigation of gravity current flow
Marine transportation of crude oil in Atlantic Canada
Improving Metaheuristics with Thresheld Convergence
Development and implementation of innovative Micro-Computer-Based experiments for secondary physics teaching
Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Management
Advanced Terahertz Spectroscopy
Study of Capture Efficiency of a Sensitive/Rapid/Economic Pathogen Detection Device
Bus Rapid Transit Investment and Development Potential
Equity and Transportation Investments
Biomimetic composites for tough and flexible materials
Language Technologies for Health Informatics
Integrated Nonlinear Photonic Devices for Optical Communicatons and Quantum Informationons
Dynamic simulator for the humanoid robot DARwIn-OP
Mulit-scale computational modelling for renewable energy
Explore stimuli-responsive degradation platfrom for controlled drug delivery
Integrated task and path planning
Automatic Comment and Code Generation for Improving Programming Productivity
Computer simulations of lipids and membrane proteins
Computational studies of nanoscale materials for renewable energy
Strategies for combining surface and downhole microseismic data
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for turbulent flames
Motion Perception Studies
Purple Martin Conservation in Central Alberta
Examination of the King-Devick test, dynamic visual acuity and visual-motor reaction time in healthy individuals
Tongue motion analysis using ultrasound images
Energy recovery from algae anaerobic degistion
Simulation Studies in Wireless Sensor Networks
Carbon nanotube-based field ionization source for space-borne mass spectrometer
Freehand 3D ultrasound using electromagnetic tracking and RF ultrasound signals
Graph Mining on Twitter Data Stream
MEMS-based Optical Transceiver
Building a Privacy Preserving Data Cleaning System
Mathematical Measure of Efficiency
Flight Disruption Risk Assessment using Visual Analytics
National Implementation of International Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines
Rolling resistance of wheelchairs - a detailed analysis
Rolling resistance of wheelchairs - a detailed analysis
Development of new redox-neutral coupling reactions of biomass platform molecules
Genomic regulation in cancer and AIDS
Automated Extraction of Perfusion Fraction from MRI Images
Classification automatique par ordinateur d'images de diatomées (algues)
Phytoliths as palaeobotanical indicators of climate change and context for human evolution
Benchmarking Financial Liberalization in a Global Context
Sustainable Health Systems: Expert system development, IAQ
Integration and flight testing of a low cost vegetation health sensor into a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
The Lethbridge Journal Incubator: Designing a portable XML-based workflow for Open Access scholarly and scientific publishing
Metal and oxide termination of transparent conducting oxides
Distance in directed hypergraphs
Programming and Testing Google Glass/Android Innovative Applications
Développement d'outils de détection des algues / Tool development for detection of algal blooms
Individual variation in the courtship display of the Ruffed Grouse
Molecular mechanisms of obesity-induced cardiac dysfunction - role of lysophospholipase signaling
Imaging Processing and Machine Learning in Clinical Microscopy
Image Processing
Gathering Knowledge from Trends in Social Media
Refined Gruss Inequality and Its Applications in the Theory of Liquid Crystals
Sensory substitution from vision to audition
Basic Equations of Ferrohydrodynamics: Mathematical Theory and Special Solutions
Biodiversity and functional study of gut bacteriophages
Programmation d'applications en combinatoire du plan discret
Flooding, Connectivity and Ecosystem Services along the Central Asian River-floodplain
Flooding, Connectivity and Ecosystem Services in the Himalayans
Autonomous Change Detection in network streams
Contribution of prophages to the virulence of Clostridium difficile
New synthetic routes to carbocyclic sugar mimics
Conservation biology of freshwater mussels
RiseforTx: Testing the feasibility of a web application for reducing sitting during treatment for prostate cancer
The ATLAS Muon Small Wheel project at the LHC
Visualization of supersonic oscillator internal flow dynamics
Molecular mechanisms underlying freeze tolerance in insects
Modèlisation mathématique des infections multivoie et multisources pour l'attribution de sources des agents de gastroentérite
Assessing Workloads: Pupil's Response for Task Difficulty in Goal-direct Movement
Theoretical investigations of nanocomposites as functional materials
Agents and Meta-Strategies in 2x2 Games
Development of pipette-friendly microfluidic culture system for modeling 3D blood vessels
History of Oxfam Canada's Regional Offices 1965-2014
Complexity, non-equilibrium physics and the brain
Role of chemokine CCL2 and its receptor CCR2 in the genesis and development of induced pain in bone cancer
Sustainable Communities - Sharing Local Knowledge Globally
Development of Multiagent Unmanned Systems
Development of functional magnetic nanoparticles for removing organic contaminants in processed waste & drinking water systems
Development of functional nanocrystalline cellulose for biomedical and personal care applications
A New Legal Regime For Virtual Property – Notaries Project
Caring Places for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
Game Theoretic Models of Venture Capital Funding
Distributed Data Sharing Middleware for Healthcare Practice Improvement
Self-Optimization of service-oriented architectures for Mobile and Cloud Applications
Mathematical Finance
Next-gen RNA/DNA sequence analysis of pediatric acute leukemias
Fault tolerant quantum computation
Political Scandal and the evolution of political culture
Gesture use in very young bilingual children
Developing microfluidic systems for biological applications
Dynamic Real-Time Optimization of Chemical Process Systems
Deciphering the novel roles of noncoding RNAs in normal and cancer cells
Analysis of retinal image patches
Bending Vibrations of Wavy Beams with Applications to Automobile Chassis
Electrospun nanofibers for adsorption of pollutants from wastewaters
Multithreaded/Multicore Scheduling Techniques
Assessing Geotechnical Properties of Carbonation Derived Aggregates
Multithreaded/Multicore Scheduling Techniques
The balance of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects in fatty liver disease
Genetic algorithms in optical system design
Renewable Bionanocomposites
Epileptic seizures in a mouse model of neonatal hypoxia-ischemia encephalopathy
Modeling and Control of a Dredge-Based Tailings Thickening Process
Advanced Solar Systems for Saudi Arabia (ASSA)
Statistical challenges in individual patient data meta analysis
Exploring alternate technology for Microelectromechanical gyroscope
Landscape implications of grazing practices in Australia
360-degree Immersive Video for the Occulus Rift
Cooperative Computing with Smartphones over Short-Range Wireless Links
Predictions Markets Analysis and Design
EnergyWorld: a Decision Simulator in Python
Modelling practical long-distance quantum communication by sampling
Estimating a predictive density after selection
Mapping Comparative Law
Enhancing Coaxial Geothermal Ground Loop Performance
Trade-off between plant defenses and reproduction under different stress agents along various resource gradients
Axiom Extraction from texts for Ontology Learning
Mixed-Initiative Dashboards for Learning Analytics - Visualising Coding Habits
Bioinformatic analysis of group II introns
Computational Intelligence and Applications in Bioinformatics: RNA Design
Borders in Globalization
Predictions Market Researcher
Estimation and Optimal Control for Li-ion Batteries
Portable Medical Gas Blender and Patient Interface
People counting using synthetic training data
Investigating tablet multi-touch and accelerometer interaction for the choreography and teaching of dance.
Estimation and Optimal Control for Li-ion Batteries
Probing Neutrinos and Proton Decay with Water Cherenkov Detectors
Galaxy populations in X-ray clusters
Metal chelate - surfactant formulations for environmentally friendly herbicides
Molecular basis of heme acquisition.
Multiscale molecular modelling of polymer materials for energy and environmental applications
Numerical analysis of turbulent flow fields of polymer fluids
Optical interferometry for the detection of nanometer displacements of optically irradiated tissues
Computational Biology of Plant Genome Rearrangement
Wind Turbine Analysis at Low Tip Speed Ratio
Virtual High Throughput Screening of Advanced Materials for CO2 capture
Human Rights, Drug-related Violence and Democracy in Mexico
Bayesian Parameter Estimation and Model Selection for Nonlinear Flutter
Nonlinear Seismic Inversion
Optimization of a Flutter Mill for Energy Harvesting
Parameter Estimation and Model Selection for Nonlinear Flutter
Arsenic oxidation in sulphate solutions
La machinerie moleculaire catalysant les processus post-transcriptionnels
Characterization of novel human alternative proteins
Real-time analysis of palladium-catalyzed reactions
People re-identification and abnormal event detection in video
Analyse de l'impact de la protéine RPS4X dans la chimiorésistance du cancer des ovaires
Laboratory modelling of the mixing that occurs within end-pit lakes
Coding in Smart Grid Communications
Planification à court terme dans une mine
QR-codes for Data Gathering and Info-based Services in Public Transportation
Access to Specialist Healthcare Services in Ontario
Subdivision Schemes with Application to Computer Graphics
Design and development of a submersible rope climbing robot
Plasticity in the auditory system
Approximate circuit design using emerging nanoelectronic devices
Efficient computational modeling of biological networks
Efficient simulation algorithms for variation-aware circuit design
Stacking for semi-supervised automatic tagging
Wireless ECG for Hear Monitoring
Acculturation and Stress Biomarkers
Development of enzymatic approaches for modification of wood fiber polymers
Study and control of adsorption of biological samples in digital microfluidic systems
3D printing of polymer-based microelectromechanical systems
Géolocalisation et navigation intérieure à l'aide de signaux WiFi
Distributed link scheduling algorithms for wireless mesh networks
Wavelet Shrinkage Techniques for Image Processing
Energy-efficient and fault-tolerant system design
DNA microarrays on plastics
Causal Beat Tracking for Polyphonic Audio Signals
How does pulse starch structure influence digestibility?
Structure-function relationships in brain development
Gesture-controled interfaces and precision of time-of-flight sensos
Development of a Smart-phone based Wearable Mobility Monitoring System
Application of Multi-objective Optimization for Chiral Drug Separation using Simulated Moving Bed Technology
Atomistic investigation of interactions between rare-earth elements and dislocations in Magnesium
Development of antibacterial nanoemulsion of frankinsence essential oils
Phytoplankton in Changing Oceans
Development of Visible Light Active Photocatalytic Nanomaterials for Enhancing Clean Hydrogen Production and Water Purification
Hydrogen trapping at nanoscale alloy carbides in high-strength steels
Support Vector Machine for toxicity profiling
High-speed robot for speed skating data acquisition
Process Intensification
Application of advanced oxidation and catalytic ozonation in removing antibiotics from water
RGB Laser Construction
Field Robotics
Artificial Neural Network for toxicity profiling
Pedagogies of Repair and Reconciliation (Tikkun): The Embodied Praxis of Youth Civic Engagement
Affordable, long term detection of water quality using a modular microsphere based system
Remedition of organic contaminants in water
Exploring and improving the error resilience of shared-memory parallel programs
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ion Solvation
Models of Information Spread in Structured Populations
Optimization of properties of gas diffusion layers for enhanced performance in fuel cells
Combinatoire et polyominos
Impact of erosion voids on failure and repair of sewer pipes
Nanometric catalysts in FTS, Reforming and Hydrotreatment
Performance Monitoring of Public Cloud Systems
Small Town Urbanization in China: An Analysis from the Land Development Perspective
Application of Multi-objective Optimization for Protein Refolding using Simulated Moving Bed Technology
Small RNAs and plant immunity
Improving the Efficiency of Software for Producing Genomic Fingerprints
Sustainability Assessment: Integrating Land Cover Change into Life Cycle Assessments
Improvement of 3D-printer for Human Skin Printing
Testing of Flexible Plastic Solar Cells on Transparent Graphene Electrodes
Coordinating Communities: Policy Collaboration Between Municipal and Indigenous Governments in Canada and the United States
Axial Behavior of New hybrid Reinforced Concrete Columns Confined by fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Tubes
Design for Product Sustainability
Heisenberg doubles
Sustainability Assessment in Geotechnical Engineering
Developing efficient re-gridding algorithm for potential field survey
Line systems in R^n and C^n
Synthetic methodology for the synthesis of alkaloids
Fully automated tool for porting analog and mixed signal circuits within different technology process.
Sustainable engineering
Treatment of emerging contaminants in waters
Optical transitions and selection rules in 2D semiconductors.
Portable Electronic Nose Apparatus
Mental and Physical Health Risks for New Immigrants Working in the Service Sector in Ontario, Canada
Transformative management of urban spills
Stochastic Modelling and Performance Analysis
Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation
Radiation Hardening of Electronic Circuits in Space
Extrapolation technique with applications to numerical integrations
Numerical inversion of Fourier and Laplace transforms for engineering applications
Computer Animations for Learning Algorithms
Potential impact of climate change on the future streamflow and water levels of the Mackenzie River
Heusler compound thin films for spintronic applications
Clean technologies by exploitation of lunar and asteroid resources
Mobile Robot Software Development for Mining Industry Applications
Novel Integrated Optical Platform
Short-term planning in a mine
Analysis of metal transfer using high-speed video and data acquisition
Temperature evolution during laser cladding and laser welding
Energy Optimization of a Cellular Network with QoS Guarantee
Mutiphysics simulation for inelastic materials
Concepts, Materials and Nanostructures for Energy Conversion Systems
Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations
Programming Competency Ontology
Understanding Sports Video
Efficiency calculations for advanced solar cells
A Simplified Life Cycle Approach for Assessing Environmental impact of Green Building
Map Reduce Machine Learning Prediction for Big Data
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Flowing Electrolyte Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
Ecological Parasitology of dargonflies
Parallel algorithms for strategic supply chain optimization under uncertainty
Dynamics and Control of Smart Structures for Space Application
Application of solid catalysts to enhance degradation of emerging pollutants in water using ozone
Computational Investigation of Specific Inventory and Related Problems
Dynamic Routing of Anycast and Unicast Traffic in Elastic Optical Networks
Robust Design of Preventive Healthcare Facility Networks
Developing polymeric materials for optimized skin-elastomer interaction
Representations of Lie algebras
Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds from Air Using Catalytic Ozonation
Deep Brain Stimulation: Living without depression
Evaluating Water Footprint (WFp) of Hydraulic Fracturing
Spatial statistics of nanoparticle dispersions
Inter-dimensional effects in nanostructures and their impact on conductivities
Reactive nano particles for degradation studies in organic photovoltaics
New processes for the degradation of pharmaceuticals; efficiency to remove the parent compounds and their derivatives
Advanced implementation of control algorithm for structural engineering testing
Using ultrasound for degradation of emerging pollutants in water
Causal Mapping of Coding Competency
Pervasive interaction to support mobile workflows
The function of novel G-protein coupled receptors in pancreatic beta-cells
Contagion and contagions in financial markets: the application of network analysis in finance
Design and implementation of the interfaces of the electrical-supply-free VLSI circuits
Application of Geometrical Probability in Wireless Networks
Channel Assignment Games in Cognitive Radio Networks
Network-aware VM Consolidation in Cloud Computing
Topology Control in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Lightweight Detection of Android Apps Similarity
Systèmes d'aide à la décision pour l'optimisation des horaires de travail
Riboswitches as novel targets for the development of new antibiotics against Clostridium difficile
Energy Storage with Phase Change Materials for Solar & Building Energy Systems
Traffic Flow Optimization
Solidification of water in pipes: Experimental validation of mathematical models
Experimental investigation of human strategic behavior
Energy Storage with Phase Change Materials for Solar & Building Energy Systems
Development of Solar Energy Based Heat Engines
Stressed learning environments? A comparison of three different implementations of Team-Based Learning
Intelligent Matching Algorithm Design and Implementation for Internet Big Data
Numerical Aspects of the Application of Levy Processes in Finance and Insurance
Metaheuristics to solve a districting problem for a public medical clinic
Activation of carbon dioxide using metal complexes
Ultrafast coherent control of molecular dynamics with shaped laser pulses
Optimization of new anti-influenza agents
Étude neurophysiologique de la vision binoculaire chez l'humain
Evaluation of Feedback-Directed Optimization using SPEC CPU Benchmarks
Text Summarization and Question Answering
Autonomous Robot Arm Software Development for Home and Factory Applications
The role of PML in anti-retroviral innate immunity
Using Machine Learning to Analyze High Dimensional Patient Data
Using Machine Learning to help Patients Manage their Diabetes
Drinking water treatment with ferrate
Context management in virtualized wireless sensor network environments
Dynamic elasticity management in virtualized network environments
Role of inflammation in obesity
Energy management of multi fuel cell vehicles
Application of machine learning algorithms for water resources assessment and management
Biomedical applications of HIV-1 restriction factors
Assessing the crediblity of sustainability claims
Connecting sustainable agriculture with food security through institutional procurement
Passive methane oxidation biosystems: performance evaluation
Design and Characterization of DNA Nanowires Using AFM for Biomedical Applications
DNA Template Development Using BioNanotechnology
Using computers to determine a potential energy surface for water from the spectrum of water dimer
Brain Connectivity Analysis Using Machine Learning
Building the Data Storage Service of the Future
Domain Decomposition methods for adaptive mesh generation
Coordination Strategies for Wireless Cellular Systems
Electronic System Design of 2-D Imaging Spectrometer for Balloon Flight Test
Studies on a cognitive model for lane keeping in autonomous cars
Analysis and implementation of behavioral models for the development of advanced GaAs HBT/HEMT RFIC Power Amplifiers
Constrained Control Lyapunov-function construction
Statistical Analysis for Relational, Network, and Sports Data
Surface processes on nanoelectrodes
Computational, combinatorial, and geometric aspects of linear optimization
A promising qubit for quantum computation: excitons bound to small molecules embedded in semiconductors.
Characterization of the MCM complex in response to DNA damage.
Canadian Bond Data Collection
Improving Atmospheric Drag Model Using Small Satellite Constellation
Real-Time multi-view rendering from 3D stereoscopic video
Contribution to the integration of topology optimization methods with CAD
Computational Methods in Energy Finance
Exploring Common Global Threads in Aboriginal Health Research
Development of Biocompatible and bidegradable Mg alloy stents for cardiovascular implant applications
Development of a naturlaistic Virtual Reality Environment
Investigating the effect of rTMS application on Alzheimer's
: Smart monitoring and big data analytics
Automatic and constrained mesh generation
Influence of forest management on snags, cavity trees and cavity nesters in Northern hardwoods
An eye-tracking investigation of consumers’ perception toward fashion e-retail website
The Development of Novel Antibiotics
Eumelanin: novel materials for bioelectronics?
Ion conductivity of Double layered hydroxides
Determination of inorganic chemistry of hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced waters using ICP-MS
Soil-structure interaction of green culverts
3D printers-oriented supply chain management paradigm
Green supply chain management practices in small and medium-sized enterprises
Energy Efficient Fluid Power with Application to Mobile Machines and Aircraft
Haptic Interface for Surgical Simulation
Low voltage organic transistors
Energy Efficient Fluid Power with Application to Mobile Machines and Aircraft
Haptic Interface for Surgical Simulation
Graphene: novel electrochemical synthesis and applications for fuel cells and batteries
Immuno-metabolic approaches to understand Hypermetabolism following thermal injuries
Printable metal oxide transistors
Computational paleogenomics
Designing a Novel CO2 Reduction Environment Through Elaboration of Re(I)
Fractioning of agricultural residues using twin-screw extrusion for 3rd gen biofuel production by consolidated bioprocessing
Data Mining Hardware Algorithms: Design and Implementation
Governance at the Global Reporting Initiative
Smart Applications on Cloud
Harvesting and dewatering of lipid rich algae biomass using pulp & paper technologies for algae-derived fuels production
Incidence, pathogenesis and control measures of Enterococcus infections in chicken embryos and neonatal broiler chickens
A Novel Control Method for Hybrid Actuation System: Position Domain Control Implementation
Mitochondria in aging skeletal muscle
Identification of genes that regulate root growth in plants.
Design and Analysis of Security Mechanisms for Advanced Metering Infrastructure
Development of Biosensor for Food Safety
Microfluidic Screening of Probiotic Peptides for Mitigating Listeria Monocytogenes in Food Environment
Real Time Safety Verification & Fault Simulation of Energy and Nuclear Facilities
Dynamics and Control of Quadrotor Vehicles
Meta-algorithmic techniques for desigining high-performance algorithms
Vehiclarto Cloud Computing
Comprendre l’ensemble du processus de création d’une interprétation musicale chez huit musiciens solistes experts
Mass transfer in sheared suspensions
Heuristics to schedule visits for diverse categories of homecare personnel
Development of Rapid Detection Technique for Food Allergens in Dairy Products
Beyond MCMC samplers: applications in phylogenetics and epidemiology
Radio Frequency Circuit Design
Production of Apolipoprotein B Fragments for Structural Analysis
Microalgal cultivation on effluent from waste streams
Engineering Protein-based Biomaterials for Biomedical Applications
A Web-Based Assignment Tool for Health Care Resources
Forest Biorefinery: Application of membrane technology to recover value-added products from pulp mill wastes
Evaluation and Development of Probabilistic Graphic Modeling Techniques for Use in Process Control
Mobile Video Streaming for Shared Family Experiences
Patient Specific fMRI-based Psychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment
Combustion at microscales
Instrumentation and control of an internal combustion engine powered by ammonia.
Study of the effect of antimicrobial peptides bounded to a cellulose film against pathogens related to diabetic foot ulcers
Natural disturbances in boreal forests
Natural disturbances in the boreal forest
Hacking an off-the-shelf EEG headset for a motor imagery brain-computer interface
Novel stimuli-responsive hydrogel materials for stretchable electronics
Column Generation for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Skill Sets
Body Sensor Framework
Sustainable development: Environment, Economy, Human Rights (English or Français)
Kidney Allocation Policies with Patient Choice
Long term trend of air quality in Canada
Best-First-Search in Two-Player Games
Optimisation d'un hydrogel injectable à base de chitosan pour la thérapie cellulaire
Synthesis of a bioactive natural product via a novel methodology
Evolutionary Systems Biology
Advanced Alarm Design and Monitoring of Large-Scale Industrial Processes
Privacy, security, and ethics of the use of emerging technologies for persons who have a disability
Caching and paging effects in multicore architectures
Novel Nanodevices for Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Optics
Prevention of Inclusion Body Hepatitis (IBH) in the Broiler Chicken Industry: Optimizing Two Prototype Fowl Adenoviral Vaccines
2D monolayers of black phosphorus : determination of the band structures using optical transitions and selection rules
Interactive application development for digital media applied research
Designing, implementing and scaling up of a sustainable bioreactor
Intelligent Energy Management for Wireless Sensor Networks
Measuring, verifying, and communicating carbon emission claims
A Wireless Sensor Network Testbed
Superconformal current algebras
Psychological health among SME (small- and medium-sized enterprise) owner-managers
Exercise and nutritional supplementation for improving bone health in women
Role of stearoyl CoA desaturase 1 in hepatic lipid storage
Hardware Implementation of CAD technique for Skin Cancer Detection
Hardware Implementation of CAD technique for Skin Cancer Detection
Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater
Genetic integrity of the haploid male germ cells
Mining Social Media
Harvesting the classification tree
Continuous Hydrogenation of Polymers
Monitoring and treatment of surface water
Exploring the Design of Shape Changing Displays for Data Visualizations
Investigation of a Hybrid Car Drive
Changes in Fire Incidence and Area Burned Under Climate Change Scenarios
Numerical analysis of textile reinforced mortars used in strengthening damaged concrete
Coating Development for Aerospace Parts
Evaluating the spatial and spectral resolution limits of an XPS imaging system: from mathematical modelling to sample production
Synthesis of an advanced intermediate of a natural product
Through Wall Imaging based on UWB radar
Renewable Polymers and Biocomposites
Through Wall Imaging based on UWB radar
Integration of Mobile and Aerial LiDAR for Large-Scale Photorealistic Urban Modeling
The impact of tax policies on supply chain efficiency
Effect of a strength-training program on skeletal muscle adaptations in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1)
Gesture recognition using wearable wireless sensor network
Real-time EEG denoising – LabView/FPGA implementation
The Resonance Project: Emerging Biomedical Discourses and Decisions within Gay Men’s Knowledge Networks
Quantum Error-Correcting Codes
Clinique mobile en entreprises
Internationalization of Indigenous Rights and Governance
Reovirus, incidence pathogenesis and control measures
Control for UAVs
Genetic factors underlying the survival of Legionella in water
Optimization of radiative transfer computing efficiency
Revue critique et analyse de l’intégration du développement durable à la formation universitaire
Black Carbon is a Legacy Substrate for Oils Sands Reclamation
Face Recognition Tests for Prosopagnosia Diagnosis
Voting theory and Applications
Integrated Photonic Biosensor
Green lasers for laser display
Micro flow cytometer for online bacterial monitoring
Exercise and a flax nutritional supplement for reducing blood pressure in older individuals
Modelling and Inversion of seismic wavefields
Voltage gating in outer mitochondrial channel VDAC, Warburg effect governator
Space debris removal from the high orbits using robots and sensor fusion
The Political Economy of Public-Private Mixed Health Insurance
Structural Improvement of the Catalyst Layers of PEM fuel cells
Elderly monitoring
Flow through strainers
Yielding and plasticity in metal-graphene nanolayered composites
Rational design of a red fluorescent protein displaying increased quantum yield
Carbon pools in boreal forest soils
Fast Algorithms for Mining Big Sales Data
Augmented reality for image visualization during cardiac interventions
Development and application of bioinformatics tools integrating functional genomics data
Analyse de peptides inhibiteurs de la galectine-7 pour contrôler la mort cellulaire
Online Partial Discharge Measurement, Detection, and Classification in High Voltage Insulation Systems
KOS - experimental operating system kernel
Development and assessment of tooth-PDL-bone in-vitro tester
Breast cancer detection using ultra-wideband technology
Preparation of alpha-helix mimics employing decarboxylative couplings
Simulations of PET and MRI acquisition protocol variations: Effects on image texture analysis
Early identification of asphyxiated newborns at risk of developing significant brain injury despite hypothermia treatment
Nutrient availability in reconstructed sandy soils
Indoor Localization and Monitoring in different Contexts
Visualization of grout transport inside transparent soil
Cell survival and cell death regulation in gynecological cancers.
Navigation and Monitoring with Swarm of Drones
Insurance Loss modelling with Erlang-Based Mixture Models
Investigation of p107 in stem cell fate decisions of adipocyte lineages
Mechanism through which an anti-aging natural compound extends longevity of yeast by remodeling cellular lipid dynamics
Developmental genetics of the zebrafish skeleton
Evolution of skeletal cell transcriptomes
Charitable giving overseas
Task Scheduling for Multicore Systems
High Precision Mapping with Mobile Robots
Task Scheduling for Multicore Systems
Computer Vision-based analysis of animal behaviour in underwater environments
Geometric Control and Geometric Mechanics
Cross talk between skin stem cells and myeloid lineage cells following skin injury- lesson to learn for skin regeneration
Developing the geometry of and conducting finite element analysis on the human spine
Augmented Reality (AR) Toys Computing Management
High frequency electron transport and fluctuations in nanostructures
Biomicrofluidic investigation of microbial dynamics
Biomicrofluidic investigation of microbial dynamics
Study of the bioaccumulation effects of metallic contaminants on green algae
Targeted energy transfer in physical systems.
The duty to vote
Self-organization in complex systems
Acoustic Ranging on Smart Phone Devices
Fast Tensor Completion Methods for Seismic Volume Regularization and Denoising.
Resolvent average of monotone matrices and operators
Information and communication technologies in mathematics education
Developing guidelines for health equity in randomized trials
Soil improvement by biocalcification: laboratory study
Vehiclar Cloud Computing
Voxel by voxel prediction of infarct prediction using patient tailored Perfusion thresholds
Investigation of the effect of severe plastic deformation on hydrogen storage properties of metal hydrides
Mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of hypertension
optical surface manipulation and plamonics
Development of novel cancer drugs
Nutrient availability in reconstructed sandy soils
Biodirecting Ligands for Radiometals
Development of a needlefree vaccination device
Measurement and testing of tubular braided composites for the design of optimized cardiovascular catheters
High impact biomarker discovery to improve prostate and bladder cancer outcomes
Lexical visualization software
Fuel Consumption in Vehicle Routing Problems
Audio Zoom: blind source separation in a reverberant environment
Mobile Cloud Computing
Competences and curricula
Design and Synthesis of Covalent Enzyme Inhibitors
Interaction of clothianidin with Varroa destructor and their effect on the health of brood and adult honey bees
Development of a smartphone application for real time in-vivo blood cell analysis and capillaroscopy
Development of microendoscope for cancer diagnostics
Photosensitizer Doped Dental Composite for Photodynamic Therapy in Dentistry
TTissue Ablation Using the Programmable Laser with Power Amplifier
Overall evaluation and comparison of all possible biomass conversion technologies
Overall evaluation on blending biomass derived oxymethylene ethers into conventional diesel
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