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Created April 30, 2015 18:35
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Assignment 8 Hash Table - Can't modify Assign8.cpp / StrTab.h
// File: Assign08.cpp
// A simple interactive test program that looks up a state abbreviation
// from a table containing the abbreviations of the 50 U.S. states.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include "StrTab.h"
using namespace std;
string getLine(const string& prompt = "");
// Reads a line of text from cin and returns that line as a string.
// The newline character that terminates the input is not stored as
// part of the return value. If supplied, the optional prompt string
// is printed before reading the value.
void getLine(const string& prompt, string& out);
// Overloaded version of getLine that accepts a prompt and fills a
// given output (reference) string variable with its result.
void loadStateTab(StrTab& stateTab);
// Initializes the table so that it contains the two-letter abbreviations
// for the 50 states.
int main()
StrTab stateTab;
while (true)
string code = getLine("Enter 2-letter state code (0-letter to quit): ");
if (code == "") break;
if (code.length() > 2 ) code.erase(2, string::npos);
transform(code.begin(), code.end(), code.begin(), ::toupper);
string name = stateTab.get(code);
if (name == "")
cout << code << " is not a valid abbreviation" << endl;
cout << code << " = " << stateTab.get(code) << endl;
return 0;
string getLine(const string& prompt)
string line;
getLine(prompt, line);
return line;
void getLine(const string& prompt, string& out)
string promptCopy = prompt;
if (!promptCopy.empty() && !isspace(promptCopy[promptCopy.length() - 1]))
promptCopy += ' ';
cout << promptCopy;
getline(cin, out);
void loadStateTab(StrTab& table)
table.put("AK", "Alaska");
table.put("AL", "Alabama");
table.put("AR", "Arkansas");
table.put("AZ", "Arizona");
table.put("CA", "California");
table.put("CO", "Colorado");
table.put("CT", "Connecticut");
table.put("DE", "Delaware");
table.put("FL", "Florida");
table.put("GA", "Georgia");
table.put("HI", "Hawaii");
table.put("IA", "Iowa");
table.put("ID", "Idaho");
table.put("IL", "Illinois");
table.put("IN", "Indiana");
table.put("KS", "Kansas");
table.put("KY", "Kentucky");
table.put("LA", "Louisiana");
table.put("MA", "Massachusetts");
table.put("MD", "Maryland");
table.put("ME", "Maine");
table.put("MI", "Michigan"); // Doesn't work.
table.put("MN", "Minnesota");
table.put("MO", "Missouri");
table.put("MS", "Mississippi");
table.put("MT", "Montana");
table.put("NC", "North Carolina");
table.put("ND", "North Dakota");
table.put("NE", "Nebraska");
table.put("NH", "New Hampshire");
table.put("NJ", "New Jersey");
table.put("NM", "New Mexico");
table.put("NV", "Nevada"); // Does't work
table.put("NY", "New York"); // Doesn't work
table.put("OH", "Ohio");
table.put("OK", "Oklahoma");
table.put("OR", "Oregon");
table.put("PA", "Pennsylvania");
table.put("RI", "Rhode Island"); // Doesn't work
table.put("SC", "South Carolina"); // Doesn't work
table.put("SD", "South Dakota"); // Doesn't work
table.put("TN", "Tennessee"); //Doesn't work
table.put("TX", "Texas"); // Doesn't work
table.put("UT", "Utah"); // DW
table.put("VA", "Virginia"); //DW
table.put("VT", "Vermont");
table.put("WA", "Washington"); //DW
table.put("WI", "Wisconsin");
table.put("WV", "West Virginia"); // DW
table.put("WY", "Wyoming"); // DW
// File: StrTab.cpp - implementation file for StrTab class
// (Uses a hash table as the underlying representation.)
// (See StrTab.h for more documentation.)
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "StrTab.h"
using namespace std;
// Implementation notes: StrTab constructor
// Allocates the array (sized INITIAL_BUCKET_COUNT) of buckets
// and initializes each bucket to the empty list.
buckets = new stNode*[INITIAL_BUCKET_COUNT];
for(int i = 0; i < numBuckets; i++)
buckets[i] = new stNode;
buckets[i]->key = "";
buckets[i]->value = "";
buckets[i]->link = NULL;
// Implementation notes: StrTab destructor
// Frees the allocated cells.
for(int i = 0; i < INITIAL_BUCKET_COUNT; i++)
delete buckets[i];
delete [] buckets;
// Implementation notes: get
// Calls findNode to search the linked list for the matching key:
// index_into_buckets_array = hasCode_return_value % numBuckets
// If match is found, get returns the associated value (string).
// If no match is found, get returns the empty string.
string StrTab::get(const string& key) const
int index = hashCode(key) % numBuckets;
stNode * current = findNode(index, key);
if(current != 0)
return current->value;
return "";
// Implementation notes: put
// Calls findNode to search the linked list for the matching key:
// index_into_buckets_array = hasCode_return_value % numBuckets
// If a node (with matching key) already exists, put simply resets the
// value field. If no matching key is found, put adds a new node to
// the beginning of the list for that chain.
void StrTab::put(const string& key, const string& value)
int index = hashCode(key) % numBuckets;
cout << "put :" << key << "at buckets index" << index << endl;
if(findNode(index, key) == 0)
stNode * current = buckets[index];
while(current->link != NULL)
current = current->link;
stNode * newNode = new stNode;
current->link = newNode;
newNode->key = key;
newNode->value = value;
findNode(index,key)->value = "";
// Implementation notes: private helper function findNode
// Finds a node (in the chain for the specified bucket) that matches
// key. If a match is found, the return value is a pointer to the
// node containing the matching key. If no match is found, findNode
// returns 0 (null pointer).
StrTab::stNode* StrTab::findNode(int bucket, const string& key) const
stNode * cursor = buckets[bucket];
while(cursor->link != NULL)
cout << "collision at" << key << "at buckets index: " << bucket << endl;
if(cursor->key == key)
return cursor;
cursor = cursor->link;
return 0; // dummy null pointer returned
// Implementation notes: hashCode
// Takes a string key and uses it to derive a hash code, which is a
// nonnegative integer related to the key by a deterministic function
// that distributes keys well across the space of integers.
// The specific algorithm used here is called djb2 after the initials
// of its inventor, Daniel J. Bernstein, Professor of Mathematics at the
// the University of Illinois at Chicago.
int hashCode(const string& str)
unsigned long hash = 5381;
unsigned int c;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
c = str[i];
hash += ((hash << 5) + hash) + c;
return hash;
// File: StrTab.h - header file for StrTab class
// CLASS PROVIDED: StrTab (A table class in which the keys and values are strings.)
// StrTab()
// Pre: (none)
// Post: Initializes invoking StrTab to empty table.
// std::string get(const std::string & key) const
// Pre: (none)
// Post: Returns value associated with key or empty string if key is unassociated.
// void put(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
// Pre: (none)
// Post: Associates key with value in this StrTab.
// int hashCode(const std::string & key)
// Pre: (none)
// Post: Returns the hash code for key.
// Copy construction/assignment may NOT be used with StrTab objects.
#ifndef STR_TAB
#define STR_TAB
#include <string>
class StrTab
std::string get(const std::string & key) const;
void put(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
// definition for nodes in a bucket's linked list (chain)
struct stNode
std::string key;
std::string value;
stNode* link;
// class-level constant
static const int INITIAL_BUCKET_COUNT = 13;
// instance-level variables
stNode** buckets; // dynamic array of pointers to stNode's
int numBuckets; // number of buckets in the array
// private helper function
stNode* findNode(int bucket, const std::string & key) const;
// disabling copy construction/assignment
StrTab(const StrTab& src) { }
StrTab& operator=(const StrTab& src) { return *this; }
int hashCode(const std::string & key);
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